Sweenys_Revenge 11:25 pm
Lucian: -trudging through the woods after his father complained of splitting headaches and his grandmother sent him in search of a particular herb-
-sniffs at one leaf-
She didn't even tell me where to find this thing! How am I supposed to know where to look?
'In the forest' but this place is huge!
-flumps down discouraged-
Why can't dad pull himself together, it's been forever since she died.

Twitchapher the 3rdapher the 3rd11:29 pm
Tefnut: *hasn't wandered too far away from her home, she never did. Too afraid. But that was her life. She flicked her ears as she silently walked through the forest*

Sweenys_Revenge 11:31 pm
Lucian: -ears flick to the left as he hears a twig breaking-
-realizes this isn't the best idea if there is an enemy nearby but what they hey, right? -
Is there anyone out there? Maybe you can help me. I'm look for a particular herb... Nightshade? It's for my father, you see. He can't sleep for a headache...

Twitchapher the 3rd 11:36 pm
Tefnut: *she froze as someone spoke but she had heard the voice before...She stopped and listened before connecting the voice, speaking in her soft voice* Sir Lucian Misae....

Sweenys_Revenge 11:38 pm
Lucian: -surprised again-
Oh... Miss Tefnut! What a pleasure to see you again! And might I say you're a far fairer sight than what I thought was creeping around these woods. What brings you out this far into the woods?

Twitchapher the 3rd 11:42 pm
Tefnut: *she looked over her shoulder before looking back at him* Home....

Sweenys_Revenge 11:47 pm
Lucian: -thinks for a moment before it finally clicks-
Oh, you mean this is your home! Gracious! I'm very sorry Miss Tefnut! I did not mean to intrude! Pardon my ill manners.
-Bows deeply and goes to back out of someone else’s territory, half scared some jealous male will come barreling through the trees-

Twitchapher the 3rd 11:51 pm
Tefnut: *cants her head to him, looking pretty lost of why he was so afraid*

Sweenys_Revenge 11:52 pm
Lucian: -notes confusion-
Your... your mate... he isn't anywhere around is he? I'm not the fighter my father and aunt are. Nor am I the warrior my grandfather is... I don't think I could deal with a charging stallion!
-nervous chuckle-

Twitchapher the 3rd 11:59 pm
Tefnut: *blinks to him for a moment before shaking her head* No mate....Father...

Sweenys_Revenge 11:59 pm
Lucian: -perks up a little, still a male, after all, and weak to beauty-
Lucian: -perks up a little, still a male, after all, and weak to beauty-
You mean to tell me that a pretty mare like you hasn't tied someone down yet? Now, my lady, I find that hard to believe.
-finally registers 'father'. -
That... father of yours... he's not going to come charging out from somewhere, is it?

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:01 am
Tefnut: *shakes her head* Not pretty...Always alone...*shakes her head again as she looks away* Sleeping...Not going to come...

Sweenys_Revenge 12:04 am
Lucian: A, but my lady, artists who are dead and gone wasted their lives to capture the beauty you hold in your eyes alone. Scores of mares and stallions have toiled away to attain the splendor of what you have in abundance and have perished as half the wonder you are. And the fact that you don't know what you hold only makes you more magnificent.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:13 am
Tefnut: *can't help but blush at his words, still looking away* Nothing special...Alone...Almost...Two years...No one cares.

Sweenys_Revenge 12:14 am
Lucian: I care.
-nudges her cheek a little-
I care a lot.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:16 am
Tefnut: *flushes* Just...Met though...Why?

Sweenys_Revenge 12:17 am
Lucian: -shrug-
I'm a romantic. We attach easily, and we take forever to get rid of.
And I can tell that you're a good girl. Something hard to come by anymore.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:20 am
Tefnut: *stays quiet, listening to him* What...Your mate?

Sweenys_Revenge 12:21 am
Lucian: Nah, I'm still single too. I haven't really been looking, really. It's just by chance that I met you. Serendipity, if you will.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:24 am
Tefnut: *smiles lightly before looking to the ground* Why...Me?

Sweenys_Revenge 12:25 am
Lucian: -shrug-
The heart wants what it wants. We are not in a position to question it. I won't call what I feel love. Not yet. Just... interest. I think you're beautiful, kind, gentle, and I want to get to know you more. That's all I know at this point.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:29 am
Tefnut: *smiles weekly before nodding slightly* Ok...Won't stop...You...Nothing speical...Though.

Sweenys_Revenge 12:29 am
Lucian: You're very special. And I'll show you that. I give you my word as an artist and as a stallion.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:30 am
Tefnut: *slowly moves over to him and lies down beside him*

Sweenys_Revenge 12:32 am
Lucian: -has long since forgotten about his "suffering" father-
I'm very glad you've warmed up to me in so short a time. For having never spoken before, you seem quiet talkative with me. I'm glad for that too.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:33 am
Tefnut: Seem nice...Trustworthy...Won't hurt...

Sweenys_Revenge 12:35 am
Lucian: -grins-
I like to think that of myself. While I haven't trained as a knight, I like to think some of that blood still flows through me.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:39 am
Tefnut: *stays quietly and smiles softly to him*

Sweenys_Revenge 12:40 am
Lucian: -blushes at the smile-
Someday you'll see. You'll see how beautiful you are. If I have to recreate all of that which the gods have toiled for. You will see.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:42 am
Tefnut: Time will...Tell...*looks away, not too sure though*

Sweenys_Revenge 12:50 am
Lucian: Even if time claims me only to be a friend. Something tells me others don't just walk out of your life. Something about you must put a lasting impression on them. I'll be here for a while. Like I said, romantics are hard to get rid of.

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:51 am
Tefnut: *shakes her head, looking to the ground sad* No friend...Alone...Just...Mommy and daddy...

Sweenys_Revenge 12:54 am
Lucian: Now, you can't say no friends when you don't know what will happen? And who knows... I have friends. Maybe one day you'll meet them and they'll be your friends too. Maybe you'll go out into the world and others will see you for the wonderful mare you are. How can you tell who will like you and who won't?

Twitchapher the 3rd 12:57 am
Tefnut: *shifts and sights lightly* Shy....Don't want....To get hurt...*her voice was just above a whisper, she was ashamed of herself though she couldn't change*

Sweenys_Revenge 1:00 am
Lucian: -nods-
Ah, that I understand. That I understand well. But if you're always afraid of rejection, how will you meet anyone? Not everyone will be as forward as Rockin' Blues and I. They may not approach you, and wait for you to make the first move. Fear is natural, but will diminish with time. And the more times someone accepts you, the easier it is to go out and put yourself on the line. Besides, the worst someone can do is said they don't like you. And then what? You move on. You learn from it. You use that knowledge for the next soquili you meet. And it get easier each time.

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:04 am
Tefnut: *shakes her head and sighs, looking to his tail and closing her eyes, having a deeper meaning for her fears*

Sweenys_Revenge 1:09 am
Lucian: What, this still?
-he tucked the tail under his body again-
I thought you'd gotten over that. I know Kalonas are frightening, but... I mean, you must have had a pretty bad run in to still be so afraid. I mean... most I've met are all talk and no bite, you know?

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:12 am
Tefnut: *she nodded and shuttered from her deep fear, sighing and laying her head on the ground*

Sweenys_Revenge 1:14 am
Lucian: -now more than a little concerned-
Wow. You really were frightened by something, weren't you? Do you want to tell me what it is? Putting it into words might help some...

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:16 am
Tefnut: *she looked to him for a moment before closing her eyes* Very little...Big...Teeth...Growling...Snapping...Scared...

Sweenys_Revenge 1:17 am
Lucian: Alright... don't push yourself. You don't have to tell me.
-lays his head over her neck automatically-
It's over now. You're safe. I won't let anything get you...

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:24 am
Tefnut: *the muscles in her neck flinched slightly as he laid over her though she didn't fight it, not used to another touching her but it was a welcome change from the cold*

Sweenys_Revenge 1:26 am
Lucian: -doesn't move to get up, but asks-
Am I being too forward, Miss Tefnut?

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:31 am
Tefnut: *she shook her head slightly* No...It's...Fine.

Sweenys_Revenge 1:35 am
Lucian... Alright. Tell me if you want me to leave. I'll go when you've had enough of me.

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:38 am
Tefnut: *she nodded slightly but made no effort to move* Ok...

Sweenys_Revenge 1:40 am
Lucian: -Eyes start drooping-
M'getting kind of sleepy, y'know?
-wide yawn-
-too comfortable to move-

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:41 am
Tefnut: *smiles and nods lightly* Late...Dark...

Sweenys_Revenge 1:42 am
Lucian: I should get home... never did get that nightshade...
-still not moving-

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:44 am
Tefnut: *seems saddened by that notion and murrs to him * Stay?

Sweenys_Revenge 1:46 am
Lucian: ...
Sure. Sure, I can stay. Gran's prolly already got the herb. I'll get it when I get back but... I'll survive.

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:50 am
Tefnut: *smiles lightly and shifts to be closer to him* Nothing bad....You....Promised...

Sweenys_Revenge 1:51 am
Lucian: A knight never breaks his promise.

Twitchapher the 3rd 1:55 am
Tefnut: *she nodded slightly again * Then...Safe...

Sweenys_Revenge 1:56 am
Lucian: Mmm...
-Slowly slips into sleep-