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Ngozi was sitting down, working on some jewelery for the pride. It was something he did a lot in his free time. He loved creating new things for his friends and even for strangers. His current project was creating a beaded earring. It was silver, with bright blue beads. He decided to work on it since he hardly ever worked on jewelery. Once he finished he thought he could find a lioness and give it to her. Maybe one of his sisters would be interested, he thought.

Usually on days that were as clear as this, Ngozi would travel to the outskirts of the pride. He loved going on little adventures. When he was younger he was so sure he would become a guardian. However it became obvious as he grew up that crafting was his real passion. Still, he did love going on little adventures now and again. Even now as he strung the beads it was tempting to go, but he knew he should finish one project before starting another. It would take him too long to finish anyways.

As he worked he could hear cubs playing. He grinned. It hadn't been that long since he was a little cub playing different games. He would always run away from any female cubs because he thought they had 'cooties'. It was hard to believe that he was so gullible once. He would believe anything an older cub would tell him. Sometimes he would wonder how different his life would have been if he would have actually made friends with a lioness when he was younger. It would have made thing much more interesting, he thought with a grin.

And there! The earring was complete. He carefully stored it in his pouch he wore around his neck. Now he could go on a little adventure.