Sweenys_Revenge 12:23 am
Terra: -grumbling after a fight with her mother that ended with her a little more worse for the wear.-
Stupid mare. Always yelling at us. Why'd she slap me? Stupid mare.
-continues to grumble, rubbing her stinging cheek-

Marzipanz12:26 am
Ambi: -trotting after her sister with concern on her face- Oh, she didn't mean it Terra. I'm sure her tail just slipped... -she tried to douse the anger in her sister-

Sweenys_Revenge 12:27 am
Terra: Slipped my foot. I was knocked clear across the way. She's just bitter because she never got rid of her pregnancy fat and no one will ever love her again.
Certainly not me.

Marzipanz12:31 am
Ambi: Come now, Terra. Don't be so mean... -she neared her sister and nuzzled against her neck softly- You okay? ... I'm sure we could find a cold stream to soak your boo boo in.

Sweenys_Revenge 12:34 am
Terra: -rolls her eyes as her sister defends that horrible mare-
M'fine. Just really angry. You're not supposed to treat your children like that. And where did our sister even go? She's been gone forever and she didn't even leave any word as to where she went. She's just like Her, you know? Leaving us...
-Terra sniffs, because she is still a child, for all the fronts she puts up, and it hurts her that her mother does not love her-
A-and what about dad? Where the hell did he even go?! He just... he just pawns us off on our stupid mother and then goes off to bang the first pretty thing he sees!
-eyes welling up-
We don't deserve this! Well... maybe I do... but you certainly don't! You don't deserve any of this!
-wipes at her eyes roughly-

Marzipanz12:40 am
Ambi: -grows silent as Terra vented, shifting on her hooves awkwardly- I don't know, sister... I'm not sure why she left. I'm sure she had her reasons... -she spoke soft and sorrowfully- Terra... please oh please, sister. Do not talk that way. -wipes at her eyes with her fluffy tail- You don't deserve anything spoiled in your life. You're sweet and kind and caring. You're the best. -leans in and wraps her neck around her sisters for a hug-

Sweenys_Revenge 12:42 am
Terra: -tries to pull herself together for Ambient-
I don't deserve you, Ambient. No one does. This world is not good enough for you. One day I'll burn it all down. I'll destroy everything and make it something worthy of a mare like you. And I'll never leave you. Not like the rest of them left us. You're mine forever. My sister. Mine.

Marzipanz12:47 am
Ambi: -begins to tear up- You treat me to well. You place me up on this pedestal I don't deserve. Just for that you're the sweetest person ever. That's love. Not many can show it as well as you do. You're something special Terra. You do a lot of good for me and if you'd only open that up to others you'd be so flawless... -she criticized her sister softly, hoping it would help her see she was a little hostile towards everybody other than her sister- I never want you to go. Never.

Sweenys_Revenge 12:49 am
Terra: -growls a little at the mention of anyone else-
Soquili are such dirt. Has anyone come to our rescue? I know others have seen, or at least heard us. They have to have. We don't live that far out of the way. They hear and they see but they do nothing. Nothing to save us. They're all like Her. I will never trust Them.

Marzipanz12:51 am
Ambi: They can't be all bad. I mean... aren't we good? We can't be alone... -she slowly tried to convince her sister of some hope. Something for her to hold onto-

Sweenys_Revenge 12:57 am
Terra: We are good because we know bad. There might be a handful of others like us out there... but... how good can someone who condones the torment of foals be?

Marzipanz1:00 am
Ambi: Then... then let’s go. Let’s just go away from here. You'll see. It'll be better. We can tell mother we're going on a trip. We'll see wonderful places and meet kind strangers. We'll have an adventure Terra.

Sweenys_Revenge 1:03 am
Terra: -as nice as the adventure sounded...-
How long do you think two fillies will survive out there? Two, maybe three weeks? Tops? If we're lucky as no skin walker catches sight of us. No. As much as I want to leave this awful place... no. At lease She feeds us. At least She gives us shelter...
But one day. The second we're old enough we'll leave. Sometime in the night, so that we won't wake her up. We'll make our escape.

Marzipanz1:27 am
Ambi: -soft sigh- Alright, Terra. However you wish to go about it... -she wouldn't complain or argue-

Sweenys_Revenge 1:27 am
Terra: We will, I promise. And you can lead us. Where do you want to go first, Ambient?

Marzipanz1:28 am
Ambi: -leans in for another close nuzzle with her sister- Where ever makes you most happy.

Sweenys_Revenge 1:28 am
Terra: You make me most happy, Ambien. Anywhere with you is wonderful. It's your choice. Your adventure. I'll only follow you.

Marzipanz1:29 am
Ambi: -pouts softly and pulls away to stare at the ground- That's not true...

Sweenys_Revenge 1:30 am
Terra: -sits up concerned-
What's the matter? What's not true?

Marzipanz1:33 am
Ambi: -tears up slightly- If you were telling the truth than you'd be happy here with me but you're miserable.

Sweenys_Revenge 1:34 am
Terra: It's not you, Ambien... it's that /b***h/ who calls herself our mother. She's the one who makes me miserable. Not you. You can't honestly want to stay here... do you?

Marzipanz1:36 am
Ambi: -gasps- Terra! Language please... -she sighed and shook her head slowly- I... she's our mother... she takes care of us...

Sweenys_Revenge 1:41 am
Terra: Tch! Barely. She keeps us alive is more like it.

Marzipanz1:42 am
Ambi: -bows her head- She hasn't abandoned us.... if we leave... wouldn't we be abandoning her?

Sweenys_Revenge 1:43 am
Terra: She's abandoned us, alright. If not physically, then in other ways. She doesn't love us. She won't look at us except to shout... She may as well be gone.

Marzipanz1:49 am
Ambi: I... I suppose... in a way you're right... -she cleared her throat. She was upset for the fact that she somehow spoke poorly of her mother. The mare who gave her life itself-

Sweenys_Revenge 1:51 am
Terra: No... we'll escape. We'll get out of here once it's not a death sentence. And we'll go to the sea, the forests, the desert... we'll see the unicorns and the winds... everything.

Marzipanz1:52 am
Ambi: Y-yeah? An adventure? -she laid down, all the emotional wreckage weighing her down- I’d really like that Terra. A lot.

Sweenys_Revenge 1:54 am
Terra: -grooms her sister-
It'll be alright soon. You'll see.

Marzipanz1:55 am
Ambi: -nods and closes her eyes- You're the best Terra. Really. I love you so much. We'll be together forever. Forever and ever.

Sweenys_Revenge 1:56 am
Terra: And longer. Forever and longer.