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[PRP][FIN] Silver bells instead of tongues (Auva and Heze)

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Enduring Werewolf

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:57 am
This is a private RP between Sya and Faid.
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Syaoran-Puu || Faid Shadowlight
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:00 am
Heze wanders along, she wasn't out of sight, she was just further round the edge of the lake than most of the herd usually went. Peering at her reflection in the water, Leaning too close, her nose causing ripples as it brushes the surface. Not sure why, she wasn't bouncing around as she usually was. But then everyone had their introspective moments. Turning away from the water as it settles again, stepping gently through the grass, almost wanting to tiptoe round the new shoots.

Auva had followed her sister, though she wasn't sure what had possessed her too. It wasn't as if she was worried about Heze, no, Heze could protect and stand up for herself... but in a way, Auva found she just wanted to be close to her sister, if only for a moment. She imitated her sisters movements, looking in the water, sending ripples across the glossy surface with her nose, even wandering through the grass in the same manner... at least until she snapped a twig. Unsure what to do Auva considered bolting back home.... but her indecision had her hoovering with one hoof in the air and a puzzled look upon her features.

Heze looks round at the snap, having spun quickly to face the noise. Finding herself looking at her little sister, a small smirk lighting her face to see her sister hovering there like her hoof was caught in the fruit pile. Tilting her head and quirking an eyebrow before giggling. Moving closer she gave Auva's leg a small nudge, not sure she was aware of the pose she was in.

Auva blinked as Heze proded her leg, and a blush covered her features. She smiled though, lowering it before nipping her sisters mane in welcome, it was a habit she had inherited from their mother, and given that she didn't speak she used other things to express herself. Tilting her head to the side she looked at her sister in question; as if asking 'where are you going?'

Heze smiled and tugged her sisters mane gently, it was so much longer than hers, though given her choices that was probably a good thing. Shrugging in answer to her sisters silent question. "I don't know, I was just wandering." She hadn't told anyone she was leaving so she would stay in around the herlands. Wondering why Auva was following her but not minding, it was somewhat amusing as an idea, though strange too.

Auva continued to look at her sister in question, feeling as if something was wrong, maybe her sister simply had something on her mind? She didn't know... what she di know was that she didn't want Heze to be alone. A little strange... probably, but Auva often followed her instincts when it came to her family. She was quite and timid, and most didn't pay too much attention to her since it was hard to 'converse' with her... but Zaniah and Heze had never seemed to mind that. Perhaps that was because they knew no different. Pushing her sister with her nose she took a step forward, her way of saying 'shall we?'  


Enduring Werewolf

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Enduring Werewolf

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:01 am
This made Heze smile and laugh a little. Nodding and turning to face the way she had been going. Giving Auva a smile and starting off, her tone teasing as she peers at her sister. "Are you spying for dad? Checking to see if I was sneeking off to meet a boy?" Doubting that was the case but it wa fun to tease her sisters a little.

Auva listened to her sisters words and found herself nodding, in a way she supposed she was spying for their father... though not because he had asked her to, if anything he would probably be more upset to learn that Auva had left his sight than any of the other. But refusing to talk often did that to you, no way to scream for help made her a liablity and a high risk target. Auva never wanted to have to relive what she had that day... the angry hiss and growl of a kalona.... the blood... no, she didn't want that. Peace. She liked peace. But the incident had done something to her, she found herself wanting to make sure her sisters never faced something similar... ever. It was enough to make her want to laugh... what could Auva ever hope to do to prevent it? Zaniah was loud and carefree, nothing seemed to stop her... and Heze was brave and strong, she was able to protect herself. Both were so very different from Auva.... yes, she was the weak link.

A sad smile was upon her features as she continued to walk next to her sister, she had heard their parents whispering about a boy... and Auva almost wanted to ask Heze personally about it, but she didn't... what would be the point.

Heze stopped moving when Auva nodded and looked at her sister the humour fading. "You are?! Really??" Stomping a hoof and looking around, takign a deep breath, finding that though not happy she wasn't angry and her desire to raise her voice was unwanted, Auva had done nothing to deserve beign yelled at. "I told him... I told them Haki was just a friend, its not like I arrange to meet him, we have just run into eachother a couple of times!" Stomping her hoof again and shaking her head.

Auva's eyes widened a little and she found herself taking a hesitant step backwards, her ears and head wings flattening against her head. She listened as Heze spoke of 'Haki'... her friend? The boy her parents had spoke of? Must be. Clearly she wasn't happy; though she wasn't sure if that was because she had carelessly said she had been asked to spy by Daddy or simply because she felt as if he didn't trust her. Feeling guilty she tilted her head and gave Heze an apologetic look. 'Forgive me' she asked silently.

Facing Auva, feeling more calm now she had got that little outburst out her system. She smiled at her sister. "Oh don't give me that face, you did nothing... I... I guess I just don't get the whole over protective thing. But at the same time I know its because he loves us... The daft thing is, Haki has odd customs about touching and closeness... He wont even give someone a hug let alone what dad is thinking." Giving her a little nudge and smiling, starting to walk along again.

Those wrods managed to drag another questioning look from Auva, what did Heze mean? What was Dad worried about? She was being niave and it took her a moment to realise what Heze was hinting at, and the moment she did her face burnt bright. Too much information, she thought.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:02 am
Looking at Auva and going pink herself. "Sorry...... guess they havent had that talk with you yet huh.... Dad almost had a fit when mum started the talk with me." Laughing softly at the memory of her father having a kaniption before leaving.

Auva couldn't bring herself to do anything other than shake her head, though she did that rather vigourusly. Unsure what to do now she found herself lowering her head to the ground.

Heze leans in close, grabbing a mouthful of Auva's mane and gives her a come on look, eyes twinkling as she starts to lead her shy sister off for their walk.

Auva looked up at Heze and smiled softly, she knew her sister wasn't mad at her... but still, Auva wasn't one for conflict or shouting. Happily she walked beside her sister, ears raising from her head as she scented the air. Dandilions, roses... and.. something else, drifted on the air. She scented again, wait... it smelt like someone else. She froze, looking to Heze a little cautiously, if her sister said it was fine Auva knew she would instantly believe her.

Heze looked at Auva who had stopped, dripping her mane from her mouth, only able to smell her sister with it in her mouth, looking round, using her senses to tell her what it was that had upset her sister and made her hesitate. Stepping a little infront of Auva, acting protective till she knew better.

Auva's eyes looked around, her breath fell heaviier as she struggled to breath, fear was starting to get in the way, and she found herself stepping back a step. She looked to Heze, at the way her sisters muscles seemed trained and ready for anything.

A moment later Elijah wandered out of a near by bush with a mouse in her mouth. She stopped at the sight of the sisters and smiled, she rather liked Maion's grandchildren... they were always so nice to her.

Auva blushed; how had she not known it was Elijah's scent? Was she starting to lose it? Her heart still fluttered with panic in her chest.  


Enduring Werewolf

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Enduring Werewolf

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:03 am
Heze gave Elijah a smile and looked at her sister with a sheepish shrugs, she hadn't recognied the wolf/fox's scent alone either. Looking back to Elijah with a smile. "You startled us, we aren't used to seeing you without Grandpa..." Her tone friendly, happy to see the wolf, glad even of the dead mouse as it just meant that (s)he had been hungry and that Maion was fine.

Elijah placed her dinner on the ground and smiled at the sisters, "He is sleeping." There was nothing with gentle welcome on her features, despite being a predator in part Elijah had long been a timid creature, and had never harmed Maion or any of his kin, if anything Elijah would give her own life to protect them. "Don't wander too far." She said, looking between the sisters happy they were together at least. "I won't tell on you." She grinned before picking up her mouse and returning to Maion.

Auva felt her knees shaking, not from fear of Elijah simply from her adrenaline dropping. In fight or flight her reaction was flight, the opposite to her brave sister. She looked a little sheepishly at Heze, finding herself needing to feel safe... that was probably why she buried her nose into Heze's small mane.

Heze smiles and calles after Elijah. !Thank you!" She liked the familiar but knew it was only beause she was family that she was spoken to, she didn't even know if the wolf/fox spoke to her father. Moving close to Auva and nuzzling to try and help her calm down. She knew after the attack Auva had been left jumpy, remembering something as she steps back. "That reminds me! Come come I found something that you can use...." All excited all of a sudden havign found the thing but not having thought of her sister till this moment. Grinning and trotting a little distance. "Come on Auva, this way, I don't want everyone know where i hide my treasures!" Giggling and trotting a little more, heading into the trees, but making sure they aren't too far apart.

Auva didn't watch as Elijah left, she simply kept her head buried in her sisters mane. Yet as Heze wandered away all excite Auva couldn't help but feel the energy and get excited by whatever Heze was going on about... her interest was especially peeked at 'my treasures'? Heze was taking Auva to see her treasures? Considering Auva didn't talk it wasn't as if Heze had to worry about her telling anyone.

Keeping as close as she could manage to Heze she happily followed, curious to see what would happen.

Heze smiles and wove through some tres till she seemed to find the one she wanted, bending down and pushing at the stone at the base of th etree, carefully yolling it away, reavealing that the large stone that looked more like it belonged in a river or on a beach had a dip on the hidden side. But also that the tree had a gap big enough got a nose to get in or a small animal between the roots. Heze pulled out something that glinted in the light and made a jingling sound. The bell wasn't very big but it made a pretty tinkling sound as Heze shook her head a little making it bounce on the end of the broken cord it hung by. Setting it by Auva's feet. "Maybe we can get you some more so that you can make noise when you need to, or want to.... or maybe Eden can make something like it..." Shuffling a little just wanting her sister to be able to call for help in a way.

Auva watched in utter fascination as Heze revealed her little hidey hole, Auva had never contemplated doing something like that, but she had to admit she rather liked the idea.

As Heze revealed the little bell Auva's entire face lit up; it was such a pretty noise, and if she ever spoke she was pretty sure it was far nice than any noise she could make. Her eyes watched it, enthralled by the twinkling. For her? Was Heze really giving it to her? That brought a smile as bright as the sun to her face as she looked to her sister, nodding her head in a gentle 'thank you'.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:06 am
Heze smiled, her own smile going up to full force in responce to her sisters, it was good to see her smile like that again. "Every bell I find is yours, you can jingle as much or as little as you want. Hold still." Kneeling down and carefully fiddling with the string of the bell, after much fiddling and several mutters she finally had managed to attach it to her sisters bracelet so she could carry it with her home. "There that should do till we get back and you decide how you want it attached. Then I'm sure one of the familiars around could help tie it on better for you." Standing up again and nudging the rock back in place, fluffing the squashed grass back up it soon looking like nothing had moved.

Auva shook her hoof, causing the little bell to jingle on her braclet. So pretty. And it meant all the more since it was from Heze. Wow, she was so lucky. Symphony, her father's sister had even offered to teach her sign language but she didn't want that, for some reason Auva simply didn't like the idea of talking full stop. Yeah, it was a weird notion to have. Kissing her sister her tail swayed from side to side in her excitment, and one thought crossed her mind, I want to show Mummy and Daddy.

Heze smiled. "Just be careful its fiddly to tie something so small without help, so dont leave it too long without getting it fixed on properly, whever you put it. It might fall off otherwise." Shrugging and starting to wander back. "Now lets get back where they can see us before we get in trouble, and Eligah too for not telling we snuck off."

Auva smiled softly and nodded, she wasn't sure how she was meant to ask anyone to help her... no one would mind, she knew that, but she didn't want to inconvience anyone for that. She would figure that out later.

Walking side by side with her sister she allowed her swagger to bump into Heze every now and then, simply enjoying being able to touch her family.  


Enduring Werewolf

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