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Other Items


Black Flute - Removes the 3 lowest encounters on the list. 11-13 or 2-4. Effect disappears at the start of a new area.

Blue Flute - Removes the Sleep Status.

Red Flute - Removes the Infatuation Status.

White Flute - Increases Encounter Rate. +3 to Encounter Roll when list is between 11-20. -3 to Encounter Roll when list is 1-10. Effect disappears at the start of a new area.

Yellow Flute - Removes the Confusion Status.


Repel - Negates the next 3 Wild Encounters. Does not negate event Guardian Encounters.

Super Repel - Negates the next 5 Wild Encounters. Does not negate event Guardian Encounters.

Max Repel - Negates the next 7 Wild Encounters. Does not event Guardian Encounters.

Escape Items

PokeDoll - Distracts a Wild Pokemon, allowing the Trainer to flee.

Fluffy Tail - Distracts a Wild Pokemon, allowing the Trainer to flee.

PokeToy - Distracts a Wild Pokemon, allowing the Trainer to flee.

Escape Rope - Brings Trainers back to the Entrance of a Cavern, Ruin, or Tower type area.

Battle Items

X Attack - Boosts the ATK stat by +1 till the end of battle.

X Defend - Boosts the DEF stat by +1 till the end of battle.

X Special - Boosts the SP-ATK stat by +1 till the end of battle.

X Sp.Def - Boosts the SP-DEF stat by +1 till the end of battle.

X Speed - Boosts the SPD stat by +1 till the end of battle.

X Accuracy - Boosts the Accuracy Rolls by +1 till the end of battle.

Dire Hit - Boosts the Critical Hit Ratio. Rolls of 19 now qualify as a Critical Hit till the end of battle.

Guard Spec - The Opponent cannot lower this Pokemon's stats for 5 Turns.


Colourful Plant - When placed on Land, Pokemon will lose Friendship 1 point of Friendship every 4 Battles instead of 3. Pokemon at MAX Friendship will be protected for 7 turns instead of 6.