User ImageBefore you step inside Sal's Café, you stare at the large door. It is wide enough to fit a Snorlax, but not big enough to allow a Wailord through. Your eyes lift up to stare at the architecture. It's not as well-constructed as the rest of Armonia, however it does have... a certain mysterious feel. Like most of the stores, the shape of the building is similar to the owner. Anyone who knows the owner would instantly recognize the Salamence shape. The dark blue of the wood suits both the shape and the aura.

Finally, you decide to push the door open. Inside, it's very dark and lit only by three Chandelure hanging down from the low ceiling. On each of the five tables lies some ever-flaming Litwick wax. The tables lie close to the ground so the shortest of Pokemon won't have trouble sitting next to them. Slowly, you peel your eyes away from the tables and notice the only service desk. It's close to the back wall, and very long. Three different Pokemon are behind the counter. One is a Lopunny, one is a Salamence who is instantly recognizable as Sal, the proprietor, and the last is a Delibird. The Delibird seems to be sleeping, while the Lopunny steps out from behind the counter and beckons you with a smile.

Something mesmerizes you, maybe it's the Lopunny's sweet smile; it nearly brightens the room completely. You hurry up to her -- but the Salamence roars out with loud laughter. You jerk your head to him and he stomps out from behind the counter.

"Welcome, buddy, to my café. Get a bite to eat, get something to drink. But don't expect any privacy." He grins widely, toothily. Those sharp teeth scare you, but not enough to frighten you out of the café. Though now that he's spoken, you notice the amount of Pokémon rushing in and sitting around each other. Everyone is talking to each other; there are no private conversations.

You notice this is the best place to find partners, friends or even enemies. Turning away from the servers, you head to a table and begin to acquaint yourself with everyone.