Makoto brushed a paw over the dried and yellowed grasses, a frown deep on his face. After a moment, blue eyes turned to the sky. Not a cloud was to be seen, even though it was supposed to be the monsoon season. No rain had come yet, for the second year running. The black and white lion let out a deep sigh before turning to the captain of the guards. "I think we'll have to have every non-cheetah bring water up from the river... Otherwise the grass track'll die..." He turned and went to inspect the other tracks. "We can't have it do that, not this year or any other year." Like his father before him, Makoto had inherited the Makono-epesi, a pride that had been mixed for as long as the oldest lions could remember between lions, cheetahs, and just about every other animal in the savannah. The pride was very welcoming, so long as noses were kept clean. Like his father before him... Makoto worried about losing even one track for the year due to lack of rain.

Walking close behind Makoto was Maliki, captain of the guards. He proudly commanded not only the lions, but the Elite Guard as well, and the hyenas and wild dogs. The latter two groups, though, didn't always need much direction. They knew their jobs and did them well, which he quite enjoyed. It was only when extra force was needed that he commanded their attention and had them doing other tasks. A reedy lion, Maliki wasn't exactly someone pegged to be a captain. But for all his small size, he was also quite powerful. He'd grown up in the pride, much like Makoto, though his father had been a breeder, his mother a healer. His calling had been guarding the pride, which he'd taken to like a cheetah to running. Now... He wondered with his friend and king if the rains would ever come. His gaze went to the sky for a moment. "Maybe we should send some birds to the south west, see if they can find the storm front..."

The black and white lion gave a snort, heading in the direction of the river. "A good idea, but what if it takes them the whole winter?" He shook his head. "What if the other lands south of here are facing the same drought? I can understand the NORTH facing it..." He paused, looking in the direction of the distant dunes. It was several days' travel to get to the edge of the desert, a journey the caravans made along the river. That part had been his idea, something to avoid a death toll from dehydration. After all, the leopards and leopard hybrids were carrying precious sand - Something he wasn't eager to have spreading, of course, but still something they needed. At the present rate, though, he'd need to start sending them to the sea so they'd have more chance of finding prey... But he knew that would take far longer.

Silver-gray eyes flickered with something unknown for a moment, before going down to the river's edge. Thanks in part to the drought, it was starting to get lower. This was a worrying turn, as that meant taking the cheetahs further to get water, as well as the leopards and hybrids who'd chosen the pack animal life having to carry water farther to wet the tracks or just plain water them. It was getting to be too much work for everyone. "Should we move the cheetahs closer to the river for the season? So they have less distance to travel?" It'd mean more distance to the tracks, but it'd also mean better-watered cheetahs. Maliki spare a look at the water, watching it tumble over itself. Somewhere in its depths hid crocodiles, too... But they'd struck a bargain a while ago with the reptiles. Let the pride drink safely, and the dead of the pride would be given the honor of a crocodilian burial... Or rather, the crocodiles got free food.

Makoto contemplated the idea, before going directly to the water. The crocodiles were much more content as of late. Between the plague that had devastated the pride and the drought on top of it, the reptiles were very well fed. They wouldn't really need to worry about the cheetahs, hyenas, and wild dogs drinking from the river for now. He reached a paw out, placing it in the water. It seeped into his fur, slightly chilling it in a wonderful way. The crocodiles out in the water watched, before going back to their lazy ways. So long as they were fed, they'd leave the lion be. The monochromatic lion sighed, withdrawing his paw. "I think moving the cheetahs closer to the river would be good. If any cubs are born, they wouldn't be able to make the journey from the usual cheetah denning area to the river as easily." He gave a nod. "We move the cheetahs tonight."

The green lion nodded in return, before looking at the crocodiles. One was keeping an eye on him, a sign of the silent understanding. One didn't walk around looking like a crocodile, after all. Size helped, too, as his build had naturally gone toward the large side of life. Falling in step behind Makoto, Maliki considered the idea of cubs. Cheetah cubs were so fluffy... Let it never be known that he found them adorable. It'd ruin his image as the Captain. He thought, too, of lion cubs. One day, he'd have to settle down and sire some of his own. But he was still in the prime of his life, and after so long amid lions who carefully bred cheetahs for speed and strong bones, he had determined he wanted a mate from a good line - A line where the males were skilled warriors and females skilled huntresses. That way, they could have only the best offspring. He looke to Makoto, an amused glint in his eye. "You ever think of having cubs, Makoto?"

The monochromatic lion let out a surprised and amused snort. "What ever brought this up, Maliki? And... Maybe... Yes... My legacy needs to continue, after all..." He thought of his new-found mate, someone from outside the pride. "I think Lulu will be a fine mother some day... And what about YOU, Maliki?"

Maliki let out his own amused snort. "Oh, one day... I only want the best mate from the best line, so we can have only the best cubs..." It didn't matter so much to him what she looked like, it was all about the abilities.

Makoto let out a laugh, a rare thing in the current times. "Maliki, you're showing a form of vanity..." He gave his friend a shove. "Much luck to you finding such a girl!" He was pleased, Lala had been chance, and it was purely her personality he'd initially been attracted to. The fact she was outside blood was another large bonus. "I need to go check on some other things, you should go organize the hyenas and wild dogs to move the cheetahs closer to the river tonight."

Shaking his head, the green lion let out an amused sound as he turned to head for the cheetahs. Only Makoto could tease him in such a manner... And it would always be that way for the close friends. After all... Makoto was the brother Maliki never had, and vice versa. Both had been blessed - Or cursed - with MANY sisters... And Maliki'd have it no other way.