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Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

To Watch and Creep! (Creeperscouts Intro ORP)

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Hygienic Waffles

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:05 pm
It was a fairly typical overcast day on Amityville campus. The cloudy sky robbed the color from nearly everything, leaving the world in muted uniform shades of grey. Everything, that is, except for the strange line of little yellow flags dotting the walls and floors, and sometimes even ceilings. It wasn't particularly unusual- the campus was often peppered with flyers advertising this or that- but it was certainly curious. Someone had CLEARLY had too much time on their hands.

If one cared to follow them, they led off campus - through the monster dorms and out back further still, straight into the Weeping Forest. The flags stood out in the spooky woods, cheerful little splashes of color in the dark. Who had left them there, and why? The only clue were the letters 'CS' painted carefully on each banner.

It was a long walk, following those flags, through briar bushes and deep gulleys, sides so steep you had to scramble out by clawing up the roots of old trees. The forest itself was it's usual - forbidding, dank, and smelling slightly of some strange spices. The trail led deep into the wood, far away from even the horsemen's settlement, into a not-oft explored section. The trail ended in a small hollow, a large blackened tree leaning over it with a bigger version of the banner dangling from it's branches.

And there, peering at you somewhat creepily from above, was a khaki-clad manticore ghoul. Some might recognize her as Cady. She looks you over, as if checking to see how you fared on your trek.

"HELLO! AND WELCOME TO THE FIRST OFFICIAL AMITYVILLE CREEPERSCOUTS CAMP OUT! I hope you brought some bedding! And food! And a flashlight!"

What the hell?

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:24 pm
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Congratulations, your student has just wandered, unprepared, into a mostly abandoned and possibly dangerous section of the forest. Alone. Or maybe they came with a friend. Talk about a low wisdom score. It's ok though, Scout Leader Cady is here to help! Sort of...

Your first trial as a potential creeperscout club member is to see exactly how prepared you may be. Follow the dice prompts below to see both how your student did, and what sort of supplies they brought to the table!

And also, welcome to the first Creeperscouts ORP! This is sort of an interest/sign ups RP, so if you have a student who might be interested in this club, please feel free to jump in any time!

First post and Dice Mechanics!

On your first (entrance) post, please roll 2d20.

The first dice is how you fared on your journey to the clearing, and is broken down as follows -

1-5 : You fell into a briar bush. It was quite prickly. You've got a few scrapes, and you'll probably be picking leaves out of your hair for days.

6-10 : You stepped on something- only instead of crunching like the rest of the underbrush, it HISSED. And then it got up- and it's huge. You've angered an Angry Snake. Fortunately for you, you notice it has a nametag around it's coils that reads 'Trevor'. It doesn't bite you- it just sort of regards you judgingly. Not a good start to a stroll through the forest.

10-12 : You make it through the woods without incident. It's almost as if you know the way.

13-18: You fall into a very, very deep hole. Only instead of having to eat your own arm off or something, you climb/fly/levitate/whatever out. Unfortunately, the hole seems to have functioned as a sort of communal toilet, and now you're covered in minipet poop.

18-20: You are ******** Tarzan. You swing through the trees like some sort of bird-monkey hybrid. And Eaglerilla, maybe. You never realized how much you loved the woods- or maybe you did; maybe it's part of your past. Whatever the case, you sail into the clearing, landing impressively in front of the manticore ghoul. You were born ready.

The 2nd dice is for what you've brought with you -

1-5 : You check your pockets. Nothing but FEAR candy. Blast.

5-10 : You check your pockets, and find that one of your minipets has decided to hitch a ride. In your pants. Weird, but possibly useful.

10-12 : You check your pockets, and then realize you're being silly. You have your backpack with you. You're not sure how a couple of pencils and a notebook will help, but you show them to the manticore ghoul anyway.

13-18 : You check your pockets, and find a lighter. Where did THAT come from? Perhaps you carry it all the time. Either way, you feel slightly more prepared.

18-20 : You have a beverage container and lunch bag filled with your favorites. It was almost lunchtime anyway, and you had been on the way to the cafeteria when curiosity got the better of you.


Hygienic Waffles

bipolar bee rolled 2 20-sided dice: 12, 12 Total: 24 (2-40)

bipolar bee

Alien Kitten

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:32 pm
Lark was, by nature, a rather curious ghoul - and when she saw the flags leading into the forest... well, there was nothing left to do but follow the flags.

She summoned Ben first, of course - because while Lark was a curious ghoul, she was also rather wary considering all of the horrible things that had been happening of late.

She traipsed through the forest at a slow, steady pace, following the flags until she reached her destination. It was a rather uneventful hike, thank Jack.

Upon her arrival she was ... not really sure that she'd made the best decision in coming so unprepared. "G'day," the reaper mumbled, echoed by her familiar. Lark cleared her throat and kind of... helplessly held out her backpack.

She briefly wondered how well #2 pencils would burn.

You make it through the woods without incident. It's almost as if you know the way.
You check your pockets, and then realize you're being silly. You have your backpack with you. You're not sure how a couple of pencils and a notebook will help, but you show them to the manticore ghoul anyway.
iloveyouDIE rolled 2 20-sided dice: 6, 6 Total: 12 (2-40)
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:58 am
Ulmuka spent quite a bit of time in the woods. As a winged beast he enjoyed the great outdoors so he was of course drawn to the flags that wound through the forest. The strix wasn't exactly dressed for hiking but that wouldn't stop him. The suit-wearing strix began the trek from flag to flag with a bright grin and wide eyes.

About halfway in the path had disappeared behind him. His keen vision cut through the darkness as something stirred by his foot. JACK! A giant snake burst from the foliage, wrapping around him with a hiss. The strix began to fight until the snake ..... headbutted him? Was it wearing a collar?

Muka giggled. "Hello trevor.." The snake gave him a dirty look.

The rest of the journey was uneventful except for the Cycorgi that had apparently been riding in his pocket. How did he not notice that?

6-10 : You stepped on something- only instead of crunching like the rest of the underbrush, it HISSED. And then it got up- and it's huge. You've angered an Angry Snake. Fortunately for you, you notice it has a nametag around it's coils that reads 'Trevor'. It doesn't bite you- it just sort of regards you judgingly. Not a good start to a stroll through the forest.

5-10 : You check your pockets, and find that one of your minipets has decided to hitch a ride. In your pants. Weird, but possibly useful


Unstoppable OTP

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Sara Draconia rolled 2 20-sided dice: 20, 18 Total: 38 (2-40)

Sara Draconia

Wheezing Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:05 am
Amy looked at one of the flyers curiously as she made her way to lunch, she almost immediately made her way to where the flyers pointed. Scouting was her kind of thing. She loved being outdoors and going on walks, camping really sounded exciting to her. It would also be a cool way to meet new ghouls and boils and perhaps make some new friends.

Amy had a lot of fun getting through the forest, she didn't even fall once. It's as if she was born for all this, even though she had only ever been in a forest once before. It was almost like some of the daily exercise she did in her room to stay nimble.

When she made her dismount, she smiled brightly, she was super psyched and ready for this. She set down her cooler and lunch bag before turning back to the manticore. "Hi there!"

Amy looked around and the settled by a tree as she unpacked something small to snack on as well as a bottle of water to drink. She wondered what kind of things would go on as she sipped her water.

You are ******** Tarzan. You swing through the trees like some sort of bird-monkey hybrid. And Eaglerilla, maybe. You never realized how much you loved the woods- or maybe you did; maybe it's part of your past. Whatever the case, you sail into the clearing, landing impressively in front of the manticore ghoul. You were born ready.

You have a beverage container and lunch bag filled with your favorites. It was almost lunchtime anyway, and you had been on the way to the cafeteria when curiosity got the better of you.
Anguis Lingua rolled 2 20-sided dice: 12, 14 Total: 26 (2-40)
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:02 am
Mirac arched an eyebrow as he pulled one of the fliers down and studied it close. "CS?" he muttered as he flipped over to see if anything was on the back. "What in the bloody name of Jack is 'CS'?" The chained boil put the flier back where he found it and started to follow the trail of bright yellow fliers.

He stopped at the edge of the campus, sighing once he saw it led into the woods. Mirac debated just heading back to his dorm, but curiosity got the better of him. Pulling a lighter from his pocket, he began flicking it on and off as he walked deeper into the woods.

Twenty minutes later, he stumbled into the clearing, brushing dirt and twigs from his clothes. Looking around, he arched an eyebrow again once he spotted the manticore. "Hello, Cady." With a quick flick of his wrist, the lighter disappeared back into his pocket.

You make it through the woods without incident. It's almost as if you know the way.

You check your pockets, and find a lighter. Where did THAT come from? Perhaps you carry it all the time. Either way, you feel slightly more prepared.

Anguis Lingua

Fashionable Vampire


Hygienic Waffles

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:45 pm


Ninjagami Ryo Kage

Anguis Lingua

Cady watched the four students trickle in, pleased by the turnout.

"YES, GREAT, GOOD JOB EVERYONE!" She looked around, noting their supplies.

"OK EVERYONE! TODAY, we're going to learn about SURVIVAL."

She dropped her voice, flicking on a flashlight and sticking it under her chin. It made the inside of her mouth glow eeriely. "Has there ever been, like, a vidjagame, or like, a toy you really wanted? Maybe you considered like waiting in front of the store for days on end so that you would be the first to get your copy, but you didn't because you didn't want to freeze to death or starve! Or maybe there's a special ghoul or boil in your life, and you wanted to spend all day just watching them do normal stuff because you just care so much but after a while you got tired and had to potty and you didn't think to bring food so you went back to your dorm room and took a nap instead? OR MAYBE YOU JUST LIKE CAMPING, YOU KNOW!"

Overbright smile. Rows and rows of light-up teeth.

"CREEPERSCOUTS HAS A DON'T ASK DON'T TELL POLICY ON CREEPING! What you do with the skills you learn today is up to you!"

She pulled the flashlight off her face, pointing it to a pile of twigs and sticks.

"The first lesson is LIGHTING A FIRE. Sometimes, you want to light things on fire, you know, like bags of minipet poop, or hurtful letters, or pictures of your ex best friends, or maybe just some dry sticks because it's cold out and you forgot to pack a jacket." She paused for a breath. "WHATEVER THE CASE, it is an Important Suvivey Skill, and we're going to use what you brought to help us out today!"

And then she set to work, making individual piles of wood for each player and showing them how best to work with what they had.

Now it's time to fan those flames of passion! Passion about creeping, that is!

Match up the dice mechanics with the items you brought, and roll away! Feel free to offer the other players help, but let them try at least once on their own! When helping another player, you continue to use your item's dice.


Roll 1d8.
1-7 : Congrats, it's alive! IT'S ALIIIIVE.
8 : Went up in smoke. Your fire, that is. Maybe use a little less kindling, or a smaller stick!


Roll 1d6.
1-4: You tried slapping a few things together, but just ended up making a mess!
5-6: No one asked you why you brought a steel thermos or a flint spoon, but whatever the cause, a tiny flame is merrily burning in your woodpile. Congratulations!


If your minipet is a fire type...
Use the 'Lighter' dice, where your minipet is the lighter.

If your minipet isn't fire type...
Use the 'backpack' dice. Instead of using pencil and paper, use some of the sticks you already have.


Roll 1d4.
1-3: You've seen it in the movies - the cowboils just spun a piece of wood on another piece of wood until it began to smoke, and then blew on it. For whatever reason, this doesn't seem to be as easy as it looked.
4: WHOO HOO! Someone needs to come and crown you sheriff, because you nailed it. Well, fired it. Sure, it cost you some important class notes, but who cares in the light of your tiny flame and sweet victory.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:47 pm
((IF you haven't joined at this point but would like to- feel free! Just roll the dice at the beginning and then RP the second part/dice in a second post.))  


Hygienic Waffles

bipolar bee rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)

bipolar bee

Alien Kitten

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:37 pm
For some reason, rubbing two sticks together -- or pencils, in Lark's case -- didn't cause a quickly burning fire like it did in the movies. No, instead the area around Lark began to utterly reek like someone had burned a mountain full of tires or erasers.

"s**t reeks," Lark grunted with slight aplomb, eyeing the bare-assed pencils she held in her hands. The erasers were completely gone and Lark was without a fire.

"Y'can't build a fire w'just some sticks 'er pencils, aye?" Annoyed, she crammed the pencils back into her backpack with a rather pinched expression.

1-3: You've seen it in the movies - the cowboils just spun a piece of wood on another piece of wood until it began to smoke, and then blew on it. For whatever reason, this doesn't seem to be as easy as it looked.
poke mattix rolled 2 20-sided dice: 14, 17 Total: 31 (2-40)
PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:09 pm
Perhaps it was the fact Astra was so very very late to the creeperscouts, having just realized what all the little flags around the school meant. Or perhas she just wasn't looking were she was going, combined by the fact she was trying to run instead of fly (because it could be hard to spot something in the forest if you flew overhead) whatever the case may be, she had fallen into a hole. Getting out was no problem. It was just what wa sin the bottom of the whole that made her want to cry.

Minipet poop. Sure, it made good fertilizer, but not when she was covered in it. Sighing, she got herself back out and hurried towards the location the flags would lead her to. Thankfully as she checked her pockets, she located a lighter. Why she had one on her she wasn't sure, but she was glad she had it.


13-18: You fall into a very, very deep hole. Only instead of having to eat your own arm off or something, you climb/fly/levitate/whatever out. Unfortunately, the hole seems to have functioned as a sort of communal toilet, and now you're covered in minipet poop.


13-18 : You check your pockets, and find a lighter. Where did THAT come from? Perhaps you carry it all the time. Either way, you feel slightly more prepared.

poke mattix

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poke mattix rolled 1 8-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-8)

poke mattix

Rainbow Lover

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:19 pm
Thankfully their first activity wasn't too hard to complete. Taking out the lighter, Astra clicked the little button on the item and in no time, she had a nice little fire going.

She just hoped she wouldn't accidentally set herself on fire. Wasn't minipet poop combustible?  
iloveyouDIE rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:32 pm
Muka stared at the cycorgi in his pocket. He thought something my have been wrong with his. He was pretty sure if it had two eyes, they would be crossed. "Well do you do fire?"

The minipet's tongue lolled out of his mouth.

"Hmmmm.." Muka would try to do this the old fashioned way. Rubbing 2 sticks together.

Apparently it was just as easy as the movies!! A fire sprung to life with a few well placed breaths and two sticks.  


Unstoppable OTP

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Sara Draconia rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)

Sara Draconia

Wheezing Loiterer

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:08 am
Amy looked through her lunch bag to see if there was anything she could use to start a fire on the little pile of wood. First she tried her cutlery, then a few of her containers. After trying a few more things, she ended up making a mess. She looked over towards Mirac and hoped he would have better luck than she did with lighting a fire.  

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