There are 3 basic stages to Insanity, though Red could be considered Stage 4 due to special circumstances!

Stage 1: looks pretty normal, not immediately noticeable to those around them. Could initially be rationalized or passed off as something else

-start to hear voices, but aren't able to really -understand- what they're saying, their insecurities are suddenly like gaping wounds, sensitive to the least amount of friction or suspicion. Can last up to a week

Stage 2: starting to look a bit skeevy and grey, they start to loose their sense of "self"

- grey, desaturated patches start to show here and there on their skin. They may have a good idea that they are now infected by Insanity but paranoia has a firm grip on them by this point. They will have an overwhelming certainty that they have to hide it, that they can fix it, that they don't want to be taken from Home again. They sometimes feels not-quite-solid, although there's no visible change. They think of themselves as "we" and "us" more often. The Insanity's hunger/loneliness/confusion/sense of failure/need for Home/and well...insanity starts showing up more and more in their thoughts, words, and actions.

Stage 3: they've lost all real colour, except for eyes that glow. The TiHer core/soul is damaged/unstable condition, and the Insane being to lose their shape, bits and pieces of their body break off or turn into wisps of loose fog-like Insanity.

They are fully infected and everyone around them knows it. They are also pretty much assimilated into the Insanity which is mainly a giant seething mass of madness and saddowns. POSSIBLY BOSS FIGHT TIME. This stage lasts however long it takes for the student to ?????SPOILER GOES HERE??????