I am posting this in multiple forums.

This is an experiment. The goal of this is to create a large group of people doing the same thing at the same time thus creating a large national if not global net of energy with a single purpose. If you are interested in joining the energy net you do not need to post, but it would be helpful to know how many people are joining.

Each person will need to focus on the same thing for a short amount of time. It should not be a draining activity since the idea is simply to connect and not to exchange power.

When: Midnight EST (USA) of the next full moon January 27th
Where: In a peaceful solitary (unless you are focusing with someone) location where you can think clearly about connection with others outside your own sphere.
What to Say/Think: Hello Strangers, Hello Friends, Hello World, Peace Begins, Merry Meet and Merry Part, May I play my part.
What to Focus on: The Moon
Why: An attempt to create a common goal among masses and have it be felt by those said masses.
How: There are several ways to achieve the connection, but it should be personal to each person. Meditation, chant, or ritual are some good places to start.
How Long: 5 minutes (if you are not capable of focusing that long shorter amounts of time is also helpful.)

If you feel a connection during this event please post it in this forum, I will gather all responses and post them for each participant to see. If you don't want your response shared simply say "Do Not Share" in the post and I will respect that.