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[Basket Uncert] [Basket Cert] [Foal Uncert] [Foal Cert] [Adult Uncert]

Name: Xanti
Nickname: Xan
Pronunciation: Zan-tee or Zan

Colorist: Sabin Duvert
Obtained: May 11th, 2010
From: Mouslet’s PVP Game, WOW Event
Co-ownership?: N/A

Breed: Blighthound
Type: World of Warcraft Cosplay Edition Mutant Soquili

Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Siblings: Kore (brother - Marzipanz & Huroggmetten)

Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: Drith (Fitz) + Malice (Fitz)


With Dragoon (Naggeela):
Rhenn (Fitz)
Veryna (Naggeela)

Adopted with Drith (Fitz):
Nefarious (Fitz)

Adopted with Drith (Fitz) & Malice (Fitz):
Ixiker (Fitz)


Through Rhenn (Fitz):

Sultan (Fitz)
Prince Sebastian(Tortured Pumpkin)
Ever Ever After (Swirly)

Lineage: Unknown, Mutant, WOW Hound

Temper: Irascible
Likes: Fireflies, Kalonas, Skinwalkers, Fresh meat, Chasing prey, Drith, Anomaly
Dislikes: Water, Ice, Snow
Roleplay Color: #666666


- He used to be a beast who only cared about meat, but after meeting Drith and raising Anomaly he has started to develop an awareness of others.
- His moods are still largely dictated by his stomach (raging when hungry, a bit calmer when full)
- He still mock attacks full-sized soq when they approach, and he still acts dog-like at times; but more and more frequently the intelligence that he has been using for hunting is being transferred to other thoughts than his next meal.
- He is not inherently cruel or evil but he still sees most weak creatures as food and stronger creatures as potential allies.
- He relies on Drith, Anomaly or Malice to guide him on what is a friend or a foe. The mini's in the herd he knows are off limits, and he has even become aware of their personalities, seeing them as 'beings' instead of 'food'.


- He doesn't require that much water. Much like a camel, Xan will drink a large amount at once then go without for a long time, usually around a month to a month and a half. The time in between decreases when it is hot out.

- His feet are molten fire, and they hurt when wet. He can set stuff on fire if he flares them enough. He has to concentrate on the thought that the fire is leaving his feet, so it is not something that can happen without his assent/knowledge.

- He has sharp pointy carnivorous teeth, not flat teeth. He also can't digest plant-life.

- He has predator-like eyesight in the dark; However, he rarely uses it, since he is not nocturnal.

- He is still a hound. He likes to chase cats and anything that sparks his prey drive.

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