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PokéBall - Used to Capture Pokemon.

GreatBall - Provides +1 bonus to Capture Roll.

UltraBall - Provides a +3 bonus to Capture Roll.

MasterBall - Captures any Wild Pokemon without fail.


PremierBall - Used to Capture Pokemon.

LoveBall - Provides a +3 bonus to Capture Roll when opponent is the opposite Gender, but same Species as your Pokemon. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

LureBall - Provides a +3 bonus to Capture Roll when used against a Pokemon Encountered while fishing. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

LevelBall - Provides a +1 bonus to Capture Roll for every level lower the Pokemon is then your own. [Ex. Your Pokemon Lv 5, Wild Pokemon Lv 3, +2 to Capture Roll.] Works like a normal ball otherwise.

MoonBall - Provides a +3 bonus to Capture Roll when used against a Pokemon who does/has evolve with a Moon Stone. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

FriendBall - Makes the Captured Pokemon like you more. Works like a normal ball.

HeavyBall - Provides a bonus of - 2 on Capture Roll if the Pokemon weights less than 220lbs, no advantage between 220lbs - 440lbs, 440lbs -660lbs +2 to capture rolls, beyond 660lbs +3capture roll.

FastBall - Provides a +2 bonus to Capture Roll when Wild Pokemon has the higher SPD Stat. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

RepeatBall - Provides a +2 bonus to Capture Roll when Trainer already owns a Pokemon of the Wild Pokemon's species. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

TimerBall - Provides a +1 bonus to Capture Roll for ever 2 Turns in the battle. Maximum of + 5.

NestBall - Provides a +1 bonus to Capture Roll when Wild Pokemon is a lower level. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

NetBall - Provides a +3 bonus to Capture Roll against Water or Bug-Type Pokemon. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

DiveBall - Provides a +3 bonus to Capture Roll while Underwater. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

LuxaryBall - Used to Capture Pokemon. Makes Pokemon like you quicker.

HealBall - Used to Capture Pokemon. Fully Restores health of Captured Pokemon.

QuickBall - Provides a +3 bonus to Capture Roll when used on the First Turn. Works like a normal ball otherwise.

DuskBall - Provides a +3 bonus to Capture Roll when used in a Cave or at Night. Works like a normal ball otherwise.