
Kagome and the fake Inuyasha have escaped and are attempting to find the real Inuyasha and his group.

Inuyasha, Sango, Kouga, Touga, Rusty, Hakoto and Rin are fighting for their lives in the Shadow Realm. They were joined by a neko named Stian. Lady Sayu had used trickery to control Touga into attacking the others after relentless attacks that has left the party exausted. When hope seemed to grow lost, Miroku shows up to save the day and with a bit of desperate need removed the subjigation beads from Inuyasha to use on little Touga to calm his beast. Now the group rests from a long day of constant battle. Inuyasha and Touga are currently training.

Lady Hotaru has gotten over Kyuub's poison with the help of a priest and by drinking Kurama's blood has allowed her to become temporarily bonded to the Fox Theif. Once recovered, Naraku wound up attacking through Kagura and Kohaku, kidnapping Lorelai and Kino. They are currently in Naraku's fortress with him.

Lady Hotaru, Shippo and Gramps have taken off in an effort to find their missing members and hoping all turns out well.

Sayu is at the dark castle of Tailos in the Shadow Lands meandering as she wills. Tailos has vanished with the Shikon jewel minus a few shards of the jewel that are spread around between Kouga, Tsuki and Kohaku. There are no more jewel shards left.

Sesshomaru is currently MIA after destroying Tailos's fortress partially and has recieved his arm back.

Kikyo was last seen at the base of Mount Hakurei. The Angel's Pet Mana is currently meandering around the mountain in an effort to move away from those that want to control her.

Demona, a half inu youkai has arrived in Kaede's village and has sworn to protect it. Kurama and Masato were last seen somewhere in Kaede's village.