Taani was adjusting. Well, mostly. Waking up after a 5 month nap, meeting several people that were just anxious to give her the bare minimum of information and pass her along, getting a coat that...really did not match her style and a scarf that she had to wear that would not really work that great with another sari...it was practically a tragedy. Oh and getting a weapon that talked in her head, she supposed that was important too.

She had made her way to her dorm room, a bare and basic room, but hers. A decently sized window, though on the first floor and with all of that fog she really could not see all that much. A simple bed, desk with a chair, a closet, (thankfully) a mirror. Waiting for her on the bed was the bag she had packed, and she had quickly unpacked, as soon as she had shed her heels. Almost all of her belongings consisted of clothing. A pair of flats, those could join her heels by the door for now. 5 months of being in a pod but still in her heels? She would be fine without wearing them for a good long while. There were a few movies, including her special edition copy of Om Shanti Om with the autographed poster of a rather delicious looking Shahrukh Khan that quickly made its way onto her wall.

Tucked into one DVD case was a picture of her with her family, but that could stay in the case for now. 5 months. Her father would be ready to lecture her before giving her a brief hug and turning away. Her mother would be sobbing and trying to feed her. Rakesh...would look at her with his haunted eyes for a second before returning to his studies.

She quickly put that away before taking out the remainder of her clothing. Thin shirts, saris, pants, skirts. One fully traditional outfit, but mainly consisting of things that were between traditional and modern. She could fit more into her bag if she had miniskirts and tops that bared her midriff, and she really did not mind showing legs or stomach.

It was a relief to walk down the hallway and shower, enjoying that simple pleasure before changing into something that suited her much better. A thin shirt with an embellished neckline and capped sleeves that flowed down onto her thighs over a miniskirt that went just a bit farther than the skirt to the middle of her thighs. Her necklace did not fully match and--

Her hand froze and with a sigh she went to pick up her new coat to belt it on. "If I have to keep you with me could you at least try to match my outfit?" She rolled her eyes but let him be. "You should just be glad to be on such a beauty.”

Her jaw set at that. That was one of her lines he had just crossed. Top actresses were not 160 cm, not normally. At the very least it had not helped her when she was trying to get a break. They were Fingers sure of themselves she reached up to unfasten the necklace, despite the light feeling of panic and confusion in the back of her mind.

Without ceremony she dropped him on the floor, a fiery look in her eye as she straightened up to her very full 160 cm. "What was that you were saying about height?” There was a moment of quiet before he began whining. dirty. Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnniiiiiiiii.>

The whined name cut her off, and for a moment she just stopped and looked at him. "I cannot recall giving you my name.” A slightly sheepish silence and when he spoke again he sounded a bit different.

"Wait, so you can see into my head and find out about me?” Her voice was deceptively innocent and curious. Enough that he fell for it. He sounded so very pleased as she bent down to pick him up.

"So then you knew all about what it meant if you said something about my height. Good to know.” She opened her coat slightly to the pockets on either side. One held her small journal and a pen, the other her cell phone she had been given along with her coat. In that one she shoved the necklace despite his enraged protests. "I am going to go find something to eat and maybe after that we can see if you are willing to be civil.” For now though, she had her weapon with her, if not exactly how she had intended, so she was fully following the rules as she draped the red scarf over both shoulders, the fabric resting against her chest. Deus Ex was going to be an interesting place.