The WWFG Undisputed Champion and Best in the World Champion, Chrono Clepsydra could be seen talking on the phone as the pre show to the PPV was about to end. "That's right, that's exactly what I'm paying you two to do. No, I know I can beat him, this is just an insurance policy for later tonight.. Yeah.. That's right. You'll know when the time is right."

Chrono said as he hung up the phone and then looked at the camera.
"Tonight, I'm going to do something a little different from my character. Back in the day Landry used to rap, for the life of me I thought it was retarded, the person who invented it, and the genre itself. After all, the dictionary describes rap music as a genre of noise developed by the mentally challenged in an attempt to produce lyrical prose. In an essence, retards attempting poetry. But I'm going to use this 'noise' to mock Landry, quite simply to rub his face in it. That's right I'm going to go down to his level and lower my intellect for the sake of oneupsmanship. "

Chrono said with a smirk as he then grabbed his best in the world title, and placed it his shoulder, sunglasses on his face and a mic in his hand.

"I'm gonna defeat you Landry , break your leg off
Crack open your glass jaw, using a barrage of buzzsaw.. kicks
and my knee when I blast off!
Lift you off of the ground, You bounce.. So look at you now
Throwing a kick like a cruise missle at your chest
There you lay.. BROKEN DOWN!
Break my foot off in your a**, make it so you can't even dash
You're slower than Kal in the past and Imma rip you in half
Best in the world, cuz I pick it up
Make you wear a paper bag when I beat you
because you'll be beaten as ********? Sorry dude. But this ain't no make believe yo
You're lucky you're surviving in WWEVO
and got top ranked Oh wait.. NO
Get beaten to death, I bloody you next
I killed Harli because he didn't cut me a check
I got so much in my revenue stream
So much it's unbelieve. Like a Gyarados hyper beam
My divinity's individually, interjected with synergy
There's a reason why, unless you're Kelly King
People Call you free
So what happened is your spine gone?
It's clear see, the win goes to me,
Now the pain's on, where's Stone or Bain to save you now huh?
I get paid in Cash, yen and Euros, smack a Tauros in the forest
I'm your top fear. So elite, and I ain't gonna stop here
Dodging your every shot because beating you is so simple
You're a joke, every time you talk I hear a drum cymbal
Defeat you in ten seconds with 84 lethal combinations
You're like a human sized cell phone
can I send Layla a text message?
When you look at me, you know I'm your doom
The thought of me probably made you soil your room
Your personality's like donkey or is a boob?
So what the hell do you do?
Your haircut is s**t and your attire is terrible.
None of your moves are even comparable
You're just basic, let's face it
I'm a case of aces, I'm the staple G.O.D
You get exposed and raped with
I'm god like in ability, so much live you ain't killing me
Now everyone is feeling me, In the words of Thor
I just smited thee..

Chrono smirked as he raised his championship up as the opening to Survivor of the Cage began..