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[Solo RP Sauti FIN] Meeting the Other Half ~ Rishi & Chal ~ Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:17 am
Chalcedony was a bit on the exhausted side, fresh from some scouting as well as what had turned into him saving a Wind Tribe elder, retrieving his heirloom from some birds, and then appeasing those same birds. Not to mention the meeting with the strangely colored, though fascinating woman who had given him his first shield which had come in handy when it came to all that came afterwards. It really did make him wonder, for the millionth time, if the woman was really a seer of some sort. She seemed to know so much about him, had given him a shield that he would need, she knew so many things and yet claimed that she wasn't a mind reader... she must have some sort of strange powers though. How else would she know?

Giving a shake of his head he continued along on his way, stifling a yawn. He was going to see if he couldn't find Takoda, see if he could get a healing spell from him to help him to get rid of the various scratches and bites he'd received from the bites as he saw to saving the old man from their dive bombing and then went to go and get the heirloom out of their nest. It was the latter of which that seemed to piss them off the most, which was why he'd left behind the other treasures instead of keeping them. While they were all quite pretty, things that any girl was sure to love, he didn't feel right about stealing them from birds that had likely worked hard to take them as well as keep them when it wasn't hard for any member of any tribe to really come in and take the stuff back provided that they didn't mind taking a swing at the aggressive birds. It was something that he hadn't quite felt right about so he'd done his best not to do so, instead trying to merely ward them off where he could. It was that kindhearted action that led him having quite a few more scratches and bites then he might have proved that he actually fought them off.

"Oh well, at least everyone is happy now." He murmured to himself, even Chal was happy with how things had turned out. He was a guard down, officially, made to be such by Antiope herself, and now he just had to tell someone, anyone, but kind of wanted for it to be Takoda first since none of his family members were around. The Healer was important to him after all and he was one that he was eager to share good news with since he was so important. He just had to do so now.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:40 am
Rishi had been wandering around on his own, wanting to get in a bit of exercise since he knew from experience of trying to keep up with Jera that he was rather on the soft side. He'd had more then a hard time keeping up with her on their journey from where he lived to where they had caught up with their sisters and he wanted to prove to not only his sisters and Jerarda, but to himself as well, that he could do this! He wanted to get stronger, wanted to be able to be one of the Alkidike, wanted to be more then just a halfbreed living life according to his mother's wishes instead of the way that he wanted to live. He was a hard thing to do, he was figuring that out already, but he was going to do his best! Of course his best was so exhausting! He'd tried doing a bit of running, back and forth, back and forth, for some time now but along with being as tiring as it was he found it to be rather boring at the same time. It would probably be more fun with a friend, like Jerarda, but he didn't want to bother her about it. She had other things going on too, working hard as well to become her best just like he was trying to become his best.

Drooping forward, hands resting on his knees, breathing heavily, Rishima looked over at Itzal who had been trotting along beside him the whole time, making it look as though it were nothing at all to run in the manner that he'd been running. Instead he just seemed to be enjoying all of the exercise in a way that the halfbreed could only wish that he could do, "Phew... yeah, yeah... show off, Itzal." He murmured, sticking his tongue out at the Radaku who merely seemed to be grinning up at him. Reaching a hand out he gave the beast a pat on the head, "Ahh, I can't stay mad at you, you are far too cute for that." He said, giving his pet a smile before petting on him a bit more in a slightly tired manner.

As the Radaku, a rather overprotective beast for sure, suddenly jerked his head away from Rishima's hand so that he could bare his teeth and start to growl the halfbreed felt worry creep up in him, jerking his head around to the side to see what it was that his beast had noticed, when he spotted one of the members of the Shifter tribe coming back from afield, looking a little worse for wear. He tilted his head to one side, looking more then a little curious, before he ducked behind the outcropping of rocks that he had been running around, "Ahhh, it's a Shifter." He murmured to Itzal in a quiet tone of voice, peeking out at the interesting looking Shifter who seemed to be carrying a shield with him before he patted his familiar on the head, "Come here, Itzal, don't let him see you." He said in a hushed tone, tugging on Itzal and he trotted over, ducking behind the rock though it was obvious that the beast really had no clue why they were doing so. Really he felt as though they should just go and take him out if he were dangerous! Though dangerous was the last thing that Rishima would label him as, if anything he'd say extremely curious. How he wanted to know more about the Shifters...

"I... I think we should follow him." He whispered to Itzal who gave gave a huffing sound as Rishima did his best to sneak along after the Shifter, sticking closer to the rocks, trying his best to duck him them whenever he could so as not to be seen. He wanted to learn about the Shifters and now as the best time to do so, while he and his sisters were traveling with them and the Leaf Tribe, right? When would he get such an opportunity again? Never most likely and that was why he had to do this! Itzal seemed to follow along make sure that things went smoothly and if not, he'd just have to maul the Shifter was all!

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:15 am
Chalcedony gave pause all of a sudden, his back feeling as though it were itching a little, a feeling that he knew well after having so many siblings that followed him around where ever he went no matter where it was that he was going. He was being followed... whoever it was, they didn't feel as if they held malicious intent toward him, did they? If anything he would almost say that whoever it was they were more curious. Was it one of the Wind Tribe members perhaps? Or was it someone else? One of the Leaf Tribe or the Alkidike? He doubted it was the latter given that curious didn't fit them. If he felt as though he were in danger perhaps he would guess that it was one of them. Turning slowly he looked around the area, knowing to a degree where the other person was at but not exactly. It was something he felt that he might need to work at if he were going to be a successful guard, to be able to sense where attacks might be coming from. Not that he felt that this was an attack exactly. If he weren't so far from Jauhar he'd almost guess that it was his siblings, the feel of it was about right after all.

After a moment to shifting in place and deep thought, trying to decide his next move, the Shifter decided that the best thing that he could do in this moment was to call out to whoever was out there, see if he could get a reaction from them, and see if he couldn't get them to come out of hiding to talk to him face to face. If not he could always seek them out instead. With that decided upon he cleared his throat and called out, "I know that you are out there, I am not going to harm you in anyway so why not come out?" There, the perfect invitation, hopefully one that would draw out his stalker, and then they could start to talk like civilized men... or a civilized man and women, all depending on who or what was out there.

Whatever it was that was going on he just hoped that the person would come out soon, not wanting to stand here all day when he really wanted to go and find Takoda. It seemed though, at least for this moment in time at least, that the sharing of his news was going to have to wait just a little bit longer. A bit of a bother since he was already going crazy with the desire to tell someone. Perhaps he was spoiled having such a big family since normally he had a ton of people to tell anything interesting he saw or heard to and now... nobody was around when he needed them.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:31 am
As the Shifter turned toward where he was hiding Rishima's antennae twitched like mad before he pressed himself closer to the rocks in his attempts to either turn invisible or blend in with them, it was hard to tell which one the halfbreed was trying to succeed at more at the moment. It was something that he tried even harder to do when the other called out to him and for a moment he considered the idea of fleeing, that was a possibility, right? He supposed so but would he look weak if he ran from one that was supposed to be the enemy of the Alkidike? Should he instead face off with him? Would his sisters see that as him being a traitor if he were to talk to a Shifter? He had so many questions and no real answers. If anything he was just, well, confused as what his next move should be. The other man didn't sound that scary, did he? Not really, in fact he seemed as though he were friendly enough, one that he might be able to learn a bit about the Shifters from... but did he really want to know? Knowing meant that it would be harder to be enemies with them, wouldn't it? How would be become a worthy member of his tribe as well as a Blade if he didn't want to fight with the Shifters? Where was Jerarda when he needed her?

Shifting in place he turned slightly, moving so that he could peek out from behind the rocky structure that he had been hiding behind, half hoping that the other would have given up by now... and instead of giving up he found himself starring straight at the Shifter who was starting back at him. Their gazes met... and then with a squeal he was ducking behind the rock again. No, no, no! The guy had seen him! What was he supposed to do now? What was protocol when one met eyes? Did that mean that he had to go out there now?

"What do I do now?" He demanded of Itzal, as if the Radaku would know what it was that he should be doing next. He really shouldn't ask such things of his familiar since the beast already did a lot for him and yet he couldn't stop himself from asking. It seemed that he was just the sort to differ to others when it came to such important things... and in response the Radaku pushed up to his feet and walked out of the hiding spot. Rishima starred, his mismatched eyes rather wide, before he moved to pursue Itzal. He couldn't leave him alone, couldn't let him go and eat the Shifter, and he couldn't allow himself to look so weak that he would let Itzal go first. Of course the moment he was standing there, face to face with the Shifter once more, he really had no idea what it was that he should do next. They were holding an alliance with these people, right? So that meant that he should honor that and remain peaceful with the other tribes while retaining the pride of the Alkidike, right? Now to actually due that was the hard part. He'd start by trying his best to summon up some of the confidence that Jerarda had in spades.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:43 am
For a while Chal couldn't help but to wonder if the other person was planning to come out at all or if he was going to be waiting in place for a long, long while. He supposed that he could always go out there, find them, and draw them out by hand but he was a little on the tired side and really didn't want to fight with someone because they were too shy to come out into the open. Still, he was curious as to who was there, what they were doing, and what it was that they were after in stalking after him in the way that they had been doing for a bit now. When the one that was hiding there finally popped his head out Chalcedony couldn't be anymore surprised, eyes going wide when his gaze met that of the half Shifter, half Alkidike boy that had come to Sauti along with the Alkidike women, "Ah!" Surely this was fate that they met like this, right? This person was a part of his tribe after all, just as he was a part of the warrior woman tribe.

When the young prentice ducked behind the rocks again he worried that his chance to meet the guy was fading away as quickly as it had sprung up, something that made him take step forward, wanting to stop the other guy from fleeing, "Wait! Wait, you don't have to go!" He called out, wanting for the two of them to be able to sit down, to talk, he wanted to learn more about him, about how he might have come into being, weren't the Alkidike supposed to hate all of the Shifters? To see them as below them? So how had someone like him come into being? He had to know! Well minus the more intimate details of it, he didn't want to even think about how he and his siblings came into being after all, let alone some random halfbreed.

He heard a shifting sound from behind the rock, looking quite eager and exciting, hoping that the other was about to make a reappearance... when that rather massive beast that traveled with him came out instead. It took a few steps forward, starring Chal down in a way that made him wonder if the beast meant to make him into lunch, before the halfbreed followed after him, seeming to calm the beast with his presence alone. It was something that Chal was more then grateful for. He'd just become a guard after all, he didn't want to get eaten by a half Alkidike's pet day one of being a guard. It would be more then a little embarrassing after all... more for his family then him since he'd of been snack food. Looking over at the halfbreed he gave the young man a smile, "Good afternoon." He greeted him, trying to figure out what else he might say at the moment. This was a strange sort of meeting, one he'd of never in a million years expected to be a part of, so how should he react? He was at least happy to see that he wasn't the only one struggling with words at the moment since the prentice seemed to be as well.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:30 am
Good evening? It was a rather nice greeting wasn't it? Not at all what he was expecting though what he was expecting... well he really had no idea. He knew that among his sisters there were those that didn't look upon him in a fond way quite yet, he hadn't proven himself as a true Alkidike after all, but the Shifter before him didn't seem to be looking at him in the same way, did he? It was... strange, but welcome, as well as a relief. To have a person that was curious of him like this outside of Jerarda, it was possible it seemed and it made him... well it made him a little happy, not that he should admit it out loud, "Umm... g-good evening." He said in return, his antennae twitching on his head quickly as he spoke. The guy didn't seem that intimidating, not nearly as much as as some of his sister's did, which did make him seem a little more approachable. The question being, how close did he want to get? If he were spotted and seen as being too friendly with the Shifter he might not be able to stay with his sisters which was what he really wanted... but at the same time this was his chance to learn about his other side, wasn't it? He needed to take advantage.

"I... You are the first Shifter I have ever talked to!" He said suddenly in a rush, then was instantly blushing afterward, looking a little as though he wished that he could take such words back. How embarrassing... that wasn't what he meant at all. Why couldn't he call up all that bravado that Jerarda had? Where did she get it all from? He really needed to ask her one day soon and see if she couldn't teach him how to do as she did. She seemed like the perfect sort of person to learn from if one wanted to be a good Alkidike sister after all, "Ummm, what I mean to say is, I haven't see any of your kind before. This is a first for me." He said, this time in a slightly more balanced tone instead of just blurting out the first words that came to mind without trying to filter them even in the least bit. He wanted to be a proud Alkidike so he had to remember himself, had to remember his people, and had to make both proud.

Lifting a hand to rest it on Itzal's neck, finding comfort and strength in his familiar as he always did, he gave a bit of a smile, "I never thought I might do this... I... my mother's kind, my sisters, don't like the Shifters so this alliance, while temporary... I am glad for it." He said quietly, not wanting to risk anyone else possibly overhearing, sure that he might not be able to bounce back from such words were his sisters to hear them and misunderstand them. All of them were lucky, they knew who and what they were, they never had nights were they sat up wondering why they were different, wondering who they were, what they were, and what their other half was like. At least now, due to the journey he took with Jerarda and his other sisters he was presented with a chance to learn who and what he was, even just a little.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:50 pm
Chal's blue eyes got a little wide at the sudden comment about how he was the first Shifter that the other man had ever talked to. He tilted his head to one side before he gave a smile, "You are the first one I have ever talked to before like you as well." Then again he wondered how many people were there out there like this person? Surely it must be a rare thing, right? he couldn't be a normal thing for the Alkidike tribe so he really should enjoy this run in this he doubted he'd ever meet someone like him again. The young man didn't seem so bad, he wasn't exactly... intimidating or scary in anyway, he was pretty sure that he could deal with him so long as none of his fellow tribeswomen showed up to mess with him. If it was just the two of them it should be alright for them to talk like this, it didn't feel like any sort of trap or anything. The guy just seemed... too nice for that, which was a weird thought given that he did have various features that looked just like those women. It was very odd, wasn't it?

He gave a bit of a chuckle when the halfbreed corrected himself, saying that he meant that he'd never seen a Shifter, that he'd never seen one of 'Chal's kind' which had the guard looking rather curious. This was a first for him? But what about his father? Surely there had to be a Shifter involved in there somewhere for the guy to end up half blooded, right? He really had no idea but now he couldn't help but to be a little curious. He kept the questions to himself though, knowing that if he asked he wouldn't be any better then the twins who had embarrassed Takoda so badly with asking various questions of him, half of which didn't many any sense like when they asked him if Takoda was Chal's girlfriend when they knew full well that they Takoda wasn't a girl. Best that he didn't fall to their level when it came to the questions he thought to himself.

"I am glad that we could meet as well. It's nice to be able to meet with one of the Alkidike in a way that isn't... well... scary." He said, lifting a hand to scratch the back of his head in an embarrassed manner as he said that. He didn't want to upset the boy but it was true, the others of his tribe were rather frightening to deal with, they were a race to be feared in Jauhar, so allying with them now was just bizarre and something that he would need to tell his father about when he got home. He wouldn't tell his siblings though, not wanting to worry them or give them false hope that the the Alkidike were getting less dangerous toward the Shifter tribe when he doubted very highly that it was anywhere like that.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:25 pm
Rishima's antennae gave a twitch before he laugh, "I don't know if there are any others like me so... maybe I will be the only one like me that you will meet?" He said, having never seen another like him at least, something that he would actually be interested in doing were the chance to present himself. For the moment though he was happy enough just to be able to meet with a Shifter, even if only for a short time. What should he ask? There were so many things he could ask... the biggest part of him wished that he could find someone, anyone, among the Shifters that might have known his father but given the only thing that he had to go off was the ring he wasn't sure what his odds were of finding the man. Because he doubted it would happen he supposed that he should find others that weren't his father to try to learn from.

When the other said that he was glad that they could meet, that he could find an Alkidike that wasn't scary, he couldn't help but to flush a little. His sisters... they were a bit on the intimidating side, weren't they? He supposed that it couldn't be helped but at the same time he found himself wanting to defend them, "They aren't scary exactly, just very... determined." He explained, then gave a bit of a sigh, "If I could in fact be half of what my sister Jerarda is I would be quite happy. It's a part of why I came on this journey." He said, then his flush seemed to get worse when he realized how much he was revealing to the Shifter. He had to be careful, this wasn't one of his sisters and this wasn't Itzal, he couldn't just say anything to him... it was odd though, this one gave off an aura that just made it easy to talk to him. He would need to be careful so as not to let him in on too much... not that he really knew that much. He wasn't a trusted sister so he doubted very much that he would be trusted with any information all that easily, not until he was able to prove himself as being worthy to be a member of the Alkidike tribe.

Leaning into Itzal he drew strength from his beast, hands scratching at his sides lightly, "I... do you think... I can ask you about the Shifters? I mean... I won't tell my sisters anything and it doesn't have to be anything important to your people just... I'm curious." He said, looking over at Chal, clutching to Itzal a bit as if he feared that the other man would tell him no. It was his one chance to ask a Shifter about the Shifters, he had to do this! He just had to be careful not to learn anything that his sisters might try to get out of him later.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:38 pm
Chal shifted in place, lowering his shield down to let it rest at at his feet, leaning against his leg. He looked over at the halfbreed for a long moment when he said that the Alkidike weren't 'scary' that they were just 'determined' which he was sure from the other man's perspective that they probably were. When he continued though he found himself growing that much more curious, as he said that he would be happy to be half of what his sister was. That sounded a little... sad. He gave the other man a smile then said, "I am sure that you can be be more then half of what your sister is if you really try to be." Though should he be encourage him? What if he took his words to heart, became powerful, and came back to fight against the Shifters? That would be rather... unfortunate that was for sure. Still, he seemed the sort that needed to be given a pep talk.

"So you came on this journey to get stronger?" He found himself asking in a curious manner, "I came because my father pushed me too, then it changed when I saw a friend of mine came along and I found I really wanted to keep him safe. It's always a good to have someone to look after, do you have anyone like that? It's a good way to grow in strength, at least for me it was." He didn't know if that was for everyone but he felt that it was so for him, he had gotten a lot stronger after meeting Takoda, left home, trained, got a rank in the Tribe and a weapon, all of it he didn't think he could have done without his friend.

When he was asked if he could ask about the Shifters he gave a slow nod of his head, "So long as it's nothing that your tribe will take advantage of I will share some information about the Shifter's themselves. If that is alright then I am fine with talking to you about my people. I am quite proud of them after all." He said, giving a happy smile, be it his people, his friends, and his family he loved them all, wanted to protect them. He also wanted to talk about them since he missed them all greatly.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:10 am
Rishima's cheeks colored again when he was told that he could be more then half what his sister was if he were to really try. It was a little embarrassing to be told that by a Shifter, someone who should very well be his enemy. It really was kind of him to say, wasn't it? Giving a twitch of his antennae he smiled down at the Shifter, "It is kind of you to say that, my sister Jerarda seems to believe the same thing." She was the one that helped him to leave home after all, dragging him along, helping him to do his hair, telling him he could do anything if he tried. Jerarda really was a wonderful friend.

When he found the Shifter telling him why he'd come on the journey, talking about how his friend who he wanted to protect, then said that it was good to have someone to look after. Did he have someone like that? He seemed to be thinking about it. He had someone he would love to aid, that was for sure, wanting to walk side by side with his sister, to be as strong as her one day, to be able to do more then to just leave her to do everything for them. He had been able to do the fishing, sure. But what might happened if they ran into something more dangerous? It was likely that, at the moment, Jerarda would have to defend them and he worried about that. He wanted to be one of those that got to fight instead of having to be kept at home while others around him trained and fought for the tribe, "I have someone I want to be useful to but for now I am... weak. I need to train harder, before more then I am." He had a terrible birthright, he knew others saw him as a mistake his mother made in her younger days, and he wanted to erase those thoughts of him and put something else in its place.

"I... there is so much I want to ask... like about our skin, why does it change color? And... umm... do the Shifters live up in the trees too? I mean, I don't... mother had a place build to kind of... keep me in." He wished he was allowed to do all that the others were allowed to do back home but perhaps if he came back stronger she would allow that of him too? He could only hope against hope that she would allow him to walk with the other Alkidike if he were were able to make it through the journey he was on, deciding that he should see this is as a trial of sorts. If he survived it then surely he should be worthy to leave the sort of protective prison that she had built for him? He could only hold that belief in his heart and try that much harder to train for the day he went home... he was sure that the woman would be upset with him but he had to do this, with the help of his dear sister, or he would likely have been in the village for the rest of his life doomed to never grow.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:32 am
Chal couldn't help but to wonder about this one, he seemed to be a whole lot different from the savage, haughty women whose blood he shared. Perhaps he leaned more toward his Shifter roots? Though given that he had said that Chal was the first Shifter he'd ever seen that couldn't be right. Surely he must have been raised amongst the Alkidike so why was he so timid? It was one of many questions on his mind that he felt were likely ones that would cause him to be considered rude and as he refused to asked them. Instead he said, "Training to be able to look after someone is a worthy cause, I think that it will aid you in getting stronger faster instead of just getting strong for strength's sake alone. At least that is what I think." He said, giving a little laugh, scratching the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed by what he'd just said. It seemed as though he were talking to this one like he might one of his siblings, oops. He kind of doubted that a man trying to become a warrior of the Alkidike would appreciate such a thing. Hopefully he wouldn't find it rude...

When conversation moved to the questions he couldn't help but to laugh when the first question that was posed to him was the most simple and obvious one, "It's our connection with the moon. At night, when the moon is out, we turn a bright silver to reflect that. When the moon sets and no longer touches us it will fade to a darker color. The darker color also helps up to blend in better in Jauhar." He said, giving a little smile as he explained it to the halfbreed that he was quickly starting to like even though he wondered if he should given that he was half Alkidike, something that was their enemy. When the other asked about living in the trees he thought about it, wondering if that were bordering on dangerous information, and decided to keep it simple, "Yeah, we live in the trees. Given what is skulking about back home living on the ground is far too dangerous." And not a place that he would feel safe leaving his siblings. At least up in the trees it was easier to escape from a threat, able to go in any direction at all.

Giving a smile he asked, "Anything else that you are curious about?" He asked, wondering if after he answered a bunch of questions if he might be able to ask some so long as he didn't ask anything that might be considered dangerous information to ask. He would ask after he was done with his half of the answering session. He already knew the first thing that he should ask, that was for sure.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:06 am
Rishima found himself liking the the Shifter's thoughts on true strength, deciding to remember the words and keep them close to his heart. There was no reason why he shouldn't learn something from this person even if he wasn't an Alkidike. He would just need to keep it hush hush who he'd learned such a lesson from when he went back to the camp where his sisters were waiting. That was if he ever mentioned such a thing to anyone of them. Maybe it would be best that he kept that particular lesson to himself and just use it as a way to drive himself forward without really sharing it. It was likely something that might be seen as a weakness after all.

The young prentice seemed to be all ears when the other started to explain things to him, seeming to take in everything being said to him, all the details of what caused their skin to change and why. It was a rather interesting thing for sure though he found it a shame at the same time that it was a skin color that he'd ended up with. Really he'd of loved to just have the normal Alkidike coloration because he would have been able to better blend in with his sisters. Sadly though it was one of those things that, while you could wish for it, it wasn't going to just change over night. He did mean to change what he could though. When he was told that the Shifters also lived up in the trees he gave a nod of his head, "I see, then I mean to start to do that as well when I get home. It's one of many things that separates me from my sisters and I can't allow that anymore." He had gotten out from under his mother's watch to get this far and now he had to continue to grow. He was old enough that he should be working at gaining rank in the tribe! He meant to do that and do that soon. He had to prove to himself that he could, he had to prove Jerarda right when his sister had put so much faith in him.

When he was asked if there was anything else he was curious about his antennae gave a twitch, he looked down at the blue ring he wore, then finally asked, "You don't happen to know anyone with a ring similar to this, do you?" He found himself asking, figuring that while the chances of it were low that he had to at least ask, right?

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:13 am
Letting his shield tilt over and land on it's backside as he stepped in closer to look at the ring presented to him he found himself thinking hard on the question. Had he ever seen anyone with a ring similar to that one? He wasn't sure where the ring came from, though it did look a bit like a stone from the skin of a Shifter. Tilting his head to one side he seemed to be thinking on it then said, "Such rings are rare, they are made from our stones after all. I don't know that one in particular but maybe I can tell you where it was made? There is a Healer, one that lives on his own far from any civilized area, who makes those." He said, before explaining where the man was located in Jauhar. It was a place difficult to get to since it was well out of the way and he knew about it only because his father had gotten a piece of jewelry like that made for his mother, "I am sorry that I couldn't be of more help." He didn't know the one that had the similar ring after all and that left him feeling a little on the guilty side.

Shifting in place he said, "Maybe... maybe the man will know that? He did make the rings after all." He hoped that the man did remember all the jewelry that he made or else he might very well be sending this person off on a quest that would have a sad ending to it. He could only hope that wasn't how it ended up.

"Now... if there isn't anything else that you want to ask do you think I might be able to ask you a few questions?" He asked of the other man, giving a smile as he asked the first of them, "First of, I would ask your name. You know we have been chatting for a while and we still haven't exactly introduced ourselves." It was something that his mother would be quite appalled over, always having been one to teach her children about polite behavior and how a conversation should go. It started with the exchange of names, not with question and answer sessions. He would just have to keep from letting her know that he'd gone so long in a conversation without doing what politeness dictated he do.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:48 am
Rishima wasn't sure what he should think at the moment, he was still and wide eyed when he was told that there was a Healer that made such jewelry out in Jauhar. The Shifter even told him where he could find the guy, but he didn't know had a ring similar to his. Did he want to see the guy out? Was it something that he should do? Should he try to find the man that made the ring? Did he dare? It was a possibly dangerous idea... he could get hurt trying to find the man but... he gave a shake of his head, he would worry about all of that later. For now it was just too much for him to take in when he thought that it would turn out for nothing asking the Shifter if he knew anyone with a similar ring. He'd just thought that the man might shrug it off or tell him that he had no idea, to think that he would actually know something even if it were just something as simple as knowing who made the ring and where the man who made it might be located. He wondered if he could get Jerarda to join him on journey to such a place? Hard to tell since the one who made the ring sounded like he might be a Shifter, she might not want to go on a peaceful mission to deal with one of them. He would maybe mention it in passing and see what she thought and then go from there.

When he was asked by the Shifter he if could ask Rishi a few questions the halfbreed gave a nod of his head, "Ah, yeah. It's only fair." He would need to be very careful, he couldn't let any Shifter get any important information after all. The first question asked of him... was a surprising one. The Shifter wanted to know his name? His antennae gave a little twitch before he nodded his head, "Yeah, sure. My name is Rishima." He said, wondering if he should add in the whole 'it's nice to meet you' line when he didn't want for any of his sisters to overhear and misunderstand such a comment as that. Best to err on the side of caution and not add that, just in case one of his sisters was around... though given that he'd asked about the ring and was given the information he was given a part of him worried that maybe he was already getting in too deep for what they might like. He couldn't go back now though, could he?

Leaning into Itzal again he added in, "This is Itzal, my Radaku. He is from Jauhar too." He wondered if the Shifter had ever seen a beast like Itzal before. He knew that he hadn't before meeting him and was lucky to have made friends with him, from what he gathered from his mother they usually didn't make friends with people unless then were found while they were still young and impressionable. Perhaps he'd just been lucky and Itzal had liked him at first glance? He counted himself lucky that he hadn't ended up Radaku food instead of making his first friend that ended up leading him to meeting Jerarda.

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:12 am
"Rishima, it's nice to meet you. My name is Chalcedony." He said in return, finding the way that the other fell into silence a little curious. He really did wonder what the halfbreed might be thinking about, was he thinking as hard as Chalcedony was when it came to the idea of answer questions for the other man? This really did make things difficult and he really wondered if there would always be so much trouble trying to talk to members of other tribes. Then again the Shifter really wasn't as worried about any of the other tribes other then the Alkidike at the moment, if anything he was more curious about them he'd just never had a chance to really meet any of them, having always stuck close to home. Perhaps he should consider trying to meet others now while so many groups were gathered in one place he thought to himself before giving a smile.

"You know, Rishima, you don't have to worry about me. I promise I am not going to try to get anything out of you that would chance harming your people just like you aren't doing the same to me. This is a peaceful time, our tribes are both allied for now, so we can for the moment be friends, alright?" He was a little worried that perhaps one day he might end up face to face against this person on a battlefield since outside the alliance they were likely enemies, but he would worry about that the day that he was faced with such a thing. For now though he wanted for them to at least try to be more friendly with one another.

When the other introduced his pet he gave a smile, "Itzal is it? He is a pretty beast. I am afraid I don't have a real pet myself... though I think perhaps a bird has been stalking me of late." He looked up for a moment to the dark form that was circling overhead, the same bird with the crooked tail that always seemed to be up there, "Yeah... it's still there." How strange... he wondered if he should try to find something shiny or maybe something for it to eat to try to lure it down.
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