The weekend trip home was supposed to be quick and easy. He wouldn't have even gone, if not for the sake of his mother. She'd been so excited to see him home so soon. He'd been gone a few weeks, and though he wrote and called regularly, it just wasn't the same. It was her birthday, and it wouldn't be the same without Jenner there, so he'd gotten permission to go home.

Really, he needed the weekend as much as she had. The two of them spent every hour together, comparing life inside and out of the academy. Already, Evangeline could see the change in her little boy. It was slight, but there. The way he carried himself, the confidence he exuded when his shadow puppets were bidden to come and play. The once restless, easily agitated Jenner seemed calmer now.

Briefly, Evangeline considered asking him to stay, but knew in her heart it wasn't in the cards. Her baby had a story of his own to play, and she couldn't be selfish any longer. The two of them caught up as much as they could in the short time, and when Jenner wasn't with Evangeline, he was in stoic silence with Louis. The two men were uncomfortable together; Louis, because he remembered so well his son's slip from a happy child to an angry, bitter teen, and Jenner, because he still couldn't find it in himself to forgive himself for the slip up, and didn't expect Louis to.

But even Louis and Jenner warmed up to one another again, and suddenly, it was Sunday and Jenner didn't want to go back. He clung to Evangeline that rainy Sunday morning, smiling in spite of the tears in his eyes and Evangeline's tears soaking his shoulder.

“I'm so proud of you, sweetheart.” He felt her mutter against his jacket. He kissed Evangeline's cheek, smiling.

“I'll be home to visit soon, Mom.” He muttered, letting go of her. “Happy birthday.” With a wave and a grin to Louis, Jenner picked his bag up and headed to the cab. The drive to the harbor was filled with silence, Jenner inside his own head as he replayed the weekend over and over. The Academy had turned out better than he'd hoped it would, and he couldn't find himself regretting going now. Sure, it had been a rough start. But things were getting better.

The Shadow Man hadn't made a single appearance. His classes were okay. He even... even had friends. It all just seemed so much better now. He jerked when the cab stopped at the harbor, and paid the fair, heading out to the barge. He saw a few kids he recognized from the Academy, but none of his friends. Still, he smiled and nodded to a few of them. A vastly different shadow-kid than his first voyage. He climbed aboard the barge, noting that a few entered hesitantly. Scared.

New kids.

He remembered that feeling, and even found it in him to move over some and let a kid sit next to him. The kid immediately launched into questions about the school, and Jenner answered them for the most part, as much as he could. The boat finally took off at half-past noon, on a steady line towards the Academy. All was well. The water swelled around them, but even in the misty rain, it was calm.

And then, suddenly, everything went to complete and utter s**t.

Something struck the side of the barge hard. It was like a whale or a torpedo or something! The whole boat was practically tipped over. A few unlucky kids fell into the water, but seemed to be relatively unharmed, if not spooked. But then it rounded back, making another strike. This time, the barge was practically split in two.

Jenner clung to the kid next to him, stumbling as their half of the boat lurched dramatically. He glanced back quickly, and picked the kid up. “You know how to swim?”

Terrified, all she could do was nod. He nodded, and threw her into the water, clinging to the rail as the barge lurched again and watching until-- There she was! Relief flooded him. Jenner looked back and forth, his eyes falling on a large shadow in the water.

Terror flooded where relief had once been. Was it going for the kids? No. No, it seemed... It seemed to aim right at him. Jenner's eyes widened, but before he could do anything to get out of the way, the shadow struck the ship.

The last thing Jenner remembered was the barge exploding under his feet, and briefly, seeing a pair of bright yellow eyes and a wide, sharp-toothed grin.

“Hey, kiddo...”

Before Jenner could fight, his mind wavered, and he slipped into unconsciousness.