Day 2 Plot Updates:

-Wrath notices the wormhole they were to go through, his teleporter on his wrist started acting up.

-As the station goes into the wormhole, zeal's machine accidentally pulls wrath into their part of the castle.

-during that time calm had taken over the space station by force and changed the set-up of the ball room, thus causing tension between her and anger, with patience caught in the middle.

-Wrath ends up showing back up, but who came with him? It appears that sloth had came through the portal with wrath.

-Sloth starts to make the crew lazy, Kindness tries to help her out and chat.

-Sloth stayed until patience decides to mention that sloth loves zeal. At that time sloth asks to go back.

-Wrath yells at sloth before reluctantly sending sloth back.