Chander really couldn't say that he missed his pride. But he could say that he missed the companionship. He had met many pleasant females on his travels.
Of course by pleasant, they had offered him a certain.. enjoyable service. He hadn't wanted to leave a one of them, but the one he really liked had a female
mate, and that had amused him. He certainly couldn't get in the way of something so beautiful right? With a chuckle at the thought he let his tail sway around his
legs. He was a bigger lion, taller than most. But he was lean, and lacked the bulk most taller lions carried.

The nighttime had fallen quickly, and the moon seemed to dance along his back. That was something that just didn't look as beautiful away from home. The moon. He had
come from a pride that had worshipped the moon.. and here it just seemed to lack luster. With a sigh he looked back down.

He supposed it didn't matter. Who really needed a moon anyway?

Ru glanced up at the moon. There was more than enough light for him to see by as he made his way back to the viking band he was out reaving with. Vol had figured out that Ru wasn't one for sleeping at night anyway and so he had seen to it that Ru had the late watches most nights. He wasn't the Captain - that was a lion named Nordik - but the Captain did listen to him about most things.

The sound of a sigh came to him on the wind and for a moment Ru wondered if it was the wind itself he was hearing, or someone actually sighing. He looked upwind and sniffed with almost comical delicacy, attempting to discern the scent of someone from among the other scents the breeze carried. There!

"Do you have a death wish?" he asked as he began walking in that direction, assuming his question would be heard.

He hadn't caught sight of the ebony lion, due to him being pretty much a shadow against the earth. Chander however, happened to stand out like a sore thumb in the darkness. His bright yellow pelt showing up in the darkness like a beacon. He had always joked he might as well have neon lights around him.

But he had heard something. The male wasnt close, but he heard him. Flicking an ear he stepped towards the sound. He didn't see the other, but he was on guard now. Keeping a keen eye out to make sure no one could sneak up on him. His nose sniffing the air.

"Are you sneaking?" He asked, waiting for an answer. Maybe that would give him better indicationw here this other was.

"If I was sneaking, I'd hardly be talking to you, would I?" Ru pointed out, continuing to approach.

At this point he could see the pale yellow coat of a lion older than himself and larger, but in a lean, lanky way. He had no doubts he could take him if it came to a fight, but he really wasn't looking for a fight at this very moment. Right now he was just patroling and keeping watch. He was allowed to warn people off, rather than destroy them. It was really up to his discretion. Destroying people tended to be noisier, which would wake up the other Reavers, and he figured he could avoid that.

"I hope you don't think you're sneaking," Ru remarked as he continued to draw nearer. At this distance he could see the older lion's black dorsal stripe and black mane clearly. So he wasn't just yellow.

With a laugh he shook his head. He could now see the adolescent coming closer, and he could tell he was a good bit smaller than himself. Yet still he had muscle mass that almost matched Chander, and he happened to be so much younger!

"I don't sneak. Against my beliefs..and all that." He said with a roll of his shoulders that equated a shrug. He really hadn't been looking to meet anyone. Least of all a male with a 'tude issue. But he wasnt going to point it out. At least not right now.

"You make a very good point, though. I guess someone sneaking wouldnt be telling me about it." He replied. He was trying to hold up a pleasant conversation, unaware of who this male was, he was unaware that this male was the last lion in the world to hold pleasant conversation.

"Your beliefs forbid sneaking?" Ru asked skeptically. Whatever beliefs this lion held to, Ru knew for a fact he wanted no part of them. They sounded ghastly stupid.

"Unless, of course, he knew he was so good at sneaking that you'd never spot him, even if he was carrying on a conversation with you," Ru suggested. He wasn't that arrogant. Kazul had a half-brother who might have been able to manage that level of stealth, but he wasn't arrogant enough to try.

"But to return to my original point, this isn't really a safe place to be this evening."

"I mostly meant Im far too big, and too lazy, to try sneaking much. But the fact that you can, is rather interesting." He chuckled, and looked at the male again. "Ah yes, but lets hope I dont run into someone like that. Id like by tricked by such conversation."

He said and nodded. He raised an eyebrow at the male and cocked his head.
"That so? Why is that?"

Ru was not impressed by a lion who called himself big and lazy. Even if it was true, it was just stupid to call attention to your own faults. Let someone else discover them, if they were able, and then deal with those consequences like a lion, and not like a coward. To Ru, admitting to being big and lazy was a form of cowardice. It was like saying, "I'm making fun of me, so please don't you do it, too." In a different mood, Ru would have pushed to see if he could provoke a fight, just because.

"I don't think there's much danger of that," Ru said, looking around disdainfully. His own band was hardly quiet and he knew well that any lions in the area were solitary rogues, more likely to avoid confrontation than start it by sneaking up on a person.

"The danger comes from the group I'm with," Ru continued, answering the yellow lion's question. "Warriors all, and in search of Thralls - slaves, some might say. But that's if they don't just kill you. Better to steer clear of them."

"So you are with a group, that would either enslave or kill me. Why is it then, that youre warning me? Not that Im not appreciative of the fact." Truth was, Chander wasn;t the type to listen to the threats of youngsters.. But this male looked serious and it caused him to second think about his idea of staying just to irritate the boy.

He wasnt sure if that was his queue to leave, so instead he decided to push a little bit further.

"So..Am I supposed to leave now..or..?" He teased.

"I'm warning you because my watch is almost over and I don't feel like dealing with the hassle of being woken up just when I'm falling asleep because one of my brothers found you and decided to capture or kill you."

And that really was most of it. Ru wasn't a terrifically good lion. He wasn't actually a bad lion or an evil one, but he had a pretty good instinct for self-preservation, all things considered, and he really did like his sleep once he finally was able to sleep. Being woken for anything short of a threat to his life was likely to end badly for whoever was responsible.

"I would leave if I were you," Ru said. "But it's up to you. I'm going back to my group to trade watches."

"I shall leave then. Thanks though, man. I appreciate the concern." He said, and he turned to leave. He hadn't minded meeting the boy though he got the feeling it wasnt mutual. He didn't mind. Most didnt really like meeting him anyways, he wasnt what you would call.. a modest, charming lion.

"Enjoy your group. And.. don't forget me." He grinned with a wink, before taking off. He had been teasing but he didn't want the other to grow offended. No, he just wanted to tease something! He was bored and needed to get his rocks off somehow.