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[PRP] A deal with a demon (Barracus x Storm's Finale)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:06 am
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Barracus' side was still dark and sticky with blood from his battle with Roman, and although the blood had stopped flowing, the laceration was deep and infection had easily settled in. The purewalker paced the length of his cave, one of many dismal dark holes nestled in the bowels of an inactive volcano, wincing as his movements pulled at the edges of his barely healed wound. The cave reeked of old blood and black stains crisscrossed the floor in rivulets that flowed away from the spot where his newest house guest lay unconscious. Barracus didn't mind the pain, quite the opposite in fact, even now his pupils were dilated in sadistic pleasure from the delicious agony radiating from his side but the smell of his own blood wasn't nearly as sweet as those of his victims and, he now that it was overwhelming the other aromas in his cave he found it unnerving. The wound was also inconveniently located and death by infection was by no means a fitting death for one such as he, his plans had not yet had time to come to fruition, Kawani still crawled with the life that was an insult to his very existence. He would offer the whole thing up in a glorious sacrifice to his master and to his own consequence when he had gathered enough forces to his cause. He had captured this unicorn the day before and dragged it back to his lair, he would force it to heal this festering damage to his person and then perhaps have a little fun with it after its usefulness had expired. Barracus licked his lips as he glanced once more at the prone form trapped in the corner, his golden orbs glazing over with dreadful anticipation.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:03 pm
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What had happened? Conscious thought slowly returned in a slow trickle to the prone figure on the ground. The alicorn attempted to shake the cobwebs that had formed in his mind. Something had changed; his eyes remained closed but the scents that he brought in and identified spoke of an unfamiliar place. With that realization also brought the sensation of pain. Storm's Finale finally opened his eyes as full consciousness returned to him. The sight greeting his returned vision was not one of pleasantness. Dark cave walls enclosed him on all sides. Ominous vapors continued to assail his nose. A slight breeze spoke of an exit but a pungent odor painted a grim picture. He was definitely not anywhere near his home anymore.

It was with an extreme effort that he attempted to raise himself to his hooves. The attempt failed as a wave of dizziness swept over him. The wave passed quickly and the realization that he might have been "helped" into this situation floored the stallion. He scanned his surroundings before his gaze found the other inhabitant of this cave. "Who are you and where am I?"



Enigmatic Star

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:36 pm

"Why, in my home love." Barracus purred, sidling closer to the Unicorn, his lips splitting into an obscene smile. "I just redecorated, you see." He swept his paw out to indicate the bloodstained walls, tattered bits of fur, and chaotic jumbles of bleached and mismatched bones scattered throughout the stone chamber, "I wanted a second opinion on my choice of furnishings." He through back his head and laughed, the sound echoing and reverberating in the small space until the crazily disjointed sound seemed to come from many directions at once, even after Barracus had stopped and was one more eying his guest with foreboding intensity. "Do you like it?" He asked softly, reaching one paw up to trace it along the Unicorn's jaw lovingly, not applying the minute amount of pressure he would require to slice the flesh but merely shaving off a small line of hair as he leaned in to whisper intimately in the Unicorn's ear. "What's your name, love?" his muscles were coiled, ready to spring away should the stallion try to gore him with his horn.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:40 pm
Ignoring the paw that cupped his jaw with a mockery of a lover's touch Storm found his footing at last. The small line of hair that fell to the ground didn't exactly faze him at all. The sight of bones, bleached and seemingly thrown haphazardly around the floor sickened him at first. The scent of dried blood permeated the air and it was all he could do to hold in the contents of his stomach. Centering himself Storm considered the beast before him. His gaze flicked to the stallion's paw that remained too close to his face for his liking before drawing the conclusion to the silent question he'd asked himself.

It was the verbal question that Storm now had to deal with and he leveled his gaze to stare down the pelted being before him. "If you wanted a second opinion why not ask," Storm's voice became snarky as he continued, "your home looks divine by the way. Lovely little hovel."

Storm kept eye contact with the stranger as he spoke once more. "I don't think my name really matters to one such as you but I am Storm's Finale. I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you but I'd be lying."



Enigmatic Star

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:32 am
A dark chuckle rippled through the room at the stallion's sarcastic reply, he had spunk, Barracus would enjoy wringing that out of him. "Thank you dearest, I'm glad you enjoy it, because you will be spending the rest of your days down here with me. He smiled, revealing fully the long fangs that were never quite concealed. "I know it's not to most people's taste, but I rather like the color. The bones are perhaps a bit over done, but every so often the odd guest will forget something when they finally leave and I simply haven't had the energy to clean up after them lately...." Barracus licked his lips as he appraised the room thoughtfully before returning his attention to his new pet, "I like to remember the names of my visitors, dearest, I could tell you about almost all of them, so yes, your name does matter to me Storm's Finale." He retorted cooly, emphasizing each syllable before quickly changing the subject to something more relevant to their current situation. "Do you heal Storm?" he questioned intently.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:49 am
The stallion eyed the bones thoughtfully as the other male spoke of not having the energy to clean them out. Perhaps he could provide some assistance in the matter. Storm kept that idea to himself for the moment as the beast spoke about regaling him with stories of his previous visitors. Perhaps that would be an interesting tidbit to learn some other time. The unicorn shifted his weight and paused to scuff a bone out of his way. "The way you speak about your visitors ... I'm almost curious enough to ask about them. Perhaps that can wait for another time. You asked if I can heal. Well the answer to that question is: yes I can."

Finale paused as he regarded the beast. Curiosity was showing in his gaze as he kicked a bone out of his way, "why do you ask such a question?"

Not allowing the other to reply Fin quickly added his last sentence, "I prefer Fin by the way and not Storm."

Been sick the past couple of days. Sorry on the delay


Enigmatic Star

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:41 pm

Barracus hesitated at revealing a potential weakness, even to a lesser breed. It had been one of the miserable creatures that had put him in this position in the first place after all. As much as he was loathe to admit it, he was not immortal and although he welcomed the pain, he enjoyed spreading it much more than he wanted to experience it.

Nevertheless, without this uppity alicorn's help the infection would only grow worse, and that would not do. He would extract 'Fin's' assistance by whatever means necessary. "Very well" he hissed, his voice low and dangerous as he turned to reveal his wound to the prisoner. "This is why I ask. I require a healer and I decided you would do quite nicely. I offer you a trade, your skills for your life. Not an unfair offer, certainly not the worst proposition one in your current position has faced, Fin."

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:28 pm
The alicorn listened intently to this stranger. He'd never really attempted a complicated healing and this wound that the stallion revealed when turned and presented his side to him looked like it could border on or over that imaginary line. Although Storm thought that this separation of simple from complicated was all in his mind. Perhaps he just needed the right motivation. He eyed the other stallion. However this threat that lingered over his head now wasn't the right sort of motivation he was looking for. Taking a deep breath Storm shuffled closer and touched the point of his horn to the stallion's wound. The wound was definitely inflamed. It was perhaps a good thing that the stallion had sought out treatment ... even if it wasn't freely given, rather taken under threat.

It would have been uncomfortable for the one receiving the healing to feel skin knitting together. Storm's power would have flushed out the infection in the wound but he'd have to continue healing in small bursts. Storm pulled his horn away from the wound. It looked a little better but the flesh was still ragged and torn open. A few more treatments would hopefully close the wound. "That is all I can do for now. I am a limited healer. This wound requires several sessions to heal cleanly."

Fin looked at his "captor" with a sideways glance. "So I've given you my name. Is there something I can call you?"



Enigmatic Star

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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:45 am

Barracus' pupils dilated, nostrils flaring as the alicorn's horn pressed against the throbbing wound in his side, the pain from his lacerations was a dull insistent thing but as the other stallion's power spread through the inflamed flesh it intensified to a fierce burning. He let it wash through him, exciting his nerves with the sweet agony, he reeled for a moment and then straightened, a slow sated smile spreading across his features. He relished pain in all its forms, whether it was being taken or given, the sensations it brought were delicious.

He glanced at his side where the torn pieces of flesh still hung open, he could see the infection had been burned away by the alicorn's treatments. His skin felt less taught and he could move with more ease although the motion set him to bleeding again. Perhaps that was a good thing, to wash out whatever was left. The flow was sluggish and he was sure it would lot soon. In the meantime the sharp scent of blood tickled his senses and his golden eyes slowly glazed over. He turned to face his guest once more, his eerie sleepy gaze piercing the shadowy veil of darkness to meet Fin's blue eyes. A lighter blue than Roman's, but they were certainly reminiscent. They also weren't the ghostly pale blue eyes of his mother, that was good for the other stallion. He couldn't have tolerated feeling his mother's gaze, even through another face, he would have had to pluck the offending orbs from their sockets to be able to get any rest.... Perhaps he still would.... But later.

No thanks were given, the purewalker merely stalked off to a boulder embedded in the cave floor and climbed to his perch atop it. Small dried rivulets of black blood criss crossed their way down the stone's face to pool on the floor around it. He lounged atop it indolently, gnawing at fresh bone for the marrow trapped inside, the sickening crack and crunch of his sharp canines against it reverberated through the chamber but his glowing orbs were fixed on the pet he had left in the corner, not on his meal and it was clear he was imagining making a meal of the alicorn now that he had gotten use out of it.

"Spawn of hell... Purewalker... Master... Barracus." His smile was cold and cruel, "What you call me matters not." His silky voice hummed with sadistic amusement at his captive's predicament. "I am intrigued by you, I must admit. Not many healers would consent to give me aid so easily, I had expected to have to torture you to get what I want."

"I'm rather disappointed actually, I spent a long time planning out exactly how I was gong to do it. I only need your horn intact to heal you know. I thought I'd flay you, one small piece at a time." He held up one long, glistening claw for the other stallion to admire, "I thought that might persuade you." He sighed, his expression long-suffering, "Well, we'll have time for play later, don't you worry my pet, I wouldn't want to bore a houseguest."

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:33 pm
Fin tucked the name of the beast away in his mind before eying the cave again. Had it not been for the creature already residing in it, it could have made for a lovely home. The stallion shied at the sound of cracking and crunching of Barracus's gnawing before letting his thoughts drift. Was it a good thing that he had intrigued this spawn of hell? Perhaps if he continued to do so it would increase the chances that he'd get out of this scenario alive?

Storm's Finale lowered his horn to rub it against his leg as he took in the words spoken to him. The stallion's eyes flashed a little at the thought that Barracus could merely take his horn and use it for his own behalf and kill him in the process. Maybe there was truth to this statement but Fin had an idea brew in his mind. "That may be true about having the horn intact, but you should also know that the magic would not be as strong as it would if a living unicorn were tending to the wound. As for torturing me, that method of persuasion is not needed. I would rather not have to deal with healing myself at the same time that I will be tending to you. For that would cause my strength to fade and I'd be unable to heal your wounds and take care of mine at the same time."

Having said his piece Fin circled the small corner of the cave that he occupied. He stood little to no chance of trying to fight his way out of this scenario. It looked like he would have to bide his time wisely and choose the best moment to escape with his life, if it were at all possible.

I don't know if that is truth or not haha. Storm's trying to BS his way out of losing the horn/his life. Whether or not Barracus chooses to believe him is up to you.


Enigmatic Star

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:09 am

Barracus appraised the stallion silently for a moment before nodding slowly, "That may be so, I've never had an alicorn to play with before so I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the particulars of how healing works." He smiled hideously, "But don't think that means you can play that to your advantage, my sweet poppet, I can always find another healer if you grow tiresome, or naughty." His eyes traced the line of the stallion's horn, he preferred to dispose of his old pets' remains before bringing in a new one, but the horn would make a good souvenir. He often kept small trinkets from his guests, hoarding them away in a smaller chamber off of the main cavern. The plethora of bones and pieces of flesh were from the creatures he captured between pets for both food and sport.

Finishing the bone, the stallion tossed it down to the floor disdainfully, where it skittered across the stone to come to rest at Fin's hooves. Barracus vaulted down from the boulder and stepped foreword, closer. "Your thinking about escaping, dearest, I can see it in your eyes." His breath was hot in Fin's ear as he leaned closer, "I'm afraid that's not an option. I promised you your life for the use of your power, not your freedom. That is mine, poppet, and I don't like sharing what is mine." The purewalker reached one paw out, gently caressing the other stallion's neck, "You see, this is not just a cave in the mountains darling, it is a warren of tunnels underneath a dead volcano. You may escape this chamber, but you will never find the sunlight, and once you've left this...safe zone" he chuckled softly at this, "The games begin." Barracus sighed rather theatrically, "I almost wish you would try, Fin, such games we could play together." he cooed to him sweetly, like a mother to her babe.

"So, tell me about yourself, my pet, what brought you within reach of my claws? Not many dare travel so close to my territory."

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