In-thread encounter between:
(Sitareh/ Lady Ourania) and (Nithralith/ Nyhility)
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Nith's uncert


Sitareh: Splashes around in the shallows, hoping against hope to float on the volatile surface rather than disturb the fish beneath. She pauses when she hears a scornful sound, swiveling to eye the bedecked male with some curiosity* Hello! *Trots over to where he's standing, idly considering his unusual attire* You have a lot of stuff. Neat stuff. *Circles him to confirm, gait too erratic to be threatening. Her tail reaches out, as though tempted to bat at his drapery, though she wisely stops short*


Nith: [Pins his ears before spotting the short Soquili, his muzzle a frown as he remains lock-legged. Then the youth approached him, and the male searched for its parents to spare him the encounter.]
Surely you have seen 'stuff' before, young one. But yes.....they are neat. [Awkward shuffle.] Anything else?


Sita: *Misses the other's words entirely, her gaze falling suddenly on his shins. The filly's entire expression brightens and she rears back, trying to display her own bark-studded kneecaps* Look, look! We're the same! *She wiggles her front legs to make sure he sees and dances back, but is forced to come down rather hard when she nearly loses her balance. Her scaled nostrils bump into the larger creature's chest, and she giggles a bit sheepishly, slipping back and beaming at him* D'you got forest blessings too?


Nith: [Tenses as if expecting the youth to give him a spritely kick, but inspects her displayed legs as requested. A brow lifts when he notices it's her true flesh and not a simple accessory.] The same? Hardly so, little one, lest I be delighted to meet you. [Frowns when she bumps him, but doesn't move to offer help or shy away.] Your blessing, however, is a lovely mark. Respect it well, yes?


Sita: *His words are difficult to follow, and her brow furrows with the effort of tracking them. When she grasps the concept, her face clouds with disappointment. It wasn't exactly the same, she could see that much, but it was close, wasn't it? The filly sniffs inquisitively at his bracers as if to prove her point, scenting out the differences. It's subtle, and she has trouble deciding what exactly it is, but she abruptly understands he's in the right. The previous dubiousness is erased without much difficulty, and she is back to watching him with a lightened countenance* Yessir. *She says it seriously enough, familiar with the refrain after hearing her mother say as much countless times. Nonetheless, she glances down at her knees again, shifting her weight from leg to leg to better see. Thoughts of Laurelin bring about a stern reminder about manners, and she raises her head to face him again* My name's Sitareh, but everybody calls me Sita, 'cause it's easier. How about you?


Nith: [The adult watches her face grow troublesome, and he mildly wonders if it was his words or his features that bothered her. Regardless, it was of little concern to him and a short dilemma for the girl before she spoke again, her reply surprising him.] I appreciate you honoring me with your name, Sitareh. [And he bows his head in a small motion, more habit than show.] My name is Nithralith.....just Nithralith. Although I am not opposed to shorter names, if you must.


Sita: *The bow, however negligible, makes the filly perk, his spoken pleasure warming her in turn. His name had been lengthy and quick, the pronunciation twining strangely in her ears, but pretty in a way. It is his acquiescence to a shorter name that makes a smile break out across her features, her tufted tail flipping in barely-restrained glee. A name, a name... she stares unabashedly up at him, trying to decide before the moment passed. His eyes, half-hidden by the inky fall of his forelock, shone with an inner luminescence. It reminds her of the blinking lights that come out only at night, tiny, flying insects strung bright and languid between the trees.* How 'bout Glow-Bug? *She suggests without a trace of humor, her young face schooled into an expression of deep thought.*


Nith: [Taking the young filly's smile as an indication that she would be staying longer, the adult took the moment to glance at his surroundings. Was this youth truly under no parental control? The last thing he would need would be a sloth of a mother charging at him for being so near her child. But there was nothing to be seen or heard, save for the awkward silence of bright, youthful eyes staring him down in a buzz of thoughts.] If it's that difficult to decide.... [But then she cut him off, and the older Soquili stood in a rigid stupor at her choice. Such were the ways of young ones...he supposed.]

Agreed. Though not in front of other Soquili. =___= Unless you want me to call you Root, or Twiggy. Or something else equally silly.


Sita: *Glow-Bug's constant survey of their surroundings finally makes the kirin glance around in turn, mimicking on impulse. She doesn't see anyone lumbering around in the thick of the forest, but it's possible that he was waiting on someone. For her part, she was waiting on Hallon. They had agreed to meet somewhere nearby, though the exact coordinates had been a bit hazy from the outset. The stallion's reluctant agreement snaps her attention back to him, however, and she nods with enthusiasm. She could keep a secret, she really could! There is a pause at his twin suggestions before she answers back a little shyly* I like Twiggy. S'funny. But my brother's got more twigs than me, so we should save it for him. *Another brief silence and the filly remembers her previous line of consideration.* Are you lookin' for somebody, Mister Glow-Bug? I can help, if you are. The trees'll tell us if they're here.


Nith: [A thorough scan of the horizon left the stallion both at ease and with a headache. He was by no means a babysitter, and to offer such a service was beyond his patience. Even so, it was against his heritage to leave behind any younglings, whether they were your own kin or not. And so with a flick of an ear, Nith peered down at the golden girl with a neutral expression, if not a pinched jaw.] And where is this brother of yours? Shouldn't siblings be keeping guard for one another? [Her following question causes him to exhale slowly through his nostrils, as if it would help to tame the emotion tied to the answer. Again Nith glanced at the treeline, before turning away with heavy steps in the sand and marching slowly along the beach, unconcerned if the filly followed or stayed behind. He needed only to stretch his legs and keep in motion.] Is that so? And will the trees help, no matter what my cause?


Sita: *He is preoccupied with their setting again, though the filly has dismissed it after her cursory inspection from before. Mention of her brother draws out a giggle, eyes glittering fondly at the idea. It's true that Hallon has always been protective, but there was never much she needed defense against.* Hallon? He's pro'bly playing hide 'n seek again. *Her brother really was an excellent hider, due in no small part to his ability to blend. If she were to ask the surrounding trees about whoever Glow-Bug was seeking, she would be careful not to ask for a hint as to her brother's whereabouts as well, lest she be faced with another cheating charge. When the stallion turns away, Sitareh automatically moves to follow. Every step he takes requires three strides from her, and she keeps up admirably, tripping only occasionally over her three-toed hooves on unfamiliar terrain. The question he poses makes her eyes dart over to him, but she answers brightly enough.* Sure. Trees are good, yanno. They help, but they're quiet, so not everybody notices. *But she notices, has been trained to take in the subtle shifts and tangled affinities since birth. With that in mind, the foal noses gently at his shoulder, trying to redirect his attention.* Who're you lookin' for?