“There comes a time in every wrestler’s…in every MAN’S life…when he has to sit himself down, take a good, long look himself in the mirror, and ask himself, and I mean REALLY ask himself possibly the hardest question he’ll ever have to answer: Is it time? Is it time to walk away? Is it time to hang up the boots? Is it time to cut your losses? Is it time to…retire…?”

Mike pauses as he runs his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath as he struggled to continue.

“My name is Evan Michael Landry. Son of Mike and Sheryl Landry, nephew to Dr. Jerry Graham. Father of Matthias Landry. I’m a cancer survivor, born in Seattle, Washington. I had a 2.55 GPA at Kentwood High School and am a Psychology graduate at University of Colorado Denver. I’ve performed in two productions of “A Midsummer’s Night Dream,” and did stand-up comedy for a brief period.

I debuted in the WTF/FFA Alliance in 2003, I’ve worked for countless companies since then, and I’m a 25-time Champion in professional wrestling. I’ve been a superhero, a biker, a bad guy and a good guy. I’ve been the devil and I’ve been the savior.

I’ve won a multitude of awards from my peers for my work, and I’ve allowed myself to be publicly assaulted and even branded by the people I’ve hurt in order to gain some measure of redemption.

I’ve done radio, I’ve done internet webcasts, and I’ve traveled around the world. I’ve broken records and set records that have yet to be broken to this date. I’ve made great enemies and greater friends, betrayed a few and regret it every day. I’ve made enough money in this business to retire three times over…I’ve accomplished nearly everything I’ve set out to accomplish in this business…

…And tomorrow…if I was asked to push the reset button on my life and do it all again…I’d change a lot, but I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”

Landry began to tear up as he relived his entire life and career in the manner of minutes, but he whipped it away because he wasn’t done just yet.

“I say this because I value honesty, and at the Royal Rumble…I put my career on the line against Chrono Clepsydra in order to get custody of my son Matthias…The Royal Rumble…that’s one event I’ve never won. And if I walked in there and tossed out every single competitor in that match by myself from 1 to 42, or however many men step into that ring…it wouldn’t mean a damn thing if I lost the Casket Match to Chrono, because I’d be done. There would be no title shot at Wrestlemania, no more shots period. I’d be done, my entire career would be whipped away in an instant if I laid down in that casket and let him shut the door on me. And so I tell you all of this, the secrets and details about my life, because if I’m gone by the Royal Rumble, I would want you fans, the fans I have left, to know who Mike Landry was. Because this legacy I’ve left behind me…it may be all I have left once all is said and done.”

Landry paused again and looked down at his feet, taking several deep breaths as the reality of this situation was growing heavier and heavier, weighing down upon him and visually aging him to a noticeable degree.

“And so, I come back to the question. The hardest question every man has to ask himself: Is it time? Well that’s just the thing. I don’t get to ask that question. I don’t get to make that decision because at the Royal Rumble, me and Chrono Clepsydra lock it up one more time…and we make that decision together by pitting our wills against each other in one more match. At the Royal Rumble, Mike Landry and Chrono Clepsydra put everything on the line in a Casket Match. If I win, I get to see my son for the first time. If he wins…you never see me again…and I’ll be damned if I let that happen. I’ll be damned if he screws me like I was screwed last Sunday in the Watch Your Step match and the Cage of Death. And I’ll be DAMNED if I let that sadistic, psychopathic, sociopathic, two-timing, God-complexed, selfish, evil SONOFABITCH keep me from seeing my son! I WILL knock Chrono out. I WILL break Chrono’s legs. I WILL SHUT THAT DAMN CASKET ON HIS HEAD, NAIL IT SHUT, LIGHT IT ON FIRE AND SEND THAT b*****d DOWN TO HELL! I am Mike Landry! I am the father of Matthias! And I WILL win him back! Now look in to my eyes…and tell me I’m lying!”

Landry stared at the camera as his music began to play, a look up utter and pure determination etched across it. Nothing else was on his mind but revenge, and that was exactly what he planned to gain come Sunday. The camera faded to black and went to commercial, leaving Landry to exit the stage to allow the show to continue.