Hi! I am just looking for a friend. I feel like I am an overly sexual person and so maybe a friend who is asexual would be best because otherwise I will feel like I need to feel for them sexually (not saying it is the case I just have this weird thought in my head that never goes away and is probably the reason I lose most of my friends) I am looking for a serious friend though and unfortunately for me (being the way I am) if I can't be "fast friends" with you it usually means that you are just going to end up being another friend that I rarely talk to and sometimes ignore because I am sick of your face. But I don't want that. I want a best friend.
Here are some things about me to see if we can possibly become friends.

I have bipolar, anxiety, and post traumatic stress.
I am currently pregnant so all of the above have been put to an extreme
I like to be quiet and alone
I like to be loud and with friends
I love music
I love to write
I love to sing
I love to chat
I also love silence
I love to be still
I hate my voice
I hate being around others
I am not motivated enough to finish most things
I live in Utah
I am not a Mormon
I am an Atheist (however I am a very strange Atheist)
I love to draw
I don't draw well
I love my computer but don't treat it very well
I love to play the guitar but I am not very good
I am very kind but also violent
Leave me a comment or PM me somtime I hope we can be friends