The lab techs and Ami seemed to be a bit uptight about sharing information here at Deus Ex, shuffling her along to the next person to tell her the little tidbits, finally pointing her to a place called "The Cove." But she took it all in stride, for once focusing on the people around her. Quite possibly because she had nothing else to do.

Well, unless she wanted to think about what she was wearing. And she really, really did not want to focus on that. She knew how to pack for a long trip. You wore your layers so you had more room to pack, putting on the biggest, bulkiest items, as warm as you could stand it, and then you packed the lighter things, able to fit much more in your bag that way. Considering she could only take one bag? That meant that she was in her heels. Her 11 cm stilettos. A pair of long, loose pants that actually felt pretty good normally, but she had put on a pair of shorts under that, and had layered a long sleeve shirt over an embellished camisole, then added both a cardigan and a heavier sari to the ensemble. She had bangles on, a band around her arm, a necklace laced around her neck, and she was even wearing her more elaborate earrings. The whole outfit was a bit much, but it was for the sake of having more options in the long run. It had to be worth it.

Of course then they had added a sleeveless but longer coat with a moon emblem to the back of it and an additional red scarf, and things were just getting a bit out of control with her layers.

Understandably she felt a bit out of her element as she moved along, knowing there were several things out of sort. Her shoes and cardigan should never have been worn together, and making her way to the place where she was supposed to pick up her weapon she found herself removing it, unable to take it any longer. Folded across her bare arm she strode in for her next debriefing. This one was almost as vague, simply telling her to go in and get her weapon. A smile was flashed at the person to thank them for informing her, smiles were important after all, and she began descending the stairs.

The room she entered was...peculiar. Dark, lit only by a single torch, the entire place seemed to be covered in small tiles of some sort. She moved closer to the wall, examining them. No, not tiles. Tablets. Stone ones, a bit bigger than the size of her hand. They seemed to make up the wall itself, faintly glowing, something she might not have noticed if it were not for the room being as dark as it was. She honed in on one, the odd glyph looking rather like a gun, and her mind began flashing back, similar to when she awoke in the pod. There was a gun in her hand, and it felt wrong, she did not know how to use it. Her memory flashed again, she was not going to use the gun, it would just give away her position.

Another jump in her memory and there was someone in front of her, a man she didn't know. He did not know that she had a weapon, had just known that she had been keeping out of the way during the initial slaughtering. As she got close, wielding an odd knife, she suddenly raised the gun. There was a split second where she could see realization and fear flash in his eyes. At this range, no one could miss.

And then she pulled the trigger.

Her fingers brushed over the rune lightly, and it seemed to stir slightly, sending an odd tingle into her hand and a whisper she could not quite make out deep into her mind. It was an unsettling feeling and she quickly withdrew her hand. She moved on, hand trailing along, not getting used the hums, the strange feelings, the whispers. The runes were all telling in their own way. Guns, knives, swords, bows, axes, gauntlets, but...nothing clicked.

She was closer to the torch now, on the adjacent wall now, lifting her hand up to trail over some of the tablets that she could not quite make out as they were too high up. It was almost fruitless and then her hand passed on to a new bit of stone.

That sent a jolt to her, realizing that she had been moving throughout the room with her shoulders hunched ever so slightly, not using perfect posture. Was it from being in the pod too long? The lab tech had mentioned the date and...five months...surely a simple five months had not stripped her of that. She straightened immediately, standing tall, confident. "Sorry," though...the voice...

Her eyes narrowed slightly. The tone was haughty, pompous. What was truly aggravating was that it was not completely wrong, and she could not quite tell if he (it sounded like a he at least) was trying to be mean or attempting to compliment her in a very offhanded way. "Who are you?"

There seemed to be a light sigh in her mind. the Radcliffe family. Not that someone like you would have heard of them, but that is not your fault I suppose, not everyone can be perfect. Now then, be a good lass and pull me from the wall.>

She hesitated, could feel a brush of annoyance from the tablet. "I think we need to get a couple of things straight first."

She pulled her fingers away from the tablet, crossing her arms in front of her as she stared up at it. "Well you listen here. If I take you with me? I have been in dance classes. I know prima donnas. I only have room for one star in my life right now, and that is going to be me."

There was a moment of silence, and for a minute she thought she had scared him away. There was a bit of amusement to his voice.

He had dialed it back a bit, still sure of himself but compromising. She smiled, reaching up to pull the tablet from the wall and it fell away, leaving her holding a net. It was not what she had expected, only faintly seeing the lines as it was above eye level. There were lightly glowing runes set in weights hanging off of the edges but he was oddly light in her hands. Still a bit of drag, but not what she would have expected.

"Just a necklace."

She complied with one hand and was met with a haughty sniff.

Before she had a real chance to reply to that he was changing and in her hands rested a rather pretty necklace. It was made of slender stands of beads, net-like in its shape, the tips going down into small beaded clusters. Yet the beads still somehow felt expensive, important. There was a sense of smugness in the back of her mind.