The Advanced Timezone Guide!

Confused about the timezone? Why are we asking for it? Need to know how to find it? Why are we being weird about daylight savings time?

#1. Why a Correct Timezone is Important

Stalkers will be making sure you post each day, counting any post between 12:01pm (or 0:01am) and 12:00pm (or 24:00pm). Counted posts are not based on a 24-hour gap between posts. You can post early in the morning one day and way late at night the next day without consequence. If we don't have your correct timezone, the math will be all off since your Stalker might not have the same timezone as you, and if you do post closer to midnight, the time you post will be counted incorrectly.

#2. Why Greenwhich Mean Time?
GMT is fairly universal, and most nudists mention this. There is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), but... again, we've been using GMT, so easier not to change it. As stated on Wiki: "[UTC] is one of several closely related successors to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For most common purposes, UTC is synonymous with GMT, but GMT is no longer precisely defined by the scientific community." We want everyone to use the same one so that we don't all get confused. Since we need the timezone based on the hour differences, we don't want things like EST (Eastern Standard Time) or MDT. That doesn't tell us the information we need.

#3. How to Find Your Timezone
The easiest way to find your timezone is to look at this handy map. Find where you live or where you'll be located during the event on the map and follow the colors and lines to see which timezone you fall under.
You could look at this world clock site, find a city you live near, click on it, and find all the information you need.

#4. Do You Observe Daylight Savings Time?
Daylight Saving Time means that we advance our clocks one hour to get more hours of sunlight during the day. I can't tell you all the science behind it, but it's mostly based on the notion that there is more sunlight during Summer.
If you looked at the handy map above to find your timezone, look at the time listed. If there's a yellow box with DST in it, it means that DST is in affect in your area. The World Clock site also has whether or not a listed city is in DST mode.

#5. Why We Fuss Over DST
It all comes back to needing a correct time. Whether or not you observe DST, not everyone lives in the same area, and we need to consider time differences. Some Stalkers will observe it, some won't. We end up with far less nudists that don't observe DST, so although those nudists that do observe DST are technically an hour ahead of everyone else, it's much easier for us to adjust the times of those that do not. Confusing, yes. But there's less to change. For the sake of the event and purely for counting hour differences correct, all nudist that do not observe DST are put into a timezone that is one hour ahead. This is only for the event and does not represent your actual timezone. We have to accurately count the difference of hours between a Stalker and their Nudist. If the Stalker lives in California and the Nudist lives in Melbourne, Australia, there's a significant time difference between them. Cali is - 8 (DST) while Aussie is GMT +10 (no DST). That's almost a 24-hour difference! If we don't change one of their times +1 hour, we're off by an hour.
And I repeat, FOR THE SAKE OF THE EVENT it is easier to add one hour to some nudists instead of most of the nudists. If we change all the non-DST time zones, the time difference will still work out if a Stalker that doesn't observe DST does counting.