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Pale chocolate eyes surveyed the area. The migration season was going to start soon, or so she had hear. Being a Busisa, it wasn't her fault she did not know all of the prides customs just yet. She understood the migrating, thing, but did not know where they were going to go, exactly. She only knew that they were going, and soon. In a way, the quiet lioness found it to be interesting; moving from this place to find another one for the new seasons. And they'd come back here for the rainy season, or that was what she'd heard from the females as some of them gossiped.

She hadn't made very many friends yet. Her sister was rarely around these days too, so the new lioness was a bit lonely. She did not know enough about the things going on to gossip with the other females, and so felt left out in that aspect to. Indeed, these days she mostly just sat around and watched and listened to the others. Hearing about who had just had cubs, which cubs were the strongest looking, and hearing about how sad it would be when the little boy cubs grew up and had to leave. It was a custom she knew and understood, the current ruling males did not want their male offspring usurping them, so they chased them off eventually.

Even so, all the talk of cubs made Ushari start to consider when she would go to the Umholi to get her own, and when she did, which male would she prefer? She supposed it didn't matter, her coat had nothing special about it and any of the males would give her strong, beautiful cubs. Perhaps she would try to learn more about each one before eventually deciding. She still had time afterall. It seemed silly to try to have cubs before they began to migrate, perhaps after the migration. Yes, then she would start thinking about it more.

Izzy Makani