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Coeur had been wandering along the border for quite a while now. She had met a ton of lions that had accidentally and sometimes not so accidentally crossed into their territory. The outside world was calling out to her and for a while now she had simply dismissed it as she wanted to be the best daughter she could to her parents. After all, she really did love them and in no way ever wanted to hurt them. But upon becoming an adult she realized she had no idea who she was or what she really wanted. In fact, she wondered most the time if she was actually living or not.

As her pink eyes stared out at the land just beyond her lands she wondered if she could find her answer out there. Something in her gut told her that it was possible if she was willing to give it a chance. The only problem is was how could she tell her parents? With a sigh she realized she really didn't have the strength to tell them. She was certain if they tried to talk her out of it she would most certainly stay and be the good daughter she was supposed to be and deep down really wanted to be. But if she didn't know who she really was or what she wanted out of life what would her life be like? Would she eventually act out in a way to hurt her family? She wasn't sure and she really didn't want to find out. Coeur knew that leaving would hurt her mother and father. And leaving without saying goodbye would probably hurt even more. However, she hoped that they would understand and realize just how lost Coeur was and how much she needed to get away and just explore herself.

The blue lioness gently closed her eyes as tears filled them though they were not yet strong enough to push themselves out and onto her cheeks. Coeur delved back into her memories of her home, her pride and all the members she knew and had met. Her heart ached for Yofiel and her family and all that they had went through. She knew she had promised Kureiji that she would help find his siblings and bring them back and now with her leaving she wouldn't be able to fulfill that. However, Coeur had to step back and realize that she wouldn't have been able to anyways as once again, who was she really? She probably wouldn't have been much help in fact she was sure she probably would have brought down any search parties.

Then her memory slipped back to when she was a cub. Her mother was just about to go out for a hunt when she had woken up from a dream where she was falling off a ledge. She had been a little frightened at it but her mother quickly soothed away her fears. It was then the tears finally fell. Coeur loved her mother and in fact her whole family so much. Leaving them was the toughest decision she had ever made in her life. There was so much she wanted to say to them before leaving and tell them also not to worry about her. That maybe one day she would return but she wasn't even sure herself. Heck, she didn't even know if she could survive on her own. Well that was a lie. She knew she was a good hunter and was fairly nimble on her paws but the lands she was heading out into where a vast and unknown thing. Who knows what might be lurking out there for her.

Coeur smiled even through her tears. She hoped deep down that one day she would return home a strong and confident lioness. One that could make her family proud as well as her pride. That she would be worthy of the title Duchess. Coeur knew that this was a risk. Well, she knew it was more then a risk, more of a leap of faith but her gut and mind told her it was the right thing to do. Coeur took in a deep breath as she opened her eyes and sniffled. If she knew she needed this why did it seem so incredibly hard? It was like someone was trying to sever her tail or something from her. This wasn't the end. Just another beginning and maybe one day that beginning would lead her back again. Coeur really didn't like the thought of never returning but if she couldn't find herself or something along the way changed her life course then what could she do?

With gentle steps Coeur crossed the border of the pride. She stopped once she was outside and looked back. Night was beginning to descend on the pride, the perfect time to for her to leave as no one would be coming to her den to talk to her or check on her until at least morning. "Mom, Dad, sister... I love you and I will miss you ever day that I am gone. I hope you won't be to sad without me." She paused in her personal goodbyes to them. As if somehow they could hear her, or that they were even there, hiding just behind the brush. "I'd understand if you cursed my name for leaving. But I hope that you can understand that I'm lost and despite my attempts, I can not find the answer here. I want to be a daughter you are proud of. One who shines just as brightly as you do." She smiled a little, tears gently rolling down her cheeks once more. "Please don't forget me...." Was that to selfish of her to ask? "Unless the pain of my absence is to much to bear. Just please don't look for me. I know if you come after me I won't be able to turn you down even though I know I need to find myself. I love you." Coeur said with one final look at her home before turning away and heading out and into the vast unknown.