In order to live in Equestria one must own a home. Here you can buy from me. All procedes go towards making the guild a better place to hang out. The prices are as follows(PLEASE NOTE THE LOCATIONS AVAILABLE):

Houses (in small towns)
Small Home(1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living space): 130 gold
Medium Home(2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living space): 260 gold
Large Home(4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen living space): 520 gold
Luxury Home(6 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, dining room, large living space): 1,500 gold
+100 gold for cloud home in earth pony towns

Apartments(in cities)
Small Apartment(1 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom): 200 gold
Medium Apartment(2 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, small living space): 400 gold
Large Apartment(3 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living space): 525 gold

Ranch House(3 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, living space) 1,000 gold
+100 per acre

Small Shop(no display windows, small storage space): 1,100 gold
Medium Shop(display windows on one side, large storage space):1,300
Large Shop(display windows on 3 sides + warehouse): 1,500 gold