Greetings, my name is Refera

I am a female.

I am a centaur.

I'm currently with No one.

I am considered to be very strong-willed. If I want my way, I will get it. I oftentimes have a problem with authority, though I do have soft heart on the inside. I dislike hurting others, and only want the best for those around me.

My background story is when I was born, my mother was away from the herd at the time, and had no help with my birth. It was a hard birth, and she died shortly after. I should have died, since I was only a newborn with no one to care for me. However, I somehow managed to survive a day and a half before the herd found me, weak, starving, on the verge of death. They thought I was doomed, past the point of saving, and were going to give up on me, when an older mare decided to take me in as her adoptive daughter. With her care, I regained my strength and grew into the adult I am now.

I was always small for my size, and because of this, the other younglings picked on me, called me weak. I was determined to prove them wrong, and secretly began training. Late at night I would gallop around the forest, building my stamina, lifting rocks to build my strength. But one thing I wanted to learn most of all was to shoot a bow.

As a female, I was not taught such things as weapons. I was expected to learn about medicine and caring for children, and such like. I tried building and shooting my own bow and arrows, but without the proper guidance, I was doomed to fail. However, that was when he came along. A young stallion by the name of Fereg. He found me one night, struggling with my makeshift bow, and declared that he would not report me, instead filling the place of my mentor. He taught me to build a bow and arrows, and with his guidance, I grew so strong and skilled that I could rival some of the males. Though I am still small, and have a tendency to have a soft heart, I have at least earned respect with the heard.

I enjoy training, galloping through the forest at night, caring for others, being respected and admired, handsome young males, and moonlight.

I despise laziness, being put down, most humans, my very small size, and how centaurs are sexist.

I'm afraid of my own weakness.

My strengths are I am an exceptional shot with a bow, and when I set my mind to something, there is no turning me back.

My flaws are I tend to clash with authority, and I am physically small.

I look like this

There's something else I need to tell you... Though I have never been in a romantic relationship, I am very flirtatious, and enjoy male company.
