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Reply THIS IS HALLOWEEN: Deus Ex Machina Training Facilities
[PRP] Needs To Be Higher (Kat & Minerva)

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Shia bean


PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:51 am

"Really? Are you sure? It won't be too much will it?"

"Well.. alright. How's this?"

A contemplative pause.

Minnie grunted, climbing onto the bed in the center of her room. "How about...mrph...this?" She balanced precariously on her tippy-toes, trying not to get tangled in the mess of green garland which had been strewn across her sheets.

"...I CAN'T."

The door leading into the trainee's room had been left wide open, arms reaching toward the ceiling as best her 5'1 height could manage while the seemingly one-sided conversation went on. Ornate red and creamy-white ornaments clung to the false-thistles making up the garland, white lights also dotting the decoration to give it that 'christmas-y' charm. There were other decorations tossed here and there, a glimpse of mistletoe peeking out from beneath a large red bow...but the garland. That would be the center-piece of it all!


Another pause.

" emotion_donotwant "

A hand reached down and grabbed from a plate of joy cookies, taking one big bite out of the first she could snag. Blythe groaned, but didn't voice her disapproval. At least this time there were no boys to worry about.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:20 pm
With all the Christmas decorations, Kat could hardly contain her excitement for the upcoming holiday. She loved Christmas! All the snow, the decorations, the aroma~ She knew it wouldn't be quite the same as before she had joined Deus Ex, but she still found it to be quite fun. Especially since someone had gone through the trouble to decorate the facility. Who..she wondered..?

On her way to the cafeteria, Kat was tempted to try some of the old ladies cooking. The only thing stopping her, was the rumors of her food making people a little..crazy. Still, even to just sit in the cafeteria and smell it all as she drank a hot chocolate or something would be nice as well.

Humming a Christmas tune, she paused when hearing someone within one of the dorm rooms. Female. Drumming her fingers against her chin, the sun hunter contemplated on checking it out. Giving into her curiosity, Kat made her way over to the wide opened door, and took a peek inside.

In the room, was one of the female hatchlings, who looked to be struggling with some of the decorations. Debating on whether to go or stay, she finally spoke out to grab her attention. "Need any help in there?"


Tiny Bunny

Shia bean


PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:38 pm
"Whathuh...?!" The trainee jumped with surprise, releasing the string of green thistles consequently. What she had been trying to avoid since snagging the decorations was about to happen. She could feel it. The sharp turn of her head and the slip of her bare feet against satiny sheets. It was perhaps the most embarrassing thing she had done since awakening on the island. No, the second most embarrassing thing but still it was up there!

THUD! As garland wrapped around her ankles Minerva's weight shifted over the edge of her bed and sent her flying. Arms flailed wildly, the split second in between air and the floor spent squealing. She moaned loudly as the other hunter entered, lifting her gaze ever so slowly. "Uuhg."

Who went around sneaking into rooms like that? Had the door been open this entire time? What kind of person would do such a thing?! Honestly?! "Hey...??!" Wait...this girl looked familiar! A hatchling? Yeah, the other woman's face, she'd seen it before! ...What had she asked again? Blinking slowly, Minerva spent a moment composing herself before rising up to her hands and knees, and then fumbling to butterfly-cross her legs.

"Sorry about that. I guess I spook easily when it comes to decorating!" Gently unraveling herself, Minnie continued. "So what was that again? Do I need any help, right? Uhmm...sure! If you're interested in hanging some of this around my room!...er...I'm sorry I don't think we've met before. My name is Minerva!"

Whether it was luck or divine intervention, none of the ornaments had shattered. Some were cracked, but that was easy to hide. Lifting a hand upward, reaching out toward the girl standing at her door, Minnie waited for a handshake...or was she waiting to be lifted off the floor?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:33 pm
Kat couldn't help but watch as the other woman fell from her bed. It looked like a scene from a movie or something--and it looked painful. Wincing when the hunter hit the ground with a thud, Kat felt guilty for somehow causing this whole..accident. "Er--sorry. Are you okay?" Was all she was able to get out. She was trying not to snicker at the sight. Christmas decorations..they were lethal weapons.

Stepping into the room instead of peering through the door, Kat moved over to help untangle the woman. "My bad, really. But, yeah--I could hear you down the hall, and I noticed you were having a bit of trouble with hanging that--" She pointed to the garland. "--so I thought I might offer some assistance." She had the chance to help anyone decorate as of late, so the idea of helping her out was welcomed.

Once given the approval for helping, Kat gave a wide grin. "Sweet! So--you want the garland to hang up there?" She glanced to the spot where she had originally tried to hang the decoration, before having been interrupted by her. "Oh! How rude of me." Reaching over to shake hands with Minerva, she continued. "I'm Katherine, pleased to meet you. I think I saw you about before. Your a fellow 'hatchling', yes?"


Tiny Bunny

Shia bean


PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:43 am
"Yeah, yeah!" Minerva reassured the other, a welcoming smile filling out her cheeks as Katherine aided in the untangling process. She also took the other hands graciously, the introduction forever stored away. "Yep, I'm one of the hatchlings alright. I KNEW I remembered seeing you in the pod room! I haven't had the chance to get out and meet everyone yet, so I guess it's kind of nice that all of this happened." Once the garland was knot free and wasn't trying to strangle her ankles, the trainee lifted from the ground and dusted herself off casually. "So really, it's not a problem. I'm usually not this clumsy so I think it just shocked me more than anything that someone would come to see me. And I'm sorry if I was causing a ruckus, I was just.." Would it be crazy to mention the argument with Blythe? "I was fighting with those sickles over there." Nah. A hand lifted to tap at the side of her head, the all-knowing look offered to the other woman surely understood in its entirety. They all had voices in their heads, they were all pretty crazy.

The death trainee then turned away from Katherine with a low 'hmm', eyeballing the spot she had fallen from before nodding slowly. "Yeah.. But I also want it to string all around the room! So.." briefly looking over a shoulder, Minerva lifted a brow to the other. "If you're still willing to help..?"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:47 pm
One reason she was able to recognize Minerva so easily, was because, she was the woman whom Dr.H had spoken too when they were in the classroom after awaking from their pod's. Other than that, she had seen her about quite often. "I know the feeling. I never expected this place to be so active. I barely have time to breath here." The hunter laughed, picking up one of the ornaments off the floor.

"Blythe..?" Her gaze followed Minerva's too the scythes across the room, and it finally clicked. "Oh! Your 'partner'." Making a quote like gesture with her fingers, she grinned. "Yeah, Xedis likes to argue with me as well. Definitely makes me feel crazy, when I'm having a one sided conversation--or that's how it seems to other people."

"Oh sure! I don't mind helping out with that as well. Hell, this is probably the most fun I'll probably have in this place." The food in the cafeteria could wait till after. Maybe she would ask Minerva to join her for a snack when they were finished. Just..avoid the cookies..


Tiny Bunny

Shia bean


PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:30 pm
And speaking cookies...! "Great, I really appreciate it! Hey if you're hungry, feel free to take some of those." She gestured toward the cookies before lifting the garland off of the floor. They were harmless when it came to two girls chowing down on them, right? RIGHT. Although the woman was starting to think it was probably wiser to just avoid the sweets all together..

And with that in mind, she chomped on another one. Addictions were too addicting to resist.

"But yeah, Blythe's my 'partner'." The trainee made the same 'air-quote' finger bend. "She can be a real handful when she wants to, but I guess when you're the only one they can talk to, things are bound to get a little on edge." A flicker of rage heated the back of her mind, but Minnie ignored it; choosing to fluff the thistles of her decoration in hand. "We're all a little bit crazy! It comes with the job, am I right? Anyway, Xedis is a neat name! Do you know what she--er, he? It? Was? You know, before becoming your weapon."

My, someone was a little bit talkative. Blythe snickered, knowing well the effects these cookies had her trainee. Perhaps the comments Minnie made weren't worth getting so upset over.

Minerva was about to scramble onto her bed when she thought better of it, turning to Katherine with the garland in one hand and a plastic hook in the other. "And hey, thanks again for offering to help! Whenever you're ready, maybe we can start at the door?"

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:09 pm
Pausing to look at what she gestured to. Kat immediately spotted a plate of cookies. Of course she was tempted, but were they safe..? "Did uh..did the woman in the cafeteria make those?" If she did, she may have to pass on them. She had seen and heard of one too many cookie incidents around Deus ex to make her wary of eating cookies. Even though she loved them so.

"Blythe.." She repeated with a smile. "She sounds pretty cool in my opinion. And trust me, Xedis is enough of a handful as well." As far as crazy goes, it was true. All of it. Hell, she had nearly lost it when she first encountered Xedis. And hearing his voice in her head constantly..maybe they really were insane. "I'm not too sure actually. Something cat like, I think." A crazed grin spread across the woman's lips at the mere thought of it. It was a shame that she couldn't at least see is natural form.

Snapping out of her daze, she nodded and waved a hand lazily. "Hey, no problem. This is the most fun I've had in days!" Reaching for the other end of the garland, the sun huntress moved towards its chosen location. "Right here?"


Tiny Bunny

Shia bean


PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:04 am
The trainee had offered a smile of thanks and then turned to briefly look over the sickles. "Yeaah." The thought of seeing zombie-Blythe in person didn't exactly fit her idea of a good time, not when the Blythe SHE knew as only a voice was about as clingy as a joey to its mother. But she wouldn't mind catching a glimpse of Xedis if in fact he was a cat. Because cats were cute. Zombies not so much.

In any case the cookies at the far end of the bed caught her attention just as she was about to turn back to the wall. "Uhhh..." Suddenly Minerva's lips met with a single finger, teeth nibbling away as her hazel eyes rolled to the ceiling. The way Katherine inquired about them led the woman to believe she had yet to try them, and while the sweets had been potent enough to lure her into the arms of Bix, leading to several awkward moments in the hall and on missions and.. the like.. Minerva could NOT deny that they were delicious and worth at least one taste.

Just one..

Or a dozen. Plus the rush she felt when one was downed wasn't exactly a bad thing.

And it wasn't like they would end up on the bed fondling one another. So, with a few already in her system Minnie came to a silent conclusion. "Mmm, n-no. No these were made by a man in the cafeteria." The trainee nodded and then proceeded to grab the entire plate, offering one to Katherine. "They're really good!"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:49 pm
Kat glanced sideways at the plate of cookies, eying them warily. Oh yes, she had heard of all the side effects these cookies had caused after eating them. It was enough to make one extremely cautious of consuming them. No matter how good they may taste, or how good one may feel when eating them..the cleanup afterwards would not be so pleasant. No cookie would make her want to get into that sort of situation. But when Minerva convinced her these were not from the same batch that had made others go..well--bonkers, she believed she would just have to settle on this woman's words. Surely, she must be speaking the truth, right?

Hesitantly, she moved toward the plate. They did look rather appetizing..and Minerva did say they were made by a man, and not the old lady in the cafeteria. Surely, they must be okay to eat?

Mauling over the thought a little more, she finally gave in. It would be rude of her to push aside the death hunters generosity with paranoia. "All right then." She smiled weakly at the woman, not able to easily push aside her fears. Sniffing the cookie, they had quite an aroma, that made it difficult to resist. Finally, she took a bite.

"Mm! They are good!"


Tiny Bunny

THIS IS HALLOWEEN: Deus Ex Machina Training Facilities

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