It was a nice, pleasant day for the pride. The sun wasn't too hot, and a cool breeze stirred the treetops of the forest just below, brushing along paws and dancing through fur as if to coax the lions on the mountains to play. But there was one particularly lioness who would have none of it.

Vrai'coeur, a young Costumer, had taken it upon herself that day to make something very special for her beloved mate. She had been gathering scraps of fur for weeks, careful to ensure the colors always matched perfectly, for the project. And today she had finally found that last flawless scrap of pure, untainted white to put the finishing touches on the item. All she needed to do was to put it in place and carefully stitch it together, preferably uninterrupted.

He was in the gifting mood it seemed, as he found himself once again in the district of the costumers in hopes of finding his son. But his son hadn't been there yet again, leaving him to wonder if everything was okay with his boy... He had heard of the news of Daizee, and he was hoping that Mauwi didn't take that too hard. But now he was going to go home it seemed... Until he thought of something else he could try to get. He had always had an issue with dropping flowers he picked for Melda when he hunted... He needed a way to stop that. Looking around he noticed not many were in their shops. Though he saw one, and he grinned.


Vrai very nearly jumped when she heard the other lion speak, and once she realized she had company, she scrambled to push the fluffy wrap she'd been making for Ame to the side. She bit back a curse when she noticed a fluffy feather starting to peak out of a stitch, but she ignored it for now. Her tail flicked briefly as she shifted a bit, rolling the stiffness out of her shoulders and ensuring that the mane she wore was still settled properly on her neck.

Only once she was certain she was presentable did she finally turn to regard the lion, her lips twitching upwards in a half-smile. Male. Think male. Don't act feminine, don't let him too close.

"Hey there. Can I help you with something?"

He chuckled, and watched as the bright male seemed to shove something to the side. He peered to look, but when he came forward he obstructed his view and he was left looking at him. He squinted a bit at his bright pelt, but it was much like his own. He nodded his head in greeting and tried to look formal. Even if he was only middle class... He was to make his family look respectful.

"I'm looking for something for myself. Something to hold the flowers I pick my lovely every day. You think you can help me?" He asked, cocking his head.

Vrai was careful to listen to the male's request, and she couldn't hide the way her lips twitched at the mention of picking flowers. Likely for a female he was courting, or perhaps for a mate he already had. She nodded her head lightly, frowning when a tuft of fur from the fake mane fell into her eyes. She was quick to coax it back into place with a toss of her head, turning to poke through the various bags and purses she'd already made.

"Of course I can help you. Do you have a preference for size or style?"

"Something manly. Nothing pink and flowery." He said in a jesting manner before grinning at him and standing up a little taller. He was of the middle class but he still didn't believe in lowering yourself because of a prides standards. So he continued to think he and his family were special, even if they really weren't. And he'd never argue such a fact.

"I just am tired of dropping them all over the damn place." He chuckled.

"Do I honestly look like the type to foist something pink and flowery on you?"

Vrai scoffed softly and returned to glancing through her bags, nosing aside some of the smaller pouches and ignoring the brighter furred pouches. After a moment she spotted something perfect, grabbing it and moving to present it before the lion. It was a rather simple dark leather bag with a large flap held closed by a carefully shaped claw she'd nabbed from Ame. Certainly not feminine, but not too bold or bright either. It was simple and understated, without being too plain or ugly. Perfect.

"How's this?"

Misri shrugged. Giving a grin, he gave a look that said it wasn't all that an outrageous idea. It had been suggested many times. Mostly people making fun of him for his bright pelt.

He looked over that dark bag, pierced with a claw that held it closed. It was a beautiful piece of work and he grinned as he looked it over.

"Why I think that is simply perfect."

Vrai chuckled softly and delicatel y folded her paws beneath her, lowering herself to the ground and curling her tail around her haunches. As soon as she'd settled onto the ground she winced, chastising herself briefly. That had been far too feminine... Surely the male would notice now! She had to resist the urge to shake her head, briefly coiling her claws into the earth beneath her. Deep breaths. There was still a chance that he hadn't noticed. And no matter the odds, she would be willing to bet on it.

"I'm glad you like it. Now if that's all..."

He looked over the male and raised his eyebrow. How odd for a male to behave in such a way. Though he shrugged it off, wondering if maybe it was just the way he was. Maybe he liked other boys, who knew. He didn't really want to ask.

"That is indeed. What do I owe you, sir." He said, raising an eyebrow.

Vrai did her best not to look too relieved when the male didn't push the rather obviously feminine movement, letting a low rumble build in her throat. She glanced him over briefly, looking for any signs of his place in the pride. He certainly didn't have the paws for a Costumer or Tinker, and he didn't look the type to be an Artisan or a Player either. He didn't have the telltale feather of a Merchant nor did she remember seeing him teaching any of the pride's youths. That only left either an Attendant or a Hunter. She nodded to herself briefly, her decision made.

"Just bring me the fur from one of your next kills and we'll call it even."

"Deal." He said with a smile, and bowed his head. "Thank you sir, you've been a pleasure to meet." And with that he turned to saunter back towards the den, flipping the satchel over his neck. He was quite proud of his new artifact. He'd have to make sure the pelt was a good one.