Movie Club watched Coraline.

Bea 7:13 pm
So we're watching a movie called...

Danny 7:13 pm

Bea 7:13 pm
Amrita, what is it called?

Danny 7:14 pm
It says Coraline

Amrita 7:14 pm
Um...yes, Coraline

Roch 7:14 pm
no, it says C button ra... line

Nuru 7:14 pm
Nuru: Is et about clot' dollehs?

Danny 7:14 pm
-sits down against the couch and pats lap- Bea!

Amrita 7:14 pm
Coraline, Roch. Don't be dumb. -Makes all the frowny faces-

Mort 7:14 pm
Mort: Mrrrr. >A> Dolls.

Riley 7:14 pm

Nuru 7:15 pm
Nuru: Creepeh clot' dollehs *cringe*

Bea 7:15 pm
look at that detail!

Danny 7:15 pm
I think I had one of those dolls when I was little

Roch 7:15 pm
eh, I think I know the guy doin this

Danny 7:15 pm
I mean … dolls are dumb > A>

Roch 7:15 pm
he was a great pick pocket

Danny 7:16 pm
-uses Roch as a footrest-

Glasere Uller 7:16 pm
I kind of want those kind of dolls... Maybe Tahki would like it.

Roch 7:16 pm
*shoves Danny off*

Riley 7:16 pm
*Tentatively uses Roch as a footrest.*

Roch 7:16 pm
*Stares at Riley, and shrugs*

Danny 7:16 pm
Not fair 8(

Nuru 7:16 pm
Nuru: CAT!

Roch 7:17 pm
you're too hot

Danny 7:17 pm
But … I can't do anything about that

Bea 7:17 pm
Think we could find some herbs out there?

Roch 7:17 pm
you can use somebody else as a footstool

Nuru 7:17 pm
Nuru: *grrrrs at the screen* Et gun kill dat poor scareling!

Riley 7:17 pm
*Settles in comfortably.*

Mort 7:17 pm
Mort: Doesn't look like useful things grow there.

Danny 7:17 pm
Down puppy, down!

Bea 7:17 pm
*looks at nuru* what did you just say?

Nuru 7:18 pm
Nuru: Run lil ghoul!
Nuru: Run!

Roch 7:18 pm
what the jack is she doin' with that stick?

Nuru 7:18 pm
Nuru: Evil cat gunnah get ya.

Roch 7:18 pm
there's a cat RIGHT THAR

Nuru 7:18 pm
Nuru: oooh... strong scareling *grin*

Glasere Uller 7:18 pm
Look, it's probably one of Jack's many cats..

Danny 7:18 pm
Roch it's you!

Roch 7:19 pm
how is that me?

Danny 7:19 pm
Yeah you're ugly like that too.
He had a motorcycle!

Amrita 7:19 pm
Ahahahaha no, that's not Roch

Mort 7:19 pm
Mort: * owo @ welder mask/helmet/thing*

Bea 7:19 pm
awwwww, kitty

Roch 7:19 pm
... freakin' wells...

Riley 7:19 pm
Is this entire movie simply a series of unfortunate incidents that end up scaring this little blue haired ghoul?

Nuru 7:19 pm
Nuru: dun touch et...

Riley 7:19 pm
Because if so, I approve.

Nuru 7:19 pm
Nuru: Diseases

Danny 7:19 pm
I don't like her any more. 8c

Roch 7:20 pm
ok, not gonna lie, nice helmet

Glasere Uller 7:20 pm
This girl is kind of snotty, isn't she?

Roch 7:20 pm
doubles for welding

Riley 7:20 pm
Perhaps she will die.

Danny 7:20 pm
-stares- D'you want one like that?

Amrita 7:20 pm
I think someone needs to make Mort that helmet~

Mort 7:20 pm
Mort: *snorts softly* Could make on own.

Glasere Uller 7:20 pm
Oh, that'd be nice. Maybe she would die.

Nuru 7:20 pm
Nuru: See? he got that from the mangeh cat

Bea 7:20 pm
Wait, Riley have you seen this movie before?

Roch 7:20 pm
oh, so she's a water witch

Bea 7:20 pm
Does she actually die?

Roch 7:21 pm
we can hope!

Danny 7:21 pm
I don't like her anymore.
Stupid water witches. :c

Bea 7:21 pm
*laughs* why not, Danny?
oh, haha

Danny 7:21 pm
She's a water witch

Riley 7:21 pm
I have not.

Remi 7:21 pm
'Sup guys sorry im late

Roch 7:21 pm
Amphi's a mermaid

Riley 7:21 pm
At least.
I think I have not.

Danny 7:22 pm
Yeah but … but ...

Riley 7:22 pm
I don't recall seeing this movie before.

Glasere Uller 7:22 pm
Well, her parents are decent at least. -snorts-

Danny 7:22 pm
She doesn't make magic-y stuff with water
She just lives in it

Bea 7:22 pm
Ah, a new comer! come sit, come sit!
plenty of pillows over behind that black couch over there *points to pillows*

Nuru 7:23 pm
Nuru: Creepeh not as bad as da cat dough.

Riley 7:23 pm
Ah, splendid. Her father is a zombie.

Danny 7:23 pm
Also blankets. There are blankets.

Mort 7:23 pm
Mort: *perks at mention of zombie*

Roch 7:23 pm
think that's her mother?

Amrita 7:23 pm
He's a charming zombie!

Roch 7:23 pm
*not really paying attention*

Nuru 7:23 pm
Nuru: Reminds meh of Zah

Danny 7:23 pm
That's a dude Roch!

Mort 7:24 pm
Mort: Reminds've who?

Glasere Uller 7:24 pm
Oh, blue? -perks up-

Amrita 7:24 pm
A work-a-holic?

Nuru 7:24 pm
Nuru: Yup!

Danny 7:24 pm
Awww that wasn't nice.

Bea 7:24 pm
Oh, and snacks on the table- per usual

Danny 7:24 pm
I bet cricket's gonna eat her for that.

Bea 7:24 pm
help yourselves everyone

Roch 7:24 pm
*Has already found them*

Bea 7:24 pm
I baked spookies!

Riley 7:25 pm
Her head is disproportional to her body.
It is her only redeeming quality.

Nuru 7:25 pm
Nuru: *earperk* spookehs?

Roch 7:25 pm
bigger brains?

Glasere Uller 7:25 pm

Danny 7:25 pm
Don't eat them all Roch!

Roch 7:25 pm
*mouth full*

Glasere Uller 7:25 pm
This is why I don't like computers.

Danny 7:25 pm

Roch 7:25 pm

Nuru 7:25 pm
Nuru: *scurrys to snack table to shovel goodies in his mouth*

Danny 7:25 pm
Why cause they're hard to use?

Riley 7:25 pm
What.. hey.

Roch 7:25 pm
y'almost made me spit out my food

Riley 7:25 pm
I would like one of those, please.
*Nudges Roch with a toe*

Roch 7:26 pm

Glasere Uller 7:26 pm
Yeah, they're hard to use. And the fact that they rely on something unstable like that.

Riley 7:26 pm
*Narrows eyes at hesitation*

Mort 7:26 pm
Mort: Disagree. Easy to use once get basic mechanics.

Bea 7:26 pm

Roch 7:26 pm
*stares at table of snacks... grabs some sugary brains*

Bea 7:26 pm
*pouts at nuru*

Danny 7:26 pm
-notices cold creature (uller)- >_>

Roch 7:26 pm
*offers to Riley*

Riley 7:26 pm
*Inches closer to Roch*
Oh, why thank you.

Glasere Uller 7:27 pm
Mine keeps freezing and doesn't boot up half the time. -blinks as he's stared at- What?

Roch 7:27 pm
*gulps down his spookies*

Amrita 7:27 pm
Tough Mama

Nuru 7:27 pm
Nuru: Yaf can frab fome?

Mort 7:27 pm
Mort: Mrrr. Could help if want. Depends on different things for running smoothyl.

Danny 7:27 pm
-continues to stare and pokes Roch-

Riley 7:28 pm
*Pokes at sugared brains distractedly*

Danny 7:28 pm
-whispers- Why's he here?

Nuru 7:28 pm
Nuru: *omnoms all the good things*

Roch 7:28 pm
*out of spookies and too lazy to raid the table again*

Glasere Uller 7:28 pm
If you want to you're more than welcome to. It's probably dusty on top of everything. -eyees the one whispering-

Bea 7:29 pm
I dont think I've ever seen you here before *looks at Uller* what's your name?
Mine's Bea, I'm the Movie Club President
*hands Uller a blanky*

Nuru 7:29 pm
Nuru: oooh
Nuru: yummeh mouseh

Roch 7:29 pm
*wonders if he could get a Roch doll... that creepy

Glasere Uller 7:29 pm
-blinks- ... Glasere Uller. I'm a new student. -shakes his hand at the blanket- I'm fine.

Riley 7:30 pm
*Has demolished the sugared brains and any remnants of said brains that might have survived the initial tentacle attack.*

Roch 7:30 pm
*claps at the demolishing*

Amrita 7:30 pm
Oh, a new student? H-hi! I'm Amrita~

Mort 7:30 pm
Mort: Dusty? *small frown* Mrrr . . . C-Can see what can do later. *extends hand* Mortimer McNeal.

Danny 7:30 pm
-stares at Uller- Danny.

Amrita 7:30 pm
....I wonder how hard it would be to see through buttons... -Chinrubs-

Bea 7:31 pm
Yikes, I never thought of that... how WOULD you see through buttons?

Danny 7:31 pm
Ooh their eyes are neat!

Glasere Uller 7:31 pm
Pleasure to meet you all. -takes Mort's hand and shakes it slowly-

Danny 7:31 pm
I want those!!

Bea 7:31 pm
maybe they can see through the holes?

Amrita 7:31 pm
Hmm! I could try after this, and let you know?

Roch 7:31 pm
we could offer one to Shun!

Mort 7:31 pm
Mort: *and then proceeds to make a face at the demolishing of sugary brains*

Roch 7:31 pm

Danny 7:31 pm
Roch not nice.

Amrita 7:31 pm
I already offered him my eye, he wouldn't take it :C

Glasere Uller 7:31 pm
I kind of want that piano.

Danny 7:32 pm
Ahhhh!!!! -hits Roch with excitement-

Eight 7:32 pm
Junko: ::peeks in:: Am I la--..oops. Hi guys~.

Amrita 7:32 pm

Eight 7:32 pm

Nuru 7:32 pm
Nuru: FHI! *still gobbling at the snack table*

Danny 7:32 pm
Who're you? ovo

Bea 7:32 pm
Junko! I baked spookies! they are on the table over there! *points*

Eight 7:33 pm
::sits down:: Oh cute! She has button ey--ah, Junko. Oh, really? OuO

Bea 7:33 pm
if they haven't eaten them all yet

Amrita 7:33 pm
This ghoul doesn't eat much...! All that wasted food.

Danny 7:33 pm
How does she … not wanna eat?

Glasere Uller 7:33 pm
That looks really good, too. She really is snotty.

Amrita 7:33 pm
Maybe she's more Undead or Ghost than Witch?

Riley 7:34 pm
Good evening, Junko.

Danny 7:34 pm
I thought her dad was a zombie?
And what's an other mother?

Eight 7:34 pm
R-Riley! <33

Mort 7:34 pm
Mort: Would want to eat that myself, thanks.

Riley 7:34 pm
An other mother is another mother.

Roch 7:34 pm
Why would you need two?

Eight 7:34 pm
::sits beside Riley:: n____n

Bea 7:34 pm
Oh my Jack! I want a picture frame that moves!

Danny 7:35 pm
Ohhh so she has 4 pumpkin parents?

Roch 7:35 pm
*doesn't even have one*

Amrita 7:35 pm
Or maybe a tight knit clan!

Danny 7:35 pm
That could be it!

Riley 7:35 pm
*Leans head down and taps it gently against Junko's in greeting.*

Eight 7:35 pm

Remi 7:35 pm
*Remembers Riley, makes sure not to sit near*

Eight 7:35 pm
Wait she has no...buttons..

Amrita 7:36 pm

Bea 7:36 pm
*eye squints* one his... what?

Roch 7:36 pm
Does anyone got a mini door in their room?

Eight 7:36 pm
His butt.

Amrita 7:36 pm
-Pats the spot beside her- Remi!

Danny 7:36 pm
-pokes Roch- Wasn't he the guy with glitter at prom?

Eight 7:36 pm
I don't have a mini door in my room.
Just my closet.

Riley 7:37 pm
Buttons seem to be the indicator of which world they are in. Perhaps the door is a sort of portal. We should make sure none of our dorms have portals into the human world. We could have unwanted visitors.

Eight 7:37 pm
Ohhhh! Okay.

Remi 7:37 pm
I dont have a mini door. And HI Rita!

Bea 7:37 pm
Mort! Long time no see, how have you been?

Danny 7:37 pm
But … wouldn't you wanna visit your other mother? She's your mummy 8(

Riley 7:37 pm
*Wiggles a tentacle at Remi innocently in greeting.*

Mort 7:37 pm
Mort: *derisively* already have nice big portal to place for Hunters. Wouldn't be surprised if have new secret doors for humans too.

Riley 7:37 pm
I do not want to visit anyone who claims to be my mother. No.

Nuru 7:38 pm
Nuru: Ooooh

Remi 7:38 pm
*eyetwitches and scoots a little further away from Riley*

Alex 7:38 pm
*Finds a place next to Mort*

Danny 7:38 pm
Alex! -waves-

Eight 7:38 pm
He's very um...

Alex 7:38 pm
Hey Danny!

Bea 7:38 pm
That boil has talent

Eight 7:38 pm
He's very round and tall.

Mort 7:38 pm
*blinks and looks up at Alex's arrival* Back from vacation?

Amrita 7:38 pm
I like his whiskers
Alex? You came back!

Danny 7:39 pm
I wonder what kinda undead he is ...

Riley 7:39 pm
I like his clearly dead skin.

Roch 7:39 pm
*staring at Remi* Uh...

Bea 7:39 pm

Eight 7:39 pm
He's like a spider!

Remi 7:39 pm
/Stares back/ Yes?

Roch 7:39 pm
think he went into the lockers with us? *can't remember prom, much*

Riley 7:39 pm
*Bursts out laughing*

Alex 7:39 pm
Yes. *Waves to Amrita*

Roch 7:39 pm
*points at Danny* she was asking

Riley 7:40 pm
*Clears throat and stops it quickly.*

Eight 7:40 pm
What's so funny, Riley?

Nuru 7:40 pm
Nuru: *yelp and wince*

Danny 7:40 pm
Ah … weren't you the dude at prom with glitter?

Amrita 7:40 pm
...What's so funny, Riley?

Riley 7:40 pm
He. The cutters. It was funny.
... I suppose.

Danny 7:40 pm
You and um … the … green one.

Nuru 7:40 pm
Nuru: boil almos got neutered. *frown*

Amrita 7:40 pm
-Blank stare- Oh. Um. 'Kay.

Eight 7:40 pm
Oh, I see!

Riley 7:40 pm
*Maintains straight face again.*

Danny 7:40 pm
-smacks Roch for giving her away-

Eight 7:40 pm
...... that..

Roch 7:41 pm
*gets beat on a lot

Amrita 7:41 pm

Nuru 7:41 pm
Nuru: Ah like that hat!

Riley 7:41 pm
Oh, devour her, canines, please.

Danny 7:41 pm
Hellma is much prettier!

Amrita 7:41 pm
Oh Jack...-Snorts- haahah

Bea 7:41 pm
she seems too nice to be Helma

Eight 7:41 pm
I don't...know..

Bea 7:41 pm
I think

Eight 7:41 pm
O-oh my

Remi 7:41 pm
*eyes Danny then* Yeeessssss?

Eight 7:41 pm
She's very blessed.
Awww cute she keeps her puppies!

Amrita 7:42 pm
That's one dedicated pair of Miniowners!

Remi 7:42 pm
Her boobs are huge,

Eight 7:42 pm
::stares intently at them::

Danny 7:42 pm
Ehehe it was funny! What's your name kit… do- … doggy?

Bea 7:42 pm
Yes they are!

Eight 7:42 pm
How can they be so hu--
Haha! Sticky candy~!

Amrita 7:42 pm
That is some strong candy, too.

Nuru 7:42 pm
Nuru: *whiiine* D:

Bea 7:42 pm
OHHH she's a fortune reaper!

Nuru 7:42 pm
Nuru: Zah bettah NOT have meh stuffed.

Danny 7:42 pm
Moira reaper?

Glasere Uller 7:42 pm
I wouldn't drink that tea or eat that candy. It doesn't seem appealing.

Mort 7:43 pm
Moira . . .? *blinsk in confusion*

Danny 7:43 pm
The candy looks good … but the tea uh ...

Bea 7:43 pm
handsome BEAST

Remi 7:43 pm
Kitsune, not dog. Close but…. more foxxy.
And its remi

Eight 7:43 pm
Her breasts are weapons!

Remi 7:43 pm
She just boob punched her

Danny 7:43 pm
Foxxy! Okay foxxy Remi hi. I'm Danny ovo

Glasere Uller 7:43 pm
Should I be watching boob wrestling?

Bea 7:43 pm
Welcome Remi!, I'm Bea

Eight 7:44 pm
So much fog.

Roch 7:44 pm
*now picturing boob wrestling*

Eight 7:44 pm
What a cute kitty!

Roch 7:44 pm
How... exactly... nevermind, I'll ask Sammy

Bea 7:44 pm
the landdown bog gets that foggy doesn't it?

Glasere Uller 7:44 pm
It's not a bad picture, but not... appropriate for everyone. -cleared his throat-

Amrita 7:44 pm
-Smacks Roch!-

Nuru 7:45 pm
Nuru: *gabs an armfull of spookies and finally goes to returmn to his seat* NOT DA CAT again

Eight 7:45 pm
::blinks at Amrita:: What'd Roch do?

Roch 7:45 pm
I was just wonderin' how they'd do holds--

Roch 7:45 pm
never mind, I'm just diggin' in deeper here

Glasere Uller 7:45 pm
-just pictured Lifen- ... Okay, now it's an odd picture.

Eight 7:45 pm
Boils are strange..

Bea 7:45 pm
Hey, share some of those spookies!
*grabs a few and hands them out to everyone*

Danny 7:45 pm
Hey wait, why's Amrita hitting you? -hits too so she's not left out-

Roch 7:45 pm

Danny 7:45 pm
-takes a spookie-
-and Roch's-

Roch 7:46 pm
*stares at Danny*

Bea 7:46 pm
Ah, Danny, sharing is caring

Mort 7:46 pm
*nibbles offered spookie quietly, staring at the strange boil's helmet and trying to memorize the details*

Danny 7:46 pm
-stuffs them in her mouth before he can do anything-
O x O

Amrita 7:46 pm
They look delicious, Bea!

Bea 7:46 pm
*gives another to Roch* Here ya go

Eight 7:46 pm
What a cu--hey that looks like a minipet!

Danny 7:46 pm

Bea 7:46 pm
Thank you Amrita!

Roch 7:46 pm
*gulps it down*

Amrita 7:46 pm
Yes, Junko! They're the Band of Mice!

Glasere Uller 7:46 pm
-watches everyone with the spookies before turning back to the movie-

Eight 7:47 pm

Amrita 7:47 pm
We get them at work every now and then

Bea 7:47 pm
I even made little treat shaped ones! see!

Danny 7:47 pm
-catches sight of Uller again and glares-

Amrita 7:47 pm
they love playing instruments, they're so cute to watch!

Nuru 7:47 pm
Nuru: Freakeh tunnel again~

Amrita 7:47 pm
Oh wow, Bea! These must have taken forever! -Admiring her spookie-

Glasere Uller 7:47 pm
-blinked at the glare- What did I do to you? -frowned-

Eight 7:47 pm
The mother with the button eyes is so much nicer than her other one.

Danny 7:48 pm
You're makin' everything cold

Nuru 7:48 pm
Nuru: *leans in*

Bea 7:48 pm
OH, no it's simple! just make a little spookei cutter and it'll cute the shape
and frost it with a face!

Nuru 7:48 pm
Nuru: Freakeh plants.

Danny 7:48 pm
-smacks Roch excitedly again- YIN! IT'S YIN!!

Glasere Uller 7:48 pm
.... -rolled his eyes and sighed, getting up and moving more towards the back- Better?

Eight 7:48 pm
He looks so FUN!

Bea 7:49 pm
what a beautiful garden

Danny 7:49 pm
Why is he riding that manti- … -stares at Uller- No, farther.

Amrita 7:49 pm
Danny, be nice

Danny 7:49 pm
But … But ...

Alex 7:49 pm

Glasere Uller 7:49 pm
-sighed and snorted, getting comfortable where he was-

Amrita 7:49 pm
Be nice! I don't make you move~

Danny 7:49 pm
-crosses arms and mutters- Not fair.

Eight 7:50 pm
How nice of her!

Nuru 7:50 pm
Nuru: the eyes.... are made out of babehs

Eight 7:50 pm

Bea 7:50 pm

Eight 7:50 pm
But...those are buttons..

Nuru 7:50 pm
Nuru: *nod*

Eight 7:51 pm
I know a button when I see one. : stare :

Nuru 7:51 pm
Nuru: in tha garden

Danny 7:51 pm
Those were buttons! /helpful

Eight 7:51 pm

Bea 7:51 pm
.... neutral

Danny 7:51 pm
… oh

Glasere Uller 7:51 pm
Babies aren't buttons..

Roch 7:51 pm
*pondering moving himself*

Eight 7:51 pm
He means the pumpkins.
From the garden.

Nuru 7:51 pm
Nuru: *nods and points at junko*

Danny 7:51 pm
Ohhhh …. Ewwwww.

Glasere Uller 7:51 pm
Oh. Eh.

Eight 7:51 pm
How cute!

Amrita 7:51 pm
....Oh Jack! These are TRAINED Band of Mice! -Makes all the happy faces, scooting closer-

Bea 7:51 pm
Ooooh, Junko, you're part of Student Council right?
We should have a circus!

Eight 7:52 pm
I am Vice President again now that Riley's back. ::beams proudly::

Amrita 7:52 pm
Eeeee this takes such skill!

Bea 7:52 pm
*shouting at the screen*

Danny 7:52 pm
Bea shh!

Eight 7:52 pm
Why do you ask, Bea?

Amrita 7:52 pm
Aaaaaa I would love to meet who trained them!
They're so preciously horrible!

Bea 7:52 pm
Oh, I just said... we should have a minipet circus thing

Eight 7:52 pm

Nuru 7:52 pm
Nuru: *grumbles at the screen*

Roch 7:53 pm
... I wanna go to the circus

Eight 7:53 pm

Glasere Uller 7:53 pm
He's blue like me. I like him.

Danny 7:53 pm
Let's go to the circus!!

Mort 7:53 pm
Should judge more than just color. *but is also blue, so he's probably biased*

Junko 7:53 pm
That cotton candy looks really good.

Glasere Uller 7:54 pm
I judged by his accent, too, just now. So, how about that?

Amrita 7:54 pm
I love him for his talent! Trained band of mice.... -Off in her own world now *u*-

Mort 7:54 pm
*shrug* Interesting accent.

Junko 7:54 pm
Her parents are so mean..

Danny 7:54 pm
Alex. Alex psst. Alexxx.

Bea 7:54 pm
Yes, he is very talented

Nuru 7:54 pm
Nuru: Aw she sad tah be back.

Alex 7:54 pm

Danny 7:55 pm
D'you think Yin could carry me like that dad guy did?

Junko 7:55 pm
That looked fun!

Alex 7:55 pm
...........*Shrugs* Why don't you ask him next time you see him?

Glasere Uller 7:56 pm
Her parent's aren't mean. They're just right in my opinion. Why would a ghoul want that much attention from her parents?

Roch 7:56 pm
Every time I get attention from my parents it turns out messed up...

Glasere Uller 7:56 pm
Same here. So. -shrugged-

Junko 7:56 pm
W-well...attention from parents is have...

Roch 7:57 pm
*thinking of Vegas* But hell, I DID get a bike out of his screw up...

Junko 7:57 pm
::scratches cheek::

Riley 7:57 pm
I believe the point of the movie might be that, if you are going to spawn, be prepared to spend your life trying to make sure they do not find alternate doors to universes.

Bea 7:57 pm
at least you have parents. i can't remember ever having any

Riley 7:57 pm
Or, more importantly, do not breed.

Nuru 7:57 pm
Nuru: *frowned* Ah wouldn' know about anneh of that.

Roch 7:57 pm
Or more more importantly, make sure they don't get the key

Bea 7:57 pm
Riley, do you not want to have scarelings of your own some day?

Riley 7:57 pm
Indeed I do not. And the world is better for it.

Junko 7:58 pm
If I have scarelings I'm going to be a much more attentive parent then mine are. ::nods sagely::

Danny 7:58 pm
Roch. Roch cupcakes. Roch!

Amrita 7:58 pm
I used to want scarelings...not any more.

Danny 7:58 pm

Nuru 7:58 pm
Nuru: *perked ever so slightly* Ya dun have famileh eiddah?

Junko 7:58 pm
She's so skinny!

Bea 7:58 pm
why's that, amrita?

Roch 7:58 pm
Jackdammit, Danny, y'don't gotta BEAT on me

Riley 7:58 pm
A wise change in decision, dear Amrita.

Roch 7:58 pm
just watch the movie

Bea 7:58 pm
... that minipet can talk

Danny 7:58 pm
But there were cupcakes ...

Roch 7:59 pm
can't eat 'em if they're in a movie

Remi 7:59 pm
Maybe its not a minipet

Amrita 7:59 pm
W-well, um...k-kind of a long story -scratches cheek-

Nuru 7:59 pm
Nuru: *grrrrs again*

Amrita 7:59 pm
B-but uh, thanks Riley!

Remi 7:59 pm
Cound be a nekogami like jack?

Riley 7:59 pm
You're welcome, darling.

Nuru 8:00 pm
Nuru: Jacking cats.

Bea 8:00 pm
*gives a concerned look at amrita*.... oh, alright.

Amrita 8:00 pm
...Oh! Maybe it's one of Jack-B's family!

Danny 8:00 pm
Cats are nice!

Riley 8:00 pm
.. That was a rude end to the conversation.
That cat needs a lesson in manners.
Perhaps from these well behaved dogs.

Mort 8:00 pm
Is a cat. Probably doesn't care.

Glasere Uller 8:00 pm
Clones. Those have to be clone dogs. Where's Frost when you need him.

Junko 8:01 pm
Oh my Jack..
::jaw drops::

Nuru 8:01 pm
Nuru: Thank ya!

Bea 8:01 pm

Glasere Uller 8:01 pm

Remi 8:01 pm

Riley 8:01 pm
... She is nowhere near naked.

Bea 8:01 pm
oh I hope the talent show isn't like this

Amrita 8:01 pm
.....-Opens mouth- ... -Closes it again- ....U-uhm...

Junko 8:01 pm

Bea 8:01 pm
oh my jack

Remi 8:01 pm
Now shws almost naked

Alex 8:01 pm
.....What am I watching??

Glasere Uller 8:01 pm
My eyes! -hid them now- Oh jack, why?

Amrita 8:01 pm
-Covers Remi's eyes-

Junko 8:01 pm
My eyyyyes!

Danny 8:01 pm
Ahahaha! /laughing

Riley 8:01 pm
... Yes. That, that is closer.

Mort 8:01 pm
Alluring display apparently. :

Riley 8:02 pm
The canines approve.

Junko 8:02 pm
::dramatic fake sobbing::

Alex 8:02 pm
Mort, tell me when it's over. *turns away*

Danny 8:02 pm
I hope Amphi's not like that ...

Glasere Uller 8:02 pm
Alluring to who?! Those are too big!

Remi 8:02 pm
*Covers Amritas eyes back* 8|

Bea 8:02 pm
i love those shells on her...

Amrita 8:02 pm
Thank youuuuu

Mort 8:02 pm
Finished. *kinda still staring in dull shock*

Bea 8:02 pm
okay nevermind I dont love those shells

Roch 8:02 pm
Roch *staring at Danny*

Amrita 8:02 pm
Oh jack she lost her hair!

Alex 8:02 pm
*Turns back around*

Mort 8:02 pm
Never mind.

Junko 8:02 pm

Alex 8:02 pm

Riley 8:02 pm
Oh, splendid.

Mort 8:02 pm
d0Din't know!

Junko 8:02 pm

Glasere Uller 8:03 pm
She's going TO PUWHaat

Alex 8:03 pm
Woah wait

Bea 8:03 pm
*chokes on spookies*

Amrita 8:03 pm
...Oh that's cool!

Riley 8:03 pm

Alex 8:03 pm
it's okay

Glasere Uller 8:03 pm
What in jack's name is going on

Junko 8:03 pm
That was a neat trick!

Glasere Uller 8:03 pm
I'm so confused now.

Mort 8:03 pm

Junko 8:03 pm

Amrita 8:03 pm
Or Bodysnatchers!

Glasere Uller 8:03 pm
Are they on drugs?

Bea 8:04 pm
what are drugs?

Junko 8:04 pm
That was so cool!

Danny 8:04 pm
This looks fun! I should get Amphi to do that with me ...

Bea 8:04 pm
Danny! do it for the talent show!

Riley 8:04 pm
I definitely hope that is in the talent show.

Junko 8:04 pm
Her dress reminds me of one of Lizzy's dresses.

Danny 8:05 pm
Okay I'll get a rope and swing on it and then throw Amphi around and it will be fun!! Bea you can come too!

Nuru 8:05 pm
Nuru: Poor quiet boil.

Glasere Uller 8:05 pm
This movie is making my brain hurt.

Bea 8:05 pm
why's that uller?

Junko 8:05 pm
Oh they..want her to sew buttons to her eyes?
That's um...

Amrita 8:05 pm
I kind of do want to try the button eyes thing now...

Glasere Uller 8:05 pm
That last scene was confusing. That's all.

Junko 8:05 pm
I can help you with that if you like.

Amrita 8:06 pm
That'd be great, Junko! Maybe after the movie?

Junko 8:06 pm
We can go out and find some buttons you like.

Alex 8:06 pm
I don't get it. Why does she need to sew buttons to her eyes? Did I miss something at the beginning that explains this?

Junko 8:06 pm
Will you be able to see though?

Mort 8:06 pm
Think is part of pact to become an Other.

Glasere Uller 8:07 pm
So does she sew them on herself or do they do it for her?

Amrita 8:07 pm
I dunno! But that's kind of why I want to try

Junko 8:07 pm
Good thing you have a patchwork body. It won't be difficult.

Bea 8:07 pm
Maybe you can see through the little holes!

Amrita 8:07 pm

Glasere Uller 8:07 pm
But there's string in the holes...

Junko 8:08 pm
Oh my..

Glasere Uller 8:08 pm
Mmm, still want that piano.

Bea 8:09 pm
oh that's right...
see through buttons?

Danny 8:09 pm
Awww … that's sad

Junko 8:09 pm
But they ate all that food!

Danny 8:09 pm
Guys we need to help her!!

Riley 8:09 pm
*Eyes Danny warily.*

Glasere Uller 8:09 pm
No, but there is thread through the button holes, so maybe she just... I don't know, actually.

Amrita 8:10 pm
Well, we'll see! If this doesn't work we can just assume they have special clan buttons?

Riley 8:10 pm
*Whispers to Roch* Has.. has no one explained to this ghoul the concept of cinema?

Junko 8:10 pm
Maybe, Amrita!
And if they don't work I can easily remove them.
This room is neat!

Bea 8:11 pm

Glasere Uller 8:11 pm
Oh, those look good!

Danny 8:11 pm
Wait … but she just ate stuff … so is she okay now?

Junko 8:11 pm
::stares at Danny::
Oh my.

Glasere Uller 8:11 pm

Riley 8:11 pm
I believe that this mother prefers to eat something other than typical food.

Amrita 8:11 pm
I think her button malfunctioned
err, pin...

Danny 8:12 pm
Ohhh … like what? ovo

Bea 8:12 pm
what was that?

Danny 8:12 pm
Awwww cute little ghosties

Bea 8:12 pm
awww! ghostlings!

Junko 8:13 pm
So she eats lives?

Riley 8:13 pm

Amrita 8:13 pm
I suppose!
I didn't know you could eat lives...

Glasere Uller 8:14 pm
Look at them. They're kind of cute. -shrugged- I wonder how she does this. Maybe the buttons take the souls out of the body?

Junko 8:14 pm

Nuru 8:14 pm
Nuru: Poor lil scarelins..

Junko 8:14 pm
Go Coraline go!

Roch 8:14 pm
*thinking of how to put it took this long*

Junko 8:15 pm

Roch 8:15 pm
*whispers to Riley* well... y'know... some people are better at burnin' stuff than thinkin...

Glasere Uller 8:15 pm
Ha. Real dad and real mom.
Like she's adopted or something.

Amrita 8:15 pm
This boil must have an interesting view on life -headtilts to match his-

Riley 8:16 pm
*Whispers back* Ahh. Usefulness in other ways.

Roch 8:16 pm
pretty much

Junko 8:16 pm
He thinks she's crazy.

Bea 8:17 pm
ouch! boot to the head

Danny 8:17 pm
Ewww rain.

Glasere Uller 8:17 pm
What's with the shoe throwing? Way to get his attention.

Junko 8:17 pm
I don't think it's wise to do that when you're trying to convince someone you're not crazy.

Amrita 8:18 pm
Shoes are pretty good projectiles!

Glasere Uller 8:18 pm
That boil thinks she's even crazier now.

Riley 8:18 pm
That woman is.

Riley 8:18 pm
Well endowed.

Junko 8:19 pm

Danny 8:19 pm
Why is she murdering the candy!

Glasere Uller 8:19 pm
Wow, that's... some strength.

Junko 8:19 pm

Amrita 8:19 pm

Glasere Uller 8:20 pm
That's kind of sad.

Danny 8:20 pm

Riley 8:20 pm
*Remains silent and unmoved.*

Glasere Uller 8:20 pm
I wouldn't follow a cat.

Nuru 8:20 pm
Nuru: *whimper* poor lil scareling... ah'd help but...
Nuru: AUGH cat!

Junko 8:23 pm
He um
He put on some weight.

Amrita 8:24 pm
And lost a few feet

Riley 8:24 pm
Let himself go.
Oh, is he reverting to pumpkin form?
That's legitimately intriguing.

Glasere Uller 8:24 pm
Hm.... He looks like he is.

Junko 8:24 pm
He was orange!
I really like her dress...

Amrita 8:25 pm
...Is is possible to revert into a pumpkin...?

Danny 8:25 pm
I like her hair, the mom one.

Roch 8:25 pm
I'm thinkin'... no

Glasere Uller 8:25 pm
That breakfast looks good.

Roch 8:25 pm
although TG might fit...

Bea 8:25 pm
I dont think... you can, amrita?

Amrita 8:26 pm
I didn't think so! That just seems...weird.

Danny 8:27 pm
Why doesn't she just burn the garden down … It'd be super fast

Riley 8:27 pm
This is a charming garden.

Glasere Uller 8:27 pm
This is a lovely garden. Why is she destroying it so? -frowned-

Junko 8:27 pm
Good aim!

Danny 8:27 pm
'Cause the plants aren't being nice.

Amrita 8:27 pm
Her Dad's a Zombie, Danny! Maybe he taught her that fire is bad

Junko 8:28 pm
He's a pumpkin!

Danny 8:28 pm
-frowns- No it's not.

Roch 8:28 pm
not everybody's fireproof

Bea 8:28 pm
that is so sad

Amrita 8:28 pm
Definitely not fireproof...

Glasere Uller 8:28 pm
I certainly am not fireproof. But I saw nothing wrong with that garden.

Riley 8:28 pm

Junko 8:29 pm
What's wrong, Riley?

Danny 8:29 pm
Th-The garden Junko.

Junko 8:29 pm
...What about it? It turned--...oh.

Danny 8:29 pm

Junko 8:29 pm
Look! Bats!

Amrita 8:30 pm
No, Danny!

Alex 8:30 pm
*Cringes at the talk of fire and burning*

Nuru 8:30 pm
Nuru: oooh

Glasere Uller 8:30 pm
Don't burn the plants. -sighs- Fire's... a bad thing. A really bad thing.

Junko 8:30 pm
They're made of candy!

Nuru 8:30 pm
Nuru: Ah wish ah had wings like that

Junko 8:31 pm
O-oh dear.

Danny 8:31 pm
-puts her arms around her legs- No it's not. Stoppit guys.

Junko 8:31 pm
Just um.
Don't look when..they find an eye..

Riley 8:31 pm
*Gets up and goes to the snack table.*

Junko 8:31 pm
Haha his voice is funny!

Bea 8:32 pm
does he... seem familiar?

Riley 8:32 pm
*Prods at the snacks that are left, sifting for something acceptable.*

Glasere Uller 8:32 pm
-frowns and lets his eyes follow the ghoul who went to the snack table- Hm...

Junko 8:33 pm
Oh no!

Bea 8:34 pm
what was that?
oh the kitty!
*looks at riley* are there any snack left?

Riley 8:34 pm
Yes, there's some spookies left. I think-
*Looked back at the wrong time.*

Junko 8:34 pm
May I have some, Riley?

Riley 8:35 pm
.. Sure.

Junko 8:35 pm
Look the house is fine!
I-it's okay.

Nuru 8:35 pm
Nuru: Not manneh~

Junko 8:35 pm
Stop looking okay.
J-just um..

Riley 8:35 pm
*Collects some of the remaining spookies and returns to the seat.*

Junko 8:35 pm
::leans on Riley:: <3

Riley 8:35 pm
It'll be all right. Have a spookie.

Junko 8:35 pm
Okay~ Thank you.

Glasere Uller 8:35 pm
-wondered if Riley was alright bfore she said so and then frowned a little more-

Junko 8:36 pm
((D: What happened oh no))

Bea 8:37 pm
stupid movie!

Glasere Uller 8:37 pm
Refund time.

Bea 8:37 pm
*hits the skellyvision*

Amrita 8:37 pm
I...I'm so sorry! It's kind of old...

Danny 8:37 pm
Aww it's okay Amrita

Junko 8:37 pm
That's okay, Amrita. Not your fault.

Danny 8:37 pm
Bea it worked!

Junko 8:37 pm

Bea 8:37 pm

Glasere Uller 8:37 pm
Oh, look, there it goes.

Danny 8:37 pm
Do you have movie magic powers O AO

Amrita 8:37 pm

Riley 8:38 pm
*Picks at her spookie with a tentacle.*

Bea 8:38 pm
I don't think I do, but I might now! *giggles*

Junko 8:38 pm
::leans on Riley and nibbles spookie::
I really like her dress.

Glasere Uller 8:38 pm
Her dress does seem to get better as she stretches.

Bea 8:38 pm
I wish it came in a white or pearl color

Bea 8:38 pm
then it'd be prettier

Danny 8:39 pm
No wonder you're president Bea. -Eyes sparkly-

Amrita 8:39 pm
This whole room is very nice!

Junko 8:39 pm

Danny 8:39 pm
Go kitty go! /way too into this

Junko 8:39 pm
So she's a spider!

Bea 8:40 pm
that eats lives apparently

Danny 8:40 pm
Like Lizzy?

Junko 8:40 pm
She doesn't seem to be like Lizzy.

Nuru 8:40 pm

Danny 8:40 pm
Lizzy is much nicer -nods-

Roch 8:40 pm

Nuru 8:40 pm

Roch 8:40 pm
Coraline IS a human... or is actin' like one, right?

Nuru 8:40 pm
Nuru: *scrambles to hide under a seat cusion*

Junko 8:41 pm
::watches intently::

Glasere Uller 8:41 pm
Interesting.. I rather like this movie.

Alex 8:41 pm
Aw, she got away....

Bea 8:41 pm
*grabs onto chest* that made my heart pound, my jack

Junko 8:41 pm
Do they not realize they're covered in stuff?
That was snow..? Didn't look like snow I've ever seen.

Glasere Uller 8:42 pm
Oh, look... I miss snow..

Nuru 8:43 pm
Nuru: Is da spidah gone?

Amrita 8:43 pm

Whisper 8:43 pm
Whisper: *wakes up in the pillow pile* Oh man...did I literally just sleep through almost the whole thing?

Bea 8:43 pm
she got locked through the small door

Nuru 8:43 pm
Nuru: *finally reemerges from cusions*

Amrita 8:44 pm
.... -Pats Nuru on the head- I-it'll be okay!

Bea 8:45 pm
I think the kitty was trying to warn--- h jack

Nuru 8:45 pm
Nuru: *tenses up again*
Nuru: JACK

Glasere Uller 8:45 pm
Oh, this is going to be good.

Amrita 8:45 pm
-Patpatpats Nuru- I'll tell you when it's gone again!

Alex 8:45 pm
Ya get her!

Danny 8:45 pm
Go hand go!

Nuru 8:45 pm
Nuru: *burrows in cusions again*

Glasere Uller 8:46 pm
How does she not hear that thing?

Alex 8:46 pm

Nuru 8:46 pm
Nuru: *shakes violently for as long as he hears bad music*

Amrita 8:46 pm
Okay, it's broken now! You can come out!

Riley 8:46 pm
That boil has terrible posture.

Roch 8:47 pm
he sure ain't a grim reaper
gots no stealth

Nuru 8:47 pm
Nuru: *whimpers and pokes his head out again*

Bea 8:47 pm
he's a scareling, he might be learning

Glasere Uller 8:49 pm
I hate dirt too.

Danny 8:49 pm
Dirt's fun!!

Alex 8:49 pm
Nothing wrong with dirt.

Junko 8:49 pm
Happy ending~

Nuru 8:50 pm
Nuru: Dirt is the best ending

Glasere Uller 8:50 pm

Junko 8:50 pm
That was fun!

Bea 8:50 pm
interesting movie!

Riley 8:50 pm
A few too many people lived for my liking. But to each his own.

Roch 8:50 pm
*has enough trouble with doors and keys as it is

Nuru 8:50 pm
Nuru: Ya cruel...

Bea 8:50 pm
Thanks for bringing it Amrita

Amrita 8:50 pm
I'm glad you liked it!

Mort 8:51 pm
Not too bad, but strangely twisted.

Riley 8:51 pm
Awww. Thank you, dear. That's a sweet thing to say.

Danny 8:51 pm
It was fun! -snickers at Roch-

Glasere Uller 8:51 pm
More death would have been nice. I think we should do a slasher movie next time.. -grinned-

Nuru 8:51 pm
Nuru: *snort*

Riley 8:51 pm
*Removes feet from Roch now.*

Amrita 8:51 pm
Thank you.

Roch 8:51 pm
Thanks Amrita!

Alex 8:51 pm
Yes, thank you for the movie.

Riley 8:51 pm
Thank you for hosting the get together. It was .. fun.

Junko 8:51 pm
Yes, thank you!

Bea 8:52 pm
Maybe I'll plan another meeting sometime on spiderday
hope you all can make it again!

Amrita 8:52 pm
You're welcome! Bea, thanks for organizing this! And the spookies!

Glasere Uller 8:52 pm
This was interesting. Thank you very much. -grinned- I'll be there, I think.

Bea 8:52 pm
Next time I'll have more spookies. I'm surprised Riley wasn't the one who ate all of them this time *chuckles*
Junko, maybe you can help me bake some for next showing.

Nuru 8:53 pm
Nuru: *innocent staring* Ahm a growin boil!

Riley 8:53 pm
Am.. am I usually?

Junko 8:53 pm
I'd love to, Bea!
And yes, Riley.

Bea 8:53 pm
Just that last time, I remember you just... devoured them all, aha

Riley 8:53 pm
*Eyes the spookie in her hand oddly.*

Junko 8:53 pm
You tend to have a um...a lot of trouble controlling yourself around sugar.

Junko 8:53 pm
Maybe that's all gone now though! Which is great!

Whisper 8:53 pm
Yes, it was fun...even if it was a really good nap for the most part.

Nuru 8:54 pm
Nuru: Ah liked da part wit the dirt.

Riley 8:54 pm
*Slowly puts down her spookie, staring at it as though it might come to life.*

Bea 8:54 pm
Okay, well, good night everyone! Thanks for coming!