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[FIN] Human Nature (Lex/Kat) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:44 pm
It was one of those rare time when Lex had finished all his lab work early, and had made it to his room unhindered. With no one to woo that night, Lex pulled out the copy of The Hobbit that he was currently borrowing, nearly done with the book. He could have been done with it a few month ago, had he not been incredibly busy with study, infirmary duties, lab work, and the occasional mission. He was getting to the final climax, the great battle at the end of the book after Smaug had been killed.

He'd managed to get through half the battle, lower lip bit in anticipation of what was going to happen next, when someone's knuckles rapped against the wood of the door. Sticking a bookmark (thanks Ami) in his place, Lex swung his legs off the bed to answer the door;if Fili and Kili died in this battle...

He opened the door with a smile (and a shirt on, don't worry your little head Kat), face lightening up a bit when he saw who came to visit. "Oh, hi there Sunbeam! What's up?" He stepped aside, inviting her in should she want it.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:13 pm
With no immediate duties to attend to, Kat spent her free time cleaning up any of her mess. Ami had been kind enough to let her stay with her for the time, even with her own dorm back soon, the least she could do was keep her crap in order. Sifting through her small pile of possessions, she finally came across the bag that had been lent to her, by Lex, when moving out of his room to Ami's. It had been over a month, and still she had not returned the bag. It didn't help matters, since she had practically been avoiding him this whole time. Yeah.. because that was totally mature.

Loosing a sigh, she reached for the bag and made for the door. An apology was long over due, as well as the return of his bag. If she didn't go now, she probably would never get around to it, which would only cause things to be even more awkward over time. Thanks to Circe's intervention, the reasons behind her having her a complete meltdown, which lead to the one night stand were completely lost to her. Maybe Lex would have some insight on that bit of detail?

Arriving outside his dorm, she rapped the door lightly, waiting patiently and quietly outside. Sure enough, the door opened, and Lex appeared to greet her.

"Umm, hi Lex." still with the nicknames.. "I brought your bag back." She answered, holding the bag up for him to see, before stepping inside when granted passage. "Also.. can we maybe talk a bit..?"


Tiny Bunny

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:43 pm
"Oh good, I was starting to miss it." Lex teased, taking the bag from her. He was glad she had made good use of it, and to have brought it back was appreciated.

His brow piqued in curiosity at the mention of wanting to talk. Kat hadn't exactly been talkative during her stay with him, and seemed to avoid him every time they were in the same area. He had always assumed it was because of the awkwardness that came with him taking something that was obviously very precious to her, but he still held claim to the fact that she initiated it all.

Still, he was always willing to talk things through and listen. He liked Kat, she was a sweet girl - if not a bit stubborn - and if she needed to talk, he'd talk.

He offered her a seat on his bed with a little hand motion; he would stand up. "Oh? What did you want to talk about?"
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:28 pm
Handing the bag over, she claimed the spot on the end of the bed when he gestured for her to sit. "Well, first off.. I kind of owe you an apology for the way I reacted after.. well you know, you were there." Sure, she had been shy about it all, but the way she had freaked out on him after it.. she felt bad about it. "I should have said it sooner, and I know I'm stubborn, but I do mean it when I say I'm sorry for the way I've acted. I've just.. never been in a situation like that before - ever - so on top of the melt down, and that, I didn't know what to do and I just reacted badly.."

Scratching at the back of her head, her brow knitted together, still trying to put the pieces together. "I can't even remember why I was so upset that night - why I was having a melt down."


Tiny Bunny

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:24 pm
Lex's piqued brow eased as she began talking, offering an apology and explanation for that morning a month ago. He gave a light chuckle, shaking his head as she finished. "Don't worry about it, Kat. It may have been one of the stronger reactions I've seen, but it certainly didn't affect how I view my abilities." He smirked a little, realizing that statement would probably set her off in a mad blush. He had to tease her just a little, though.

"You're forgiven - I just hope you forgive yourself. You were in a state of emotional turmoil, and you were seeking comfort. It's just human nature." He shrugged, leaning against the door frame. "But the fact that you can't remember why is incredibly troubling. Did you bump your head or something recently?"
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:46 pm
"I take it not many girls reacted as I have after something like that, huh..?" Though she tried to avoid it, it was hard not to blush at a comment like that. Clearing her throat, as an obvious gesture for them to move on from this conversation, she relaxed a little when hearing she had been forgiven. The talk of human nature, however, resulted in a small snort from the sun hunter. Heh.. human nature. Even if it was, she never would have expected or plan that outcome. Not that she regretted it entirely.

Thinking back, she attempted to recall possibly have hitting her head, but again. Nothing. "No.. not that I know of. But it feels like a part of my memory has been forcefully removed. I don't know. I've been having trouble remembering since I went to Caelius' office."


Tiny Bunny

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:43 pm
Right, time to stop talking about that night. It was over and done with, and Kat was dealing with it herself. Things would, hopefully, smooth over. These situations tended to do that, thankfully, with time and sometimes a few suggestive words.

"Forcefully removed? How so?" His eyes narrowed in concern, easy grin becoming a more serious line across his face. Did Caelius do something to her? Lex knew he was a scumbag, but memory extraction? It was probably possible on the Island, but that was just incredibly wrong.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:12 pm
How? She wasn't entirely sure herself. She remembered going into the office to talk to Caelius about something, but had no idea what. There was that woman.. ugh.. she had nearly forgotten about that, and actually hoped that was just a bad dream. But she had also seen her in AU world. What was worse, was she looked like a certain horsemen priestess. "I don't know. It feels like there is a gap in my memory, and I can't explain how or why its gone. I wouldn't have thought it to be that important, though not knowing how I got all these scars or what has happened in almost the span of a month is a bit unnerving.. but.."

Fidgeting with her hoodie, she shook her head again. "I don't think it's just me - I know its not just me. Because Ryan went into that office with me, and came out not knowing who I am. At all.

You're a life tech - has there ever been any cases like this before, do you know?" She didn't expect him to know, but working in the life labs, maybe he had an idea or something? Either way.. it didn't hurt asking.


Tiny Bunny

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:48 pm
Hmm, well...that was certainly odd. A gap in her memory, and she hadn't bumped her head - and if Lex assumed right, Caelius hadn't done anything to her either. The Death leader may have been a massive, manipulative jerk, but surely he knew that a Sun and a Moon would need to remember each other. This was just getting more and more odd.

"Well...I've never heard of anything like this at all. We get minor amnesia from time to time when someone's been hit in the head during a spar, or after someone took a nasty spill. They usually recover quickly though, so I'm not sure what happened with you and Ryan." He unfolded his arms, taking a step towards the bed.

"I could...tell you what happened, though. What lead to the meltdown and the way you acted."
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:01 pm
"Hmmm.." Well, if it were just her, she might have figured it to be something like amnesia, as he said, but for both of them to lose their memory at the same time.. it was odd. "I feel like I should speak to Caelius about it, but knowing him.." It was more likely she would get 'get out of my ******** office' as a reply.

Shifting her attention back to Lex, she contemplated on her answer for a moment. Did she want to know? If it was bad enough that it had caused her to have an emotional break down in front of Lex, maybe it was a good thing she couldn't remember? Then again, not knowing was going to keep nagging at her until she finally gave in.

"..Okay, I guess I'm bound to find out from someone sooner or later. Might as well be you who tells me."


Tiny Bunny

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:22 pm
Lex sat on the bed, trying to keep a bit of distance between them, not sure if she was still uncomfortable near him or not. If she showed signs of not liking it, he would stand up again. This would take a while to explain thoroughly, though.

"Well, I'll start from the top." He cleared his throat, thinking back to the beginning - where Ryan had stood up to Caelius in the Haunted House and he and Kat had gotten in an argument over whether to follow the Death lead's orders or not. "I'm not sure how much memory you've lost, so I'll start from where Ryan attacked Caelius in the Haunted House. Caelius broke his arm and his weapon, and then fought this...Insanity thing, and it looked like he'd died. Does this ring any bells?" His usual easy grin was gone, distaste apparent in his voice. He hated talking about that mission, and just Caelius in general.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:13 pm
Kat paid little attention to the fact that he was sitting beside her. After all, if she was going to move past all the awkwardness between them, she would have to get over the little things like this.

She definitely remembered everything that had happened in the haunted house, even the fact that Ryan wasn't the only one who tried to attack Caelius then. If she hadn't gotten paralyzed, she too would have probably ended up with a broken limb, or worse. "I.. remember that. Something like that is kind of hard to forget." What with Ceres and Bix having 'died' then, which thankfully, both hunters were still alive.

She also recalled having snapped at Lex himself then. A thought which caused her to give a sort of 'oops' expression when thinking back on it.


Tiny Bunny

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:39 pm
"Alright then, time for part two." Lex grimaced, intertwining his fingers and leaning forward, eyes narrowed. He really didn't enjoy talking about this part of his time on Deus, but if it helped Kat, then he'd do it.

A deep sigh, and he began. "Well, we came back and all, though I'm sure you remember most of that. The meat of the drama was a few days later, after we'd all rested and were pretty sure that the mission had been a massive failure." It had been, ask any of the Hunters on that mission. They were all lucky to still believe. "Then we all get this mass text telling us to go to mission debriefing, and guess who's there? Princess Death himself, still looking like he wanted to murder all of us." He actually did want to murder a few of them - that part was coming up.

"So he tells us to write our mission reports, and we wrote them pretty hastily. From what I remember, both you and Ryan wrote things along the lines of "******** you" and "Go to hell", pardon the language, while some of us praised your group for defending Ceres after Bix was taken down by Rep." A slight cough, a crack of his knuckles, and he continued on. "I was one of the ones who commended your group - but also gave the names of everyone who defended Ceres. I gave Caelius fodder, and he used it against a lot of us. A few people, the ones smart enough, didn't say anything about the Ceres incident, or spoke negatively of your actions. Anyway, everyone that I named - Caelius said we were to be executed, but he didn't mention you or Ryan. He had something different planned out for you." He sat back a little, letting himself breathe. "Caelius said we would be executed - or someone could take a proxy punishment by having this bracelet attached to them that would explode if either of us stepped out of line. Everyone was saved, fortunately, and the punishment was only a month long..."

He gulped then, leaning forward once more. "Then Caelius kept you two back, and...well, he severed your bond with Xedis - Locke was already out of commission from the Haunted House -, ripped a portal open to the Sahara, and shoved you both through it."

That was probably far too much to take it; he'd give her time to digest.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:28 pm
Kat listened to everything he had to tell her, quietly, not speaking out, just the occasional confused look or two. When he finally finished, she sat in silence, unsure of what to say or do with this information. So.. Caelius had exiled her and Ryan to the Sahara after removing their weapons--well, her weapon.. That explained the injuries, and why she had to get her weapons back, but it still sounded.. odd to her. "I - are you sure? Because I really don't remember this at all, not even a little bit. Wouldn't telling me trigger a memory or something at least?" Something? How could she not remember something as this?

(( sorry small post OTL ))


Tiny Bunny

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:12 pm
Lex gave her a frustrated shake of his head, massaging the back of his neck as he worked out his answer to the girl. "I'm not sure - whatever happened to you may have been some kind of complete mind wipe? I never really know everything that's being used or tested, or even in the development process. Only H knows every piece of technology on the Island. You may have to ask him if we have something that Caelius could have used to remove your memories."

He wouldn't be surprised if there was something like that in existence, but would H even put that public? Then again, master spy Caelius could have just taken the plans... no, not really. The Doctor had his ways of keeping things hidden from even the Death Lead. This was just one big pile of espionage and controversy.

"I'm not sure what happened to you guys in the Sahara, but the Horsemen eventually found you..."
THIS IS HALLOWEEN: Deus Ex Machina Training Facilities

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