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Name:Hexly Darking

Date of Birth: March 12


Birthplace:Goldenrod city


Weight:120 lb

Hair Color:Black

Eye Color:Red

Personality:Hexly Is often referred to as Creepy for Laughing Kehehehe and Appearing out of nowhere. He Doesn't like to Give people much information because he finds it more fun for them to struggle Hexly also freaks out whenever he sees a ghost Pokemon thinking it cute and try's to hug it this may be because of his childhood and his only ever friends being ghost Pokemon.

Physical Description:Hexly is rather frail and skinny though its no threat to his health what so ever. He has long black hair covering on of his red eye's he also like to Wear Dark outfits but makes an exception sometimes.

Allegiance:None (For Now)

Pokémon Team:

Mudkip /Female/Caught/Level:5 /Holding:Nothing/Ability:Torrent/ Atk:Tackle / / Atk:Growl / Atk: / Atk:



• Hexly Comes from a Family know to have lived with ghost pokemon all their life though unlike Hexly who refuse to use any pokemon but ghost type they all use Different kinds.

• Hexly Often Says Kehehehe and appears from nowhere scaring people for enjoyment.

• Hexly May Seem friendly but he dislike's most people due to people making fun of him for being creepy as a child.

• Hexly has no interest in gym battles or challenging the champion He only seems to want to catch ghost types and has no interest legendary's.

Pokémon In PC:None