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guild for Sidekick Academy, a superhero b/c! Or sidekick, if you wanna see it that way... 

Tags: superhero, sidekick, breedables, dc comics, marvel 

Reply Megapolis [RP]
[ PRP BENT] Boys just like to chase skirts NOT wear them!

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Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:35 pm
This is a private RP between Mimic ( Violet ) and Black Jack (Rhea Mathews).

Where: Starting point Academy - enter the city afterword
What's happening: After a mysterious sound, Violet figures out there is something very wrong while showering, goes to see Rhea to both make sure she is ok and to see if the other rookie has some boy clothes. Rhea tells her no obviously, so they go to 'acquire some'

*This rp takes place after Dollie and Vi meet, which in between they have met and became 'somewhat' 'friends'  
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:22 pm
Violet shot her hands out to the white tiled wall in from of her, blinking through the water of the shower, startled after hearing a loud sound. What was that! Her mind started to kick out of lazy hazy morning gear and slip into more of catnap evening mood. Slowly but surely as her hand moved over her skin to wash, she was becoming a lot more aware of a few things. Things a lot more catching than the water of her shower starting to turn cold. Violet blinked down at her body, soap getting clutched tightly when the little alien finally figured out why this view was more than completely wrong.

"W-well......Would you look at that..." Came the slow startled reply; in a lot deeper tone than that of the soft-spoken Violets own. It was an unfamiliar voice, a more ..masculine one. But she was certain that it had in fact came from her lips to test it again Violet opened her mouth and spoke her mind, "I should..find Miss. Nagataur." The voice that spoke again was NOT Violets own. Slowly Violet placed the soap up and turned the water off stepping out of the shower to dry.

After a quick glance in the mirrior and a small slightly horrified yelp, It didn't take Vi long to get dressed. Standing in the room alone since Ava seemed to be gone, he had to let out a sigh of relief being slightly embarrassed of the Nova uniform; he formerly was so proud of if only due to the fact that Violet didn't look as good as he use to in it. His new muscular legs stuck out like a sore thumb due to the fact that his skirt only covered him to his thigh, high thigh at that. Pulling at the skirt he peeked out of his dorm door, face a flush green as he peered around.

With cost being clear he started out, while moving down the hall a thought struck. Rhea! Violet had to check to make sure she was ok, and well maybe Rhea had some pants or-r something he could borrow or even knew how to help Violet out as the alien was starting to think this might be an Earth illness. It wouldn't surprise her any after hearing about these itchy things called chicken poxs. Imagine how silly that appear to her after finding out what a chicken was. Perhaps this was Boy Poxs? Vi's beady eyes got huge and he wondered if turning the dial on his newly repaired holo watch would help disguise him a little better. Turning the knob Vi's purple skin faded back to a peach color, his hair turning a more manage cut with the longer parts braided. Though..his skirt was still very much there.

"Fudge cakes." Vi hadn't learned how to properly curse yet, but no doubt Rhea would aid in teaching her that soon enough. It didn't take him long to get to the other rookies room before he gave the door a frantic rapping at. "Rhea....Rhea?" Vi stood back from the door shifting and awkwardly pulling at his skirt.



Mysterious Kitten


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:14 pm

The beds here were comfortable, she'd give them that much. Dahlia was happily curled up with her pillow beneath the fluff of sheets and comforter of dark smokey blue and beige respectfully. It was the first bit of personalization she'd hit the room with, though she'd had to pay for it. Not very plausible for her to smuggle out the large packages for the sheets, never mind the comforter... but it had been money she'd gained from simple street tricks. Child's play, literally.

Oh were they worth it though. Subconsciously, she burrowed her face further into the fluffy pillow that she had clenched to her chest, knees pulled up to tuck against the bottom edge. Dollie was very much a clingy sleeper. And she'd keep on sleeping, too, until her alarm would go off. But surely that wouldn't be for a few more hours. She could keep dreaming of warm beaches and smiling faces. Blissful images and sounds and senses and--


Dahlia's heart jumped to her throat as she threw herself from the bed. The action was a mistake though, tripping over her own two feet still tangled amongst the bedding. With her feet still locked, she went flying forward onto the floor with a bang and swirl of breathless curses she'd learned from Senior. The tremors jumbled her in more than one way, head spinning as she blinked to separate images from her dream world and reality. Her mind had twisted the sound of the explosion into a greeting from her brother, but logic tried to convince her foggy brain not even his were powerful enough to cause a mini earthquake like this.

It took a few minutes, but a shaky pale hand finally was able to reach around to untangle her feet from the sheets. It required sitting up a bit, and angling one leg so she was more sitting butterfly style so as to more easily reach the annoying blankets. The light shift she wore was shoved upward, an action she wasn't fazed by. She knew she went to bed in the shift and panties last night, like every night. But her legs looked... strange. Dollie blinked, the haze of sleep lifting as her brain moved onward trying to focus on finding the source of her disruption. It was 7 a.m. according to her clock, why was she up at seven in the god damn morning-- ....um. Her panties shouldn't... look like that.

Dollie had successfully removed her feet from the bedding, but the further movement had made her all the more aware something was distinctly wrong with her body. Her legs were a little more muscular than normal, and there was certainly something that should not be there when she got a good look down south. A screech that emanated from her lips was deeper than normal. "What the hell is this-- What's wrong with my voice?!"

Lord help her. She sounded like her brother when he was younger.

Sparing a glance back down, it was dawning on her she probably looked a bit more like him, too. Her hand came up to her mouth to keep herself from being sick.

Scrambling to her-- well, his feet, Dollie reached out with his mind. Sure enough, the familiar deck lifted into the air from beneath the handkerchief on his night-side table. He didn't try altering their form, his world no longer spinning knowing his powers at least were majority the same. Never mind the sudden fear that they might explode if he tried turning them into their more humanoid forms...

What to do, what to do... find the source, of course... bare feet padded against the floor as he moved about his room, pulling a simple black skirt up under the shift, trying to look down as little as possible. Least the skirt was more covering, reaching almost his knees... removing the shift was awkward though, staring at her now tragically flat chest. A basic tee shirt was donned, relieved to at least have something a little more unisex in his closet. The black and red skull and grunge pattern certainly seemed to agree with both sexes. The fit of the skirt felt so weird though!

Men didn't have hips, ugh.

Dollie had been adjusting his only non-lacy or frilly belt--thin chains hung from it, in arching intervals she could liken to curtains, really, a wonderful snatch during one of her street wanders--when the knocking at the door made him freeze.

"J-just a minute!" Who'd even called out to him? Frowning, the pale boy picked up one of his compacts from within a dresser drawer where a few scraps of makeup were currently kept, flipping it open to inspect his new facial appearance. Same hair, same eyes, same beauty mark... he could barely tell the difference. Only his torso and legs seemed to be the most altered. Even his arms barely seemed different as he glanced at them. How obvious would this change be for whoever saw him?

--Crap. Like Violet. Was she okay? Maybe she'd have an idea of what was going on... maybe some alien disease?

Get that answered, then go get answers from whoever blew up whatever and woke him up...

Satisfied with this mental plan, he threw the compact back into the drawer and moved towards the door. Taking a deep breath, and drawing on Rhea's warm smile in defense, he opened the door. "Yes..? Who--...." Bright blue eyes blinked at the young man in a familiar Nova uniform. With green hair. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh..... What the hell just happened?

"Who are you?!" Dollie's male voice might have just gotten a couple octaves higher as he hissed that, taking a step back and half closing the door to peer out at the stranger. What the hell. What the hell. What the hell.
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 1:56 am
"J-just a minute!"

Vi heard the call but couldn't really believe his ears. That wasn't Rhea was it?! No-o that voice sounded different to. Oh no what if! His newly wide browns thanks to the holo-watch, got a little wider in suspicion as he waited outside of the door. Glancing up and down the hall while pulling his skirt and hunching slightly to keep it in a respectable position. Though Violet wasn't very altered himself in alien form outside of a little more tone to his body, there really wasn't a way for one to make him out now that the holo-watch was on considering now it wasn't only his legs changed but the color of his skin and the shape of his eyes.

When the door opened he couldn't help but tilt his head to the side.

After a moment of staring, Vi gave a lazy smile to the pale boy whom greeted her. Who was this? He seemed...familiar, and what was the word he was looking for hot? Yes familiar and hot. In fact, this boy had the same hair and same eyes as Rhea could he perhaps be...He was about to ask if it was in fact the other girl er boy, but got derailed from that thought when the boy seemed to grow a little defensive with him.

At the question of who he was, Vi backed a little away from the door so not to spook the other futher. "Ah, no..please don't go." Vi tried, his tone sliding that octave lower and coming out as almost a croon. Hands moving forward, raised in the standard 'its ok see I don't have a weapon' gesture as he spoke. Taking a deep breath he debated on saying 'its me Violet' just in case the familiar looking boy was in fact Rhea.

Since.. since well maybe this was a spreading case of the Boy poxs! !

Swallowing he cleared his throat while slowly lowering a hand to his watch. Speaking in a familiar lazy manner while sliding a few fingers across the buttons on his holo-watch. "Well..you see, I-i'm Violet ...only.. I'm not Violet I guess?" That probably didn't sound like it made much sense but it really did. A hesitant hand slowly turned the dial on the watch and after a few moments the human disguise fell, leaving a rather purple boy in front of the door blushing a deep green and going back to pulling down his skirt. " You wouldn't happen to know where I could find Rhea o-or some pants?" He asked barely shoving down a yawn while giving the other an adorably sheepish look.


Mysterious Kitten


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:08 pm

The lazy smile had certainly been familiar, but a part of Dollie hoped that the sense was wrong. Please let Violet be alright and normal, and let her have a simple explanation to what was wrong with him... and how to change back. So he didn't care that he was being rather rude, or that his persona had slipped a bit in his growing distress. The request to not go made his eyes narrow, trying to ignore how rather... almost pleasant the boy's voice had sounded right then.

He glared out from the crack between the door and the frame, waiting to see what the other wanted. Nice voice aside, he was stalling him from important matters. Instantly his eyes darted to the movement towards a... watch? His stomach was staring to sink. It was probably a good thing Dollie was already starting to ignore and forget that aspect of the other boy's voice, seeing as the next thing he said was that he was usually a she. And a she Dollie was acquainted with.

For a brief moment, the currently male Dahlia looked rather forlorn. He'd wanted Violet to fix this, not also be... infected? Afflicted? Whatever it was. "I am.... Rhea," he said in a sigh, hoping his slight pause could just be attributed to the awkwardness of the situation. Opening his door fully once again, he rested a hand on his skirt clad hip. "No pants here, I'm afraid. Though I could offer a... longer skirt for the moment," he added when he finally glanced down to realize Violet's... ah, predicament. Color crept into his pale cheeks and he glanced away and motioning to his wardrobe against the wall not far from them. He wasn't sure who'd been in the worst situation this morning, outfit wise. "I don't know where we could get any here. We can probably get more appropriate clothes in the city, though..."

Actually. The moment the words were out of his mouth, Dollie had to admit it wasn't a bad plan. Strolling over to the wardrobe he'd motioned to, he pulled open one of the doors to reach in and grasp his mask from where it lay hung over the rest of Black Jack's uniform. Eyeing the outfit, he snorted. "A replacement costume might be... necessary for the time being." Glancing back to Violet with his Nova uniform though... "...that might be a good idea for you, too." Violet didn't seem keen to running around in a short skirt, anyways. In his mind, Dollie began to wonder what alternate might actually work with his companion's new... form.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:21 am
Noting the rather pitifully sad look on the others face even if it was brief, Vi gave his own rather disappointed look. This was certainly not going to be a good day was it? He had to wonder starting off like this. However gloomy his mood was trying to get instantly got broken through at the announcement that the boy in front of him was Rhea. Vi slowly clasped his hands together in joy, a lazy grin spreading his thinner lips, obviously pleased and in turn showing more leg since he let up on the Nova skirt.

"Rhea, so happy its you" he said though not as enthusiastic as a normal person might being as happy as he currently was, instead it was more of a mildly excited draw. Obviously not fully picking up on the awkwardness of the situation Vi took a step forward as soon as the door was fully opened. "No pants." He repeated back on a defeated sigh before cocking his head to the side and lifting a brow at the offer, "longer skirt?" Well it would be more useful than the one he was wearing. With a nod to the newly male Rhea he agreed, hoping there was something in Rhea's wardrobe that wasn't to short but to long considering he was only five foot.

"I don't know where we could get any here. We can probably get more appropriate clothes in the city, though..."

Vi just nodded lazily following after Rhea as he went towards the wardrobe. He wasn't opposed to getting pants and if Rhea knew how to get some in the city that was just fine with him. Vi really didn't have much of a concept on how things worked as of now but he did know that Rhea was his friend and he trust him so if he said they could get more appropriate clothes in the city, well then he believed him. "Alright... " He replied to a replacement costume before furrowing his brow and informing Rhea, "but I don't wear a mask..?" In fact. Vi frowned realizing for the actual first time that he really didn't have much of a super hero outfit like all the other kids in SA. He just turned back to how he always looks and even wore his simple school uniform.

Feeling a little like the odd man out Vi looked to his feet for a moment before shaking his head and offering a weak smile, "m-maybe mask I can find in the city to?" He could get a mask to right? If Rhea wore one maybe he could wear a mask to and then..well with his new outfit he was going to get in the city well that could be just fine right? Vi was starting to feel a little better with these thoughts in mind.


Mysterious Kitten


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:46 am

The slow, almost subdued reactions as Dahlia saw them, did make his tragic look lighten a little. Slightly. He was glad to see Violet... he just wished it was Violet as he normally saw her. A twinge of color flashed through his cheeks when he caught how the skirt lifted a little more when the other now-boy lifted his hands to clasp together. Yeah, an outfit change was required as soon as possible for Vi.

At his wardrobe, with mask comfortably placed over his eyes, he reached for a few of his other skirts. Most were of darker cloth, some lighter than others, and not all were solid colors. All at least were long enough to reach to the knees, if not a little blow, of the five-foot-two Dahlia. "If you see anything you like, feel free to borrow them." His current clothing count was hardly something he was willing to give anything away from. Though he found himself wondering how much he would stress about that, given who the other was.

Something occurred to him, turning to look at the academy uniform with a curious expression. "...do you even have any other clothing beyond that?" Though limited their time together was, never once had Dollie seen Violet in anything but that uniform. Sure the mental reasoning was that they were in a school, maybe aliens just wore them all the time in such a setting. But...

Perhaps this trip was more of a requirement than he'd originally realized.

"But I don't wear a mask..?"

His shoulders shrugged automatically. His mouth opened, about to tell the other that it wasn't necessary. He had his disguise watch, after all. But his mouth clicked close softly, instead looking at his companion carefully. Taking in the deepening frown, the look down... he was glad to have kept the commentary to himself. Instead, his smile was bright in response to Violet's question, nodding his head. "We can grab you a mask and more, if you'd like."

They were already going to get new outfits for themselves for their new odd-ball situation. If the mood struck either to grab more, in Dahlia's eyes there was no harm. Looking back to his clothing hanging in the closet, he grinned further. "Come on, just pick what you want to wear for the time being, then we can head out to the city for some real... acquisitions." If only to not confuse the extraterrestrial, Dollie figured he could try to not use the word "shopping" on this. Least for what he had planned.
Megapolis [RP]

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