Hi, my name is Jeffery Lincoln

But I mostly go by Jeff

I'm a male if you hadn't noticed.

I'm 18 years old.

My birthday is March 3rd

My dream job is magizoologist

My blood status is Pure blood

The house I'm in is Ravenclaw

I'm interested in girls

I'm currently with Amelia Scott

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm a genius, very clever, and a bit of ladies man. I'm more then willing to stand up for what I believe in and it argue my point. I've got my nose stuck in a book.

My background story is nothing of much interest. I was born and didn't do much until I went to Hogwarts except prove how smart I was. I was put into Ravenclaw, no surprise there, and I started dating Amelia in our four year. I wooed her pretty good if I do say so.

I enjoy reading, being with friends, helping my parents, the snow, animals, proving people wrong

I despise hot places, divination, quidditch, being proved wrong,

I'm afraid of being helpless

My strengths are school work and debating

My flaws are flaws? what flaws? Okay so maybe I'm a little full of myself and I argue deabte a lot.

I look like this.

My wand is a mahogany with a puffskein hair core.

My pet is just an owl