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[Basket Uncert] [Basket Cert] [Foal Uncert] [Foal Cert]
[Adult Uncert (unmuzzled)] [Adult Cert (muzzled)] [Adult Uncert (muzzled)]

Name: Malice
Nickname: N/A
Pronunciation: Mal-iss

Colorist: Mindsend
Obtained: July 23rd, 2011
From: CC in Minds Customs
Co-ownership?: N/A

Breed: Monster
Type: Spirited Half-Imp Edition

Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Siblings: None

Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: Drith (Fitz) / Xanti (Fitz)

Adopted with Xanti (Fitz) & Drith (Fitz) :
Ixiker Basket, Ixiker Foal, Ixiker Adult (Fitz)

Lineage: Half-Imps/Imps/Usdia

Temper: Respected
Likes: Kindness, watching other's interactons
Dislikes: Evilness, corruption, humans
Roleplay Color: #802d5a


- Loyal and kind
- Doesn't speak that often, when he does it holds a great weight and is something to be listened to
- Puts a lot of thought into what he says
- Weighs ideas and consequences, and is able to pick out the best course of action
- Docile and follows Drith's lead, but as soon as she's out of the picture he'll step up and take charge
- Tactician
- Respected and the one that everyone goes to if they need advice
- Willing to fight for what he believes.


- He grinds and gnashes his teeth together when he's upset

- He can produce strong sparks...and he uses this as protection (only defense never to harm another that hasn't harmed him). He aims the spark at the barb wire on his horn and swings it at whatever is threatening him

- He is an omnivore...but prefers meat..

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