Following the direction given to her by other hunters, Kat finally located the Cove. She didn't care much dark places, but if this was the only way to find her partner, then it was best she go down. Though, why would anyone be waiting for her down there? Perhaps she could ask her partner upon meeting them. Her partner..what would they be like? What kind of person would they be? Her questions would have to wait until their meeting.

Carefully moving down the steps, she stopped when she reached the bottom. The only source of light appeared to be that of a torch. Maybe they were trying to save electricity costs? Shrugging, she continued forward.

The first thing she had noticed--aside from the poor lighting--was there was an odd humming sound emitting from the room. Odd.. "Hello?" Calling out, in hopes of a reply, she was only answered with a quiet whisper that was too quiet for her to understand. "Uh..sorry, can you speak up?" Moving to the direction she was sure she had heard the whisper come from, she continued to seek it out.

The humming only grew louder as she moved towards the wall, and she was greeted with another quiet whisper. This was all getting a little too eerie her. Rubbing at her arms, Kat glanced from side to side before shifting her gaze back to the wall. " I.." Swallowing, she continued. "Am I supposed too..?" When no answer was given, she figured it wouldn't hurt to try.

Reaching for one of the tablets, she felt some sort of odd force willing her to choose this tablet. It was..something she would be unable to describe to others..but she knew this was what she was here for.

Pulling the tablet out, she examined the rune on the cool tablet in her hands. "Guns?" Confirming to herself, she nearly dropped it completely when the tablet began to materialize. "WHOA--what the he--" Somehow, she managed to keep hold of it, and was shocked to see that she was no longer holding a tablet, but a pair of dual handguns instead."

"Oh! How stylish!" She chirped, looking over the weapons with interest,

:Tch! Of course I am!:

"OH MY GAWD!" NOW she dropped the weapons. "Oh Lord! Dr.H was lying! I'm not sane! I'm totally insane! I'm hearing voices! Guns are talking to me! M-maybe its a bad dream..!" She paused before slapping herself on the cheeks. "Wake up, wake up!"

:Insensitive b***h! Pick me up! How dare you leave me on the floor!:


:"IT?" HOW DARE YOU! I can't believe I picked you! Geez! Partners are so unreliable..and stupid.:

Taking a moment inhale, she held her breath a moment before exhaling. "What..? my partner..? Really?"

The weapon scoffed. :"This"? Show some respect, woman! I am Xedis! The only thing that will be saving your a** in battle.:

This..this weapon was really her partner? "Huh.." Looking over the weapons again, she regained her posture. "You're not what I was expecting."

:And what was it you were expecting?:

She shrugged. "Some one tall, dark handsome, someone to hold me in his arms~" She joked. "Looks like I'll be doing the holding!" Snickering, she tossed one of the guns up and down.

:You b***h!:

"Now now!" She grinned. "We should be getting along now, don't you think? I mean..we are partners after all, aren't we?"

:Unfortunately..Is it too late to go back and choose another candidate? One who is actually worth of wielding someone as great as me?:

"Great is it? To be kind of look like a Halloween item."


"Oh no! Don't take offense over it! I personally love Halloween! All the candy, people dressing up--"

:Please stop talking.:

"--OH! And the parties! Gotta love the parties!"

:Anytime now..:

"Kind of sucks that I'm too old to go out trick-or-treating now. My most favorite thing about it was--"

:OH SHUT THE JACK UP! Honestly! Your chatter is grating on my nerves! Do all women talk as much as you, or am I just privileged to be burdened with this constant headache?:

Staring at Xedis for a moment, she finally managed to answer. "Is that a trick question?"

:This girl..:

Aiming the weapons, she hoped to get a feeling for the guns since, well..she had never held a gun before in her life. This would be interesting. "So--do we get to go out and do some target practice or something? Gotta make sure your know..faulty."

:"Faulty"!? As opposed to you, who is a greenhorn! I bet you don't even know how to use a weapon!:


:You..Hahahaha! This is--OH JACK! You really don't know how to use a gun!?:

"Well its not like I needed to before this." Mock shooting targets, she grinned to herself before looking back down at Xedis in her hands. "I think I like this!" did I get stuck with you? What did I do to deserve this!?:

Snorting at the weapons comment, she merely answered with, "You chose me." before examining the guns again.

:Don't remind me..:

Once finished, she pointed towards the stairs. "Well! Shall we?"

:UH--I think your forgetting something..:

"Oh really? What?"

:What am I supposed to call you? I don't think you want to be called idiot for the rest of your life. However, it suits you quite well.:

"OH! Riiight! My bad! The coffee, you know..makes me a little wired."


"I'm Kat."