User Image She had to admit meeting Judgment had been most.... informative. The culture of the Pantheon was still foreign to her but if they had similar to currents to that which she was familiar with, she had no doubt her observations would quickly become familiarity and enhance her ability to blend in.

That line of thought, however, had reminded her of her profession and her homeland. Nostalgia had crashed over her and left her feeling very alone in a very alien world. Most, if not all, of the sentients she had encountered were two-legged, mouthed, and spoke via verbal means. They also looked at her strangely at times, which baffled the young Andalite as she was neither beautiful nor ugly by her people's definition. Well formed, certainly.

The marketplace had proved incredible to explore now that she had a disguise to use that blended much better but her lone venture into the mess of alleys and stalls had gotten her chased out by an angry shop keep when she'd tried to sample the smoking, nice-smell sticks and had informed the woman her wares tasted horrid.

So it was that she currently practiced the routine she'd developed for the warriors of the dome ship she'd been scheduled to perform at as a means of focusing and clearing her mind. Silent, controlled, she shifted through the forms of several different creatures, linking them with her own natural form each morph so that it was a complex, if alien, dance that she seemed rather good at it.