Hi, my name is Daniel Kiremono

I'm a male.

I'm 18 years old.

My birthday is November 3 (Scorpio)

My dream job is to take over the family business as heir.

My blood status is Half-Blood.

This is my graduated year here at Hogwarts.

The house I'm in is Slytherin.

I'm interested in girls.

I'm currently with no one.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm confident, self-assured, and ambitious…when they are being nice. When they aren’t, they say I’m brash, self-absorbed, and arrogant, with a chip on my shoulder and the complete conviction that the world owes me something.

My background story is I’m the oldest son of David and Sakura Kiremono. Unfortunately, I am not the eldest child, period. That distinction, along with the title of heir, goes to my older sister, Shina. I’ve spent my whole life in her shadow, running after her, playing catch-up, and spinning my wheels as the spare of ‘heir and spare’. I may not have shown my magic until I was four, and it might have been cracking glass in a fit of rage, but I am a wizard nonetheless, and I got my letter to Hogwarts when I turned eleven.

Mother tried to pull her ‘both sides of your heritage’ thing with me, but I wasn’t about to settle for a Japanese wand. I went to Ollivander’s, like any self-respecting Hogwart’s student should. Shina and mother might be fond of all that Japanese stuff, but I’ve never really fit in there. I much prefer father’s business trips to other countries like France, Germany, India, and Russia. I haven’t bothered to learn any of those languages though. The business world is dominated by English, and I have better things to do than wasting my time learning a dozen languages when all the real players will be speaking a language I already know.

First Year: Well, it wasn't as boring as it could have been. I got sorted into Slytherin, so at least I'm in a house that understands not being satisfied with sitting around and languishing as the spare heir. For all that this is supposed to be the premier magic school, there is much to be desired in the classes. I really do much prefer learning from a private tutor, but I don't really have a choice. At least I made the Quidditch team, though only as a chaser. If one more person compares me to Shina though, I might scream!

Second Year: More of the same this year. Classes continue to be dull and poorly delivered, making the material much harder than it needs to be. Slytherin won both the house cup and Quidditch cup for the second year in a row. Corabell started Hogwarts this year. She was sorted into Hufflepuff. I think she'll do well there.

Third Year: This summer was awful. I went with mother and father on a trip, while Shina and Corabell flooed back to go to a circus that was having some sort of masquerade. It was attacked by dark wizards and Corabell has been really quiet. When we got off the Hogwarts Express, she was looking at the spaces in front of the carriages like she could see the threstrals. My little sister shouldn't be able to see threstrals.

Well, anyway, we had to choose electives this year. Showoff Shina took them all, of course. You have to take at least two, and I didn't want to look like a slacker, so I took eight electives. I had to take law, of course, and care of magical creatures looked like an easy fluff class. Wandless magic and wandlore are stupid, even though they sounded cool. I should have taken Arithmancy instead. Cursebreaking is sort of fun though, even if it backfires a lot, and alchemy is a little interesting. I can't even remember why I signed up for ghost and ghoul studies, but it isn't bad. Lost the cups to Ravenclaw this year, and didn't even get to play much Quidditch since I got moved to reserve.

Fourth Year: Fall festival/snapped wand/attitude - Editing

I enjoy video games, jogging, boxing, and cheering on my favorite sports teams. My favorite subject is math.

I despise being compared to my older sister, looking foolish in public, admitting I’m wrong, caviar (it tastes like it’s rotting! Who would pay to eat that?!), and martial arts (I’m sick of teachers trying to lecture me about what to do with what they teach me! Just show me how to throw a punch already! Boxing is so much better!)

I'm afraid of spiders. Oh god, those spindly little legs, and they get in everywhere. Ugh!

My strengths are mathematics, I’m good at understanding numbers and formulas.

My flaws are I’m terrible at listening to things I don’t want to hear.

I look like a fairly average person, much to my annoyance. I have brown hair and eyes, and I’m about average height for my age.

My wand is 8 ½ inches long, Hawthorn, core of Dragon Heartstring from a Peruvian Vipertooth with a particularly nasty disposition and habit of hunting humans. Quite brittle, with a decorated shaft. Snapped in the Fall Festival, fourth year.
My new wand is 9 inches long, Vermelha, with a core of Dragon Heartstring from a Ukranian Ironbelly noted for being a particularly devoted parent. Rigid, with a decorated shaft.

My pet is a I don’t have a pet this year.

My O.W.L. Scores are:
Astronomy ~ P
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ A
Alchemy ~ P
Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
Cursebreaking ~ A
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ P
Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ P
Wandlore Studies ~ A
Wizard Law ~ O

My N.E.W.T. Scores are:
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ EE
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ A
Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
Cursebreaking ~ P
Wandlore Studies ~ A
Wizard Law ~ O

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you! I speak English, Japanese and Latin, though I prefer English.