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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:51 pm
In light of all the recovery the students had to go through from such a stressful trip, Mortimer decided that he would take a little walk around the campus. While not needing to breathe, "getting some fresh air" still could apply when his mind still jumbled up all of what had happened. Plus, he felt that his minipets should be allowed to see outside his room! Of the couple of non-fish ones he had, it was not hard to decide which would come with him.

Brian, watch fishies," Mort told the ever-scowling dragie, whose response was to snort. Mort never knew if that was good or bad, but he had been drained by Brian's constant bad temper, and he knew that his other two pets were as well; it would be a reprieve for them all.

With Mimi riding on the inside of his shirt collar (her upper half poking out), Daisy perched atop his head, and a sketchbook in hand, the zombie shuffled his way outside. There was a pleasant breeze that tickled his hair, and the kushi-kushi chirruped as Mort found a place to lay down.

He would draw in a bit. for now, Mimi and Daisy used his stomach as a playground and began to sniff, scuttle, and otherwise enjoy themselves.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:12 pm
The atmosphere around the school didn't escape Tsetsiliya's notice. The happenings of the field trip hung heavily around campus, and the ghoul almost felt ashamed that she was not as.. for lack of a better word, traumatized as some of her peers. It could be because much of her memory from meeting the fu dog spirits with her team until she had arrived back home was a haze (she vaguely remembered some round, ghost-like things), but nonetheless she did not know what to do other than make herself available should anyone need her. The field trip before this had left her in such a state; it was only right that she offer comfort to those who needed a friend.

... Not that anybody had come calling for her help, however. So really, that just left her with open afternoons where she was left to her own devices. Today being such a day, she headed out with the basket tucked into the crook of her arm and the notion to get herself some new plants. This time her celestial wolf Casimir accompanied her; the poor thing had not been out on a nice walk in a while. The wolf's enthusiasm was apparent, and it romped ahead of her happily. The ghoul smiled and stifled a giggle - good Jack did it feel good to smile when everything had been so gloomy. However, Casimir's ears perked and he suddenly shifted directions, heading towards a large expanse of grass.

"Casimir?" Tsetsiliya called, and when the wolf did not return right away, the ghoul picked up the pace and jogged to catch up. It was as she approached that she noticed another presence near her wolf - oh my, a boil was lying down here! "O-Oh! I am very sorry. I hope he is not startling you!" The ghoul blushed as she made it to Casimir, resting a small palm on his head. The wolf, for his part, ignored his owner's apprehension and instead watched the boil's minipets with interest, tail wagging behind him.

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:02 pm
It was Daisy first who noticed the approaching wolf, and she alerted the pigimp with a squeak and gesture of her stubby paws. Mimi froze at the sight of it, and it was only at the kushi-kushi's tugging insistence that she found her legs again to hide behind Mort's body. The two peaked warily from above the zombie's stomach at the tail-wagging-possible-predator.

Mort, for all his effort, just turned his head to the side and looked up. "Mrr?" he grunted, blinking. A blushing ghoul was at his side now, along with her minipet. "Oh! Hai der."

Mort sat up, and his minies continued to tremble behind him even as he gave the new pair a smile. "Is outside for niceness? Good breeze, cold." There was a distinct different in their clothes: one punkish and less than dressed for the coming winter, one rather old-fashioned and sepia-colored. His eyes fell on the celestial wolf before he glanced at his cowering minipets. "Is okay, they nice!"

Neither Mimi nor Daisy looked reassured.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:40 pm
"H-Hello!" Tsetsiliya chirped as the boil rolled over to address her. The hand that rested on Casimir's head started scratching the wolf's ears without her really thinking about it, and instead she kept her focus on the undead watching her from the grass. "T-to be honest, cold is not my favorite.. but it is still being a nice enough day for a walk." And the poludnica never wasted a good opportunity for some fresh air. As her new companion's panicked minis scrambled around, the smile twitched into one that seemed less nervous.

"I am hoping I have not disturbed you.. you looked to be napping." She readjusted the basket in the crook of her arm, before suddenly blushing again. "O-oh, I have not introduced! Uhm, my name is Tsetsiliya." She held her free hand out to the boil. "This is Casimir." With a nod of her head, she indicated the wolf. Oh, first meetings were always so nerve-wracking, but truthfully she had been getting better. "Are you being new to the school? I am not remembering seeing you before.." The poludnica thought hard for a moment, but she did not know very many undead students very well, and those she did know of were moreso passing acquaintances. But she gladly welcomed this possible opportunity to meet someone new.

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:47 pm
Napping? "Naaah. Not need sleep, is undead," he replied cheerily. Sure, most of that time that could be spent sleeping was devoted to video games and Groanspring exploration, but at least Mort kept himself busy.

You know what else would keep him busy? Her name. owo;;; How did - what did it start - how could she spell - sldfklskdfnalkfnla. He couldn't seem to move past it for quite a handful of seconds, an awkward tongue and half-stitched lips not helping in the least.

"Setsi . . . Tetya . . . Zisili . . . Sitle . . . Gaaaaaaah." DDX He must have looked so stupid, fumbling like that! "Be there easy name than that? Is Mortimer, but Mort is short - and new-ish, yiss. Like two week old new. You?"

It was then that he actually noticed her offered hand, and with a little too quick of a movement (as if afraid to leave her hanging), he took it and shook.

Meanwhile, his minies still watched with wide-eyed little faces. Daisy's nose twitched.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:42 pm
Tsetsiliya's smile waned into a smaller, more sympathetic expression when poor Mort struggled with her name. It was definitely a scene that was very familiar, and sometimes she disliked that her name gave others such a hard time. "I-If it is a little too long, you are being welcome to call me 'Tset' if that is easy.." Oh, why did her father have to be so traditional with the long Slavic names? "Or anything you like! My name is not easy.. I apologize.." Her cheeks colored, but she was left little time to fluster as the boil hurried to return her handshake and introduce himself. Her smile returned a little more fully.

"O-Oh, it is nice to meet you, Mort! So you are very new to Amityville?" Her eyes wandered to the grass near him, and hoping it wasn't too presumptuous of her, she tucked her skirt under her and sat down next to the zombie. Casimir, for his part, continued to watch Mort's minis with curiosity as he curled up next to the ghoul - why, his master did not have minis this small! Fascinating!

"I am a second year student.. b-but only very recently." Tsetsiliya tucked the basket in the crook of her crossed legs, her fingers tapping the handle. "How are you liking Amityville? Are you seeing all of it yet?" She had once played guide to another wayward undead in his first wanderings around campus - it only made sense to offer the same service again!

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:39 am
He tried the nickname out. "Zet. Tiset. Tset. Tseeeeet." A bit wavery, but it'd have to do. He'd probably already gotten her self-conscious about her name; and after his time with Chuppi, Mort didn't want to make a habit of making faux pas that had ghouls blushing with embarrassment or mortification. Speaking of -

"Why every ghoul so pretty here? Makes sad to be awkward with."

. . . Wait, that was supposed to be a thought, not a sentence.


Mort facepalmed, not caring that his glasses got smudged in the process. "N-Not meant that - but d-did - b-b-but not l-loud with hearing - Mrrrrrrrrrr."

Deep breath. Deep sigh. His hand slid down to pull up the corner of his shirt up, wiping his glasses as cleanly as they could (which is to say maybe a 45% good job). Slipping them back on, he sheepishly turned back to Tset (looking more at her feet), scratching the back of his neck. "S-Sorry. Not think when speaking sometimes. A-Already bad talking without more. Okay. Um. K-Kinda very new, yis. Do like Amity, b-but not seen all yet."

More to keep the conversation going than out of actual curiosity, Mort shifted his gaze to the basket. "What for?" he asked, gesturing to it with a twitchy hand.

In the meanwhile, Daisy had coaxed Mimi to come along with her to investigate this new minipet. The pigimp lagged behind, but the kushi kushi weaved her way around the zombie's body, peering around his back at the curled wolf.

ovo Sloooooowly she began to move forward, nose twitching.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:45 pm

Wait a minute.

Did Mort just call her pretty? Tsetsiliya blushed to the roots and averted her gaze, peering back at him out of the corner of her eye. Oh, now the poor boil was embarrassed! Why had she reacted like that? It was a compliment! She should not have made him feel embarrassed about saying it! With a quick shake of the head, she held up a hand and presented a smile in an effort to put poor Mort at ease. Too bad she couldn't calm her blush.

"N-No no, it is.. it is okay, really!" The extended hand automatically reached for her chain belt and fumbled with the sickle charm, already sliding back into old habits she was hoping to break. She fitfully made herself stop, instead placing both hands firmly onto the handle of the basket and turned to keep eye contact with Mort, although he was now averting his gaze to the grass. She felt a swell of sympathy for the boil, and her blush slowly faded as he instead turned the conversation to her basket.

"O-Oh, this is my plant sample basket." The poludnica lifted it a little. "I use it for gathering interesting plants and replanting them in my dorm. I-I am a gardening fan, a little." The blush returned a little, and she stood up. "A-ah, would you like to accompany me? I am free to give you a tour of Amityville, for places you are not seeing yet!" Hopefully by doing that, they would both find some form of benefit - Mort gets a tour, she would find new plants, and both would have a conversation partner!

Casimir, who had been very intently watching the small mini creep towards him, cocked his ears. His nose softly sniffed and he nudged forward just a little, aiming to touch noses with the kushi. When his master stirred and stood, the celestial wolf turned his gaze. More walking? His tail wagged.

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:17 pm
She liked plants too? It was like his meeting with Belladonna, but with less boobs, blonde hair, and a funny way of speaking. Then again, who was he to judge, Mr. Stutter-Fragment-English-Ruiner? She had an accent to excuse herself.

For the most part, Mortimer just nodded to her answers and questions, stitched lips tight with chagrin. Such a dolt! Weren't people supposed to be in control of their brains? Not that his was sentient or anything, but it was the center of his FEAR generations - and that meant electricity and thought processes. Which meant random shocks if he wasn't careful. Which meant mishaps like this would happen because he couldn't think proper.


"W-Would like, yis," the zombie replied mildly. Maybe if he didn't talk for a bit he could actually put thoughts together and be in control.

As Mort stood up and began to brush himself off, Daisy chirruped and poked her little nose to the celestial wolf's larger one. Clearly this meant he was a good guy! She signaled Mimi to come on over and, without further ado, decided it was a great idea to climb up on top and hitch a free ride on this walk.

Mimi didn't get a choice in the matter, as Mort plucked her up and let her settle on his shoulder, chuckling at the adventurous kushi-kushi. "Daisy likes r-rides," he explained. "Likes sleep in hood, c-comes along with me."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:34 am
Casimir allowed the kushi to climb aboard, ears still perked curiously and tail wagging. Tsetsiliya giggled and watched Mort pick up the other mini and place her on his shoulders. She smiled. "Casimir is coming out with me more often as of late, but my fey dragon Lucja also likes riding on my shoulders." As she began to walk, she reached a tentative finger towards the mini on Mort's shoulder.

"So, where have you seen so far?" The poludnica started basically; best to start this way and discuss what he has seen, rather than rattle off a list of places. That much could come next. Her mind also touched on the subject of the field trip, but she wasn't sure if it'd be a sensitive subject or not for Mort. And truthfully, with how fuzzy she was on some of the details, perhaps it was best not to ask too many questions about that.

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:11 am
Mimi watched the approaching finger carefully, her snout twitching as she took in the ghoul's scent. Was she safe? She seemed okay. Was she okay? She was reddy in the face, but Master didn't seem afraid. The pigimp touched Tset's finger with her snout and grunted softly, a higher pitch than if she had been a boil. Mortimer grinned. "Have m-more in room. Didi, Fifi, fish, Brian. B-Brian's grumpy."

That was an understatement.

"Have been, um . . . Different outside, n-near forest. Saw monster dorms n' library. N' maul." Putting it like that, it didn't seem like he had seen much!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:10 pm
Tsetsiliya's lips twitched into a smile when Mimi nosed her finger, and nodded when Mort listed off his minis. "I am liking their names." They were very cute names, and thinking on her own minis.. she blushed again. All Slavic-sounding names. Perhaps she was as much a traditionalist as her father was at times. "I-I also have more in my room.. Lucja, Sabina, Jerzy, Malina.. and Casimir, here." She scratched the celestial wolf on the neck, wanting to avoid the head where Daisy was riding. "My Lucja is also grumpy, a little bit." Protective was probably a better word to use.

However as the subject turned towards where Mort had been, the ghoul brightened. "Oh, I am happy to show you the demon dorms sometimes, i-if you like." That could likely end out the tour. "O-or we are seeing the greenhouse too, maybe. Although we cannot go in without the professor.." At least, she was fairly certain they couldn't, anyway. Scratching her head, she really didn't know where to show him first. But as they walked, her eye trailed to a lovely bundle of white, fuzzy blossoms growing just up ahead, near the edge of the path.

Oh my, she had not seen these here before!

However, the ghoul hesitated - she had a guest she was escorting, after all. "I-I, uhm.. may we deviate, a little?" Her gaze flickered to the flowers, but she returned them quickly to Mort. She did not want to be rude!

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:02 am
Such funny names, he had to admit! And here he thought Herryk's babies' names were strange . . . Still, Mort nodded as Tset named them off, wondering if perhaps he should start looking up more exotic names for his future minipet acquirements; Jack knew he was always going to have a handful in his room. Silence just didn't work for him!

The demon dorms being the end was very workable, as he had yet to approach the gates. Mostly because he had no reason to - Tsetsiliya was the first demon he had met personally and not in a group. "S-Sound good," he said with another nod, wondering how fancy the inside of the three-story building was. "About dorm, yiss. M-Maybe show room i-if want?" Mort wasn't sure about this "greenhouse place" - him and nature weren't best of buddies, and while walking amongst the gardens and forest could garner some peaceful feelings, he still was a very tech-oriented boil. Also, sentient plants didn't seem to like him. Probably the rotting flesh smell part.

Mort's thoughts broke up when the ghoul gestured to some flowers just a little off their path. "Yiss yiss, c-can," he told her, blinking. Tset was very much breaking the mold of what he thought a demon would be like - she was almost like a mixture of Chuppi and Belladonna, shy yet sweet with a love for things she could plant in the ground. But with horns.

In fact, this was a little bizarre enough for Mort to voice it. "Um . . . why n-no ordering around?" the zombie asked, scratching his head. "Is w-with smelly zombie."
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:25 pm
"T-Thank you!" Tsetsiliya beamed and immediately was on her knees to scoop out the flowers. Eager hands dug into the soil to extract the small white flowers, careful of the fragile roots. What a find; she had not seen edelweiss flowers in quite a while! "And I will be happy to show you my room.. so long as you are not minding a warmer atmosphere." The thought actually excited her, since she had not had someone visit her in her dorm room before. Already being a second year, that made her feel kind of sad.

As the conversation shifted, Tsetsiliya paused, and her gaze traveled from the flowers in her hand back to Mort's face. She had only met with the issue a couple of times, and only in passing. She shifted uncomfortably in her crouched position and distractedly toyed with the picked flowers in her hands.

"I.. am not really seeing the point of doing that," the ghoul said at length. "Even if I am a demon, why would I do something that was done to me?" She stuffed the flowers into the basket a little unceremoniously and stood up, brushing the dirt from her knees and hands. "It.. it is not feeling nice. And I do not want to do that to someone else." The days at Madam Morrigan's was something she did not want to touch on often, if at all - it felt so far away, but she wasn't quite ready to believe it was over. There were times she still felt defensive around others, scared that it might happen again, but at the very least she knew that she could never be the kind of person her tormentors were. Instead, Tsetsiliya smiled at Mort. "A-And you are not smelling that bad! I have gone to bogs that were very worse." Which was true - oh, how her mother had scolded her severely after she tromped home as a young scareling caked in mud.

It was then that she noticed the sketchbook in Mort's hands, and perhaps to distract from the uncomfortable conversation a moment before, she indicated it with a free hand as they continued walking. "What are you carrying?"

alpha lyrae

Friendly Conversationalist


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:24 am
Something . . . that was done to her? owo Mortimer couldn't imagine how demons took it. Probably to a whole new level. But Tset looked so sweet, why would anyone - ah, but it's always the sweet, meek ones. For a moment Mort frowned, a nerve touched, and this look went from directly at the ghoul to the flowers she fiddled with. They looked delicate, fuzzy even . . .

Hmmm. Still frowning, he bent over and snatched a couple of flowers from the field as well. Perhaps if he tried a flower collection, he would not smell so bad? Or at least mask it? Mort let Mimi kept one of the stems in her mouth while he examined it up close for a moment. "What flower this? I-Is pretty . . ."

Mimi had to poke him with her snout to get her master to notice Tset asking about his journal. "Mrr? Is muse pad," Mort answered, tucking it under his arm. "Use when has ideas. D-Doodle. Write. Whichever." It was also the book where he wrote down his Boob Meter information and where he catalogued other . . . interesting photos. "W-Was using to think of new persona t'day. F-For, um, roleplay."


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