This is to all the people who still go on!(:

Eh, I stopped going on for a while...but, now I'm back! Anyways, eh, I wrote this story of Ikuto and won't be on my fanfiction user yet, but I'm posting it here. (x



Unexpected Affection
by iMightBeYourDad


Unknowingly, she entirely disregarded the low, gentle voice that reached out to her over the disturbing sound of the students babbling away in their groups about the topics each of them had been assigned. She shifted her uncomfortable position, pressing her forehead against the cool desk with her arms framing her unbearably heavy head. She felt her consciousness slipping farther away from her grasp, but abruptly the same person who had called her earlier repeated her name more firmly and nudged her a bit too harshly.

Leisurely, her honey brown orbs opened and glowed with the tint of shine they always had. Her mind started to gradually clear and the weight of her heavy eyelids began to lighten, her thoughts blurry and having no purpose, consequence or memory. It was rising out of that perfect moment which had been the hard part.

As soon as the absentmindedness subsided, the pinkette let out a soft sight and lazily gazed around, before her eyes met with the person on her right side who had woke her up. She slightly glared at the blond, currently hating him for requiring her to awake from something so right-she couldn't remember the last time she had such a nice nap like that.

"Nice of you to join us, Miss. Hinamori," The teacher at the front of the desk commented in that husky, smooth tone which captured a great deal of essences which she had always found quite attractive.

She fought the urge to blush when all eyes were on her as she nodded slowly, disliking the fact that every single person in the classroom had their attention directed at her. She then turned in her seat to face the blond, forcing a smile onto her void expression when he handed her a packet of multiple papers stapled together.

"Thanks, Tadase." She said, glancing at the teacher every now and then as she began the assignment, though she was completely unsure on what they were supposed to be doing. She examined the front page, and frowned when it had no explanation on what it was that had to be done. She hesitantly raised her hand, and after a few seconds, the teacher lifted an eyebrow but instructed her to ask her partner whatever it was that she had a question about.

She scowled. "But Tsukiyomi-sensei, you're the teacher, so why can't you explain what the assignment is?" Her eyes narrowed when he chuckled wholeheartedly at her inquiry and her cheeks flushed scarlet red.

"Of course you wouldn't know since you were asleep." He stated, but his statement wasn't meant to be insulting, just truthful. "Alright, I guess I can help you." He approached her desk and ordered Tadase to begin a rough draft with the notes he had gathered from his lecture while he crouched beside her. "So, Amu, while you were sleeping," Her glare went unnoticed by him when he mentioned her being asleep. "I told the students to take notes on what I spoke about and start an outline from what they had collected."

Her eyes wandered to his face and she again noticed how good-looking he was. He was really muscular, so well-built. And those azure locks which appeared so silky-she wondered if they were really as soft as they looked. She admired his deep, midnight blue eyes as they skimmed through the pages while he underlined sentences he found important.

"So, ask Tadase if you can share notes with him and begin your own five hundred word essay, got it?"

Her silence was enough affirmation he needed to know that she hadn't paid attention to a single thing he had said. He sighed heavily, rubbing at his forehead in irritation before he placed the packet in front of her. "Miss Hinamori, I think it's best that you come to my class after school so I can properly teach you what to do because it is important you do this major grade. It will count as much as a test does."

Her eyes widened at his words. "A-A test grade?"

The skin around his eyes crinkled as he smiled reassuringly at her. "Yes, now please see me after school ends if you decide that this class actually matters to you and passing is what you desire."

She nodded comfortingly and averted her gaze to Tadase when the teacher returned to the white board and neatly printed helpful suggestions in bright red marker.

"So, Tadase, uhm, could you explain to me on what I'm supposed to do?" She asked.

He grinned kindly and scooted his desk closer to hers. "I'd be delighted to, Hinamori-san."

"Amu, just call me Amu."

Tadase awkwardly said her first name only. "Amu…oh, just Amu is fine?"

Nodding, she placed her elbows onto the desk and entwined her fingers under her chin, as class went on and time passed by painstaking unhurriedly. She distantly listened to her partner, wishing she was elsewhere just as much as Tsukiyomi looked like he wanted the same. When Tadase finally finished his detailed explanation, (as if on cue) the bell rang, dismissing all the students, and the class quickly emptied out.

Amu was last to leave. She gathered her things belatedly, just barely noticing that class was over, and before she could make it out the door, Tsukiyomi-sensei's voice was heard right behind her, next to the door.

"Amu, I need to have a word with you. Would you mind going to class late?"

The serious tone caused her to consider answering 'no' but she then realized that her next class was Geometry and she drew a compete sketch in her mind on where each choice would take her and how it would end. After a lengthy minute, she shook her head tentatively and tightly clenched her fists as she replied. "No…I wouldn't mind."

"Please have a seat."

She quickly seated herself at the closest chair and expected the worst-a long speech about her failing grade, or maybe he would request a conference, or maybe scheduling her with someone for tutoring or-

She was unable to finish all the possibilities which could occur.

He removed his large, rectangular glasses he would occasionally wear when teaching and leaned against the table beside her. "Amu, you're a great student and a very talented, smart, beautiful young lady, but I would prefer you listening to what I say at least once in a while. Your grade is slipping, and it's because of your lack of attention."

Her gaze uncontrollably landed on him, utterly captivated. She attempted to look elsewhere, but her stupid stare wouldn't move. She then decided on closing her eyes, and that's exactly what she did, but her stupid, handsome teacher told her to open her eyes when he spoke with her or else he would believe that she was sleeping. I'm doing this for your sake, she screamed inside her head and parted her lips to say it out loud, but he cut her off, as if he knew what she was going to say and was purposely preventing her from doing so.

"If your grades lower anymore, I may think of switching you to Nikaidou's class."

Her eyes widened and she recalled seeing the clumsy man in the hallways at the beginning of the year. She had heard rumors about him being an easy going person but his tests were usually about things he never even taught. She frowned, she couldn't fail this class, she was in her junior year and it was the most important to her.

She nodded. "I understand."

He ruffled her exquisite, bright pink tresses and smiled charmingly. "I'll always be there to help you, Amu. Ask for assistance whenever you need it." He momentarily left her to retrieve something from his desk, and when he returned a small, neon green slip was in his grip. "Here's a late excuse. Be on your way now."

"Ah, of course," She felt her fingers brush against his palm and her cheeks burned, but to her relief it went unnoticed by him and if it didn't, she was grateful that he hadn't commented on it. Without another word, she exited his classroom, a shiver running down her spine at the odd feel of his eyes following her until she was outside and away from his gaze.

She sauntered down the quiet, deserted hallways. The sound of her light footsteps seemed to echo in the silence and she rashly quickened her pace. When she arrived in front of her fifth period, she hesitantly placed her hand on the sliding door, and mustered the will to not consider skipping. She always loathed being late because whenever she was, everyone's concentration would suddenly be on her and even after she was seated many would still be watching her as if she were different.

Before she could make up her mind, the door was tugged to the side and she blinked in surprise when a short blond walked passed her with a mocking grin on her lips as she fingered her long curls she possessed. She ignored her soft voice as she giggled at her timing. "Late, again from Tsukiyomi's class, hmm?" She questioned as she turned toward the direction of the girl's bathroom, but it was already rather clear she wasn't interested in an answer.

"Shut up." She said through gritted teeth and entered the classroom. She was instantly glared at from her teacher who was currently jotting pages from the orange math book in her grip onto the white board that stretched across the entire front wall. Amu tightened her secure clutch on the lime colored note and approached her, ignoring everyone's eyes.

"And what is your reason for being late this time, Miss Hinamori Amu?" The violet haired woman rudely asked, dropping the book onto her table and placing her left hand on her hip, suspiciously narrowing her eyes on her.

Amu fought the itch to berate her with a glare of her own and extended her arm out, slowly unfolding her hand and revealing the little slip. "I have an excuse, Ms. Sanjou."She politely informed and let the woman snatch the note away from her hold.

She swiftly read the paper and crumpled it in her grasp, quickly disposing of it in the trash can beside her feet. "Okay, please have a seat at your assigned table and review your homework with your partners."

The pinkette stiffly moved toward her seat and shoved her hand into her backpack, then later realizing she had never even done her homework. She cursed under her breath and looked over at her partners. The first to react was the auburn haired boy, who chuckled at her flustered expression.

"Yo, Hinamori."

"I'm not in the mood for any of your teasing, Kukai." She tiredly warned, frowning slightly as she averted her gaze to Ms. Sanjou who was bickering away with another teacher that had just entered the room to deliver a copy of some test which they were supposed to be reviewing. She soothingly massaged at her forehead as she glanced at the smart person in their group. "What's up with your sister, anyway?"

Kairi poked his note out of the math book he was studying and scratched at his dark green locks in annoyance. "She and Nikaidou-san broke up yesterday because he said at the moment teaching was his main priority."

Amu raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Really?"

He nodded and resumed with his studying.

At that moment, in walked her blond best friend and she handed Ms. Sanjou a stack of copies she had made in the copy room, then seating herself beside Amu eagerly. "Amu, I heard you're attracted to my brother from Rima, is that true?"

Her eyes widened in betrayal and before she was able to protest, Ms. Sanjou slammed her fist onto the desk in front of her at the exact instant the other teacher left and she glared at the student who had just entered. "Miss Utau! I order you to take your original seat on the table across! You may have conversations with your crush and your troublesome best friend later!"

Utau's cheeks blazed as she headed toward her assigned table with three people who she didn't even know but disliked anyway. "H-He isn't my crush, damn it!" She angrily stuttered as Kukai laughed at her dishonesty. Utau banged her head against the desk and hid her face under her arms in embarrassment until Rima returned from the bathroom.

Rima gave Utau a puzzled expression when she noticed she was blushing and settled herself on the chair next to Amu. "What's up with Utau?" She lightly whispered so none of the neighboring groups could hear.

"Everyone knows she likes Kukai." She sighed and glanced over at the auburn-haired boy. "How come you haven't asked her out yet?" She harshly demanded in a soft voice.

He shrugged his shoulders and gazed out of the window uninterestedly at the cloudless sight. "I don't know. It's kinda complicated." He answered truthfully.

"You're making this too much of a big deal. I say you just tell her you like her too and then date." Kairi stated matter-of-factly and immediately continued with his reading.

Rima and Amu nodded in agreement.

Kukai scowled at the two. "I'll do that once you," He pointed to Amu and smirked. "…confess you like Tsukiyomi-sensei and tell him how you feel. And Rima has to do the same with Nagihiko."

They both blushed red and Rima glared heatedly at Kukai. "I don't like that stupid person!" She declared, and everyone gave her weird looks. She ignored the kind grin her purple-haired crush gave her from another table and walked out with the rest of the class at the sound of the bell.

"Somebody's in denial." Kukai commented as he followed the crowd until they were in the packed hallways.

"Just like you are, quit being so shy and get with her!" Amu shouted, giving him a gentle push toward the timid blond who felt out of place as she awkwardly leaned against her locker. Kukai went to Utau's side and smoothly placed his arm around her waist, causing her cheeks to redden.

Amu smiled at Utau and Kukai as they had a short conversation before she twisted on her heels to face the direction of her next class. She gradually walked through the crowds of students rushing to their next class and separated from them when she entered another part of the large building where all the elective classes were. She stared at her Advance Computer Class's door, detesting the fact none of her friend's had this boring period with her.

She seated herself all the way in the back where she normally sat and began the work they were given to do. After ten minutes of rereading the unclear instructions Mr. Amakawa had given them on his class website. She clicked everything shut and pulled out her phone at the feeling of a vibrate in her pocket, eyeing the message Utau had sent her.

From: Utau
See you soon.(;
June 22, 2:36 P.M.

She frowned, what did she mean when she said 'see you soon'? She sighed and didn't bother replying, she wasn't going to risk getting caught. Amu tucked her electronic into her jean's back pocket and jerked her head up when a familiar, whiny voice was heard up ahead at the front of the room.

"Have a seat in the back besides Hinamori. Hinamori, raise your hand."

And that's exactly what she did.

Utau glared at the teacher. "I don't need her to raise her hand. She's my best friend and the only one with pink hair." She replied as she approached the empty seat beside the pinkette.

"What are you doing here?" Amu questioned, unable to cloak the contentment in her voice.

She smiled lopsidedly. "My teacher told me to stop bothering her and go to the class next door, so, here I am." She answered, examining her magenta nails and belatedly realizing that the radiant color was beginning to fade.

For a while, the only sound was of the wind outside, rustling through the trees. But, slowly, Utau met her with a curious expression, and she pondered for a moment afterward asking her a question, something which Amu clearly didn't want to answer.

"Do you like my brother?"

The rosy blush on her cheeks was masked when her bangs fell over her face. "Of course not, that's disgusting. He's my teacher, Utau!" She whispered loudly, though to her pleasure no one had heard. She wondered when she had started to look differently at him; maybe it was that time when he had first smiled at her since she was a new transfer student to his class. She couldn't seem to remember.

But, she was of no concern to him. She was another girl who developed feelings for him. He was too busy to be interested in someone like her, especially because she was his student. She was only a normal girl-he probably had hundreds of beautiful, sophisticated, curvy, willing women, unlike her; a teenager. She desperately felt out of place, she couldn't compete with any of them. She pressed the yearn back to ask Utau what kind of women he was interested in and how he was like, but somehow it escaped her lips.

"Utau…what kind of women is Tsukiyomi-sensei into?" She sheepishly questioned, instantly regretting for even thinking of such an inappropriate thing.

The blond laughed, directing a daring grin at her. "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

She stayed silent for a moment, wondering how she would approach him for such a thing.

Once school would be over she could head over to his classroom, but not ask immediately. She would be there so he could help her like he had promised, and maybe after spending time together during that meeting, he would loosen up and she could carelessly ask him questions such as that while he would carelessly answer them honestly.

It had turned out that Amu Hinamori was the only one Mr. Tsukiyomi had requested to see after school, but on the same day all her friends who had the same teacher came to his class for review since the assignment was a major grade. She sighed in frustration when she stepped into the classroom and spotted Rima, Nagihiko, Utau, Kukai, Kairi and Yaya.

She seated herself at the far end of the class, away from her friends who were gossiping about stupid stuff when Mr. Tsukiyomi disappeared for a couple minutes to retrieve something from the main office. She fished in her backpack until she found the packet she had received today and attempted to remember what Tadase had told her.

"Hey, Amu," Rima called.

She ignored the petite blond as a devilish look suddenly spread across her face. Nagihiko blinked, unsure of why arrogance had claimed the teen's features and scooted away from her to a desk closer to Amu.

Amu was well aware that soon everyone would be sitting next to her, surrounding her as they asked her countless questions about her crush on her English teacher. She glared at the packet on her table. Rima had promised to keep it a secret, but of course, she didn't. She sighed heavily again, rubbing at her forehead which suddenly ached agonizingly.

Their voices were suddenly louder as they took guesses at his age and what his life was like, but Utau only laughed because she already knew all of that.

"I think he's twenty five and is single. He has one night stands daily and is a flirt. He probably lives in some one bedroom apartment and I think he might have a cat, maybe." Rima guessed, tapping at her chin. "What about you, Kukai?"

He grinned for no apparent reason and shrugged his shoulder. "I have no idea."

Rima frowned. "There is no wrong answer, you know. Just say what you think."

"Hm, well, I think he probably lives in a nice house in a peaceful neighborhood. He has sex with his wife or girlfriend everyday-that would explain why he always looks so exhausted in the mornings. And also, I think he has a dog, too. No wait, he looks more like a cat guy." He imagined what he had said so far and nodded to himself. "Yup, a kitty person, indeed," He paused to glance at the green-haired boy who was reading a large book. "What's your guess, Kairi?"

Kairi smiled crookedly, and for some reason it looked rather out of place. He pushed his glasses higher on his nose and shut the book gradually. "I believe that he is married, has a couple of kids-maybe two or three. And he's faithful as his wife is and they have a few pets…a dog, and a cat, and maybe some fishes. I know I am correct. Well, if that was all…" He never completed his sentence and he resumed with his reading.

"Yaya, what do you think?" Rima questioned, eyeing the childish orange-maimed girl who was noisily licking a colorful lollipop. "Do you have any idea how Mr. Tsukiyomi is?"

Yaya took a large bite out of the candy and shook her head. "Yaya thinks he has a cat…that's it."

They all looked at her with a puzzled look. "A cat?" Rima repeated, unsure if she had even heard right.

She nodded eagerly. "Of course, what else did you think I said, silly?"

Rima smacked her forehead and then turned to Amu, ignoring her crush who was glancing at her in amusement. "Amu,"

The ends of Amu's lip tugged downward into a sour expression as she gave up on studying and joined in the pointless conversation. "I think…I think Tsukiyomi-sensei is single and he plays with girl's heart. He's probably surrounded by tons of girls every night and he lives by himself. I don't think he has any pets and...yeah." She hesitantly said, staring at the door expectantly.

Nagihiko glanced at Rima, beginning his guess even though no one had asked. "He's single. He is some sort of organized kind of guy and grades school work in a coffee shop. He has had relationships, but they always seem to go wrong for him and he dislikes the idea of dating, now."

Yaya suddenly quit trying to fit the entire lollipop into her mouth and piped in. "Hm, Yaya thinks he has a girlfriend and a new born baby, maybe that's why he always looks so sleepy."

"I have an idea." Rima suddenly said with an excited smile. "So, let's all bet, okay?" She didn't wait for everyone to agree and went onward. "Everyone puts in fifty and whoever is right will get all the money." They agreed and she twirled her curls around a slender finger. "Wait, but how do we find out?"

Kukai shrugged distantly, gazing outside the window as a breeze swept. "It's Friday tomorrow, right? So, we have no studying on that day and no extra classes. Someone will follow him. I think that'll be best to figure out just exactly what he does."

Everyone nodded in agreement and they all placed their hands on top of each other's and said they were in, including Amu.

At that exact moment, Mr. Tsukiyomi returned with a cup of coffee in his hand-he had ended up going to the teacher's cafeteria instead, Amu concluded. He began to help everyone separately, giving them advice on how to start their rough draft and Nagihiko softly commented that he couldn't be the one to follow him.

"I have to be somewhere on Friday." He stated.

Rima gasped lightly. "Damn, I forgot, I have to be going to some stupid wedding with my annoying parents."

Utau smiled sheepishly at Kukai. "Kukai asked me on a date," She shyly recalled.

Amu sighed, how had she not seen this coming? Of course everyone would suddenly back out and make up excuses about not going, the only one who still hadn't said anything was Yaya, but she was positive she wouldn't be able to. Yaya had to babysit her little brother so now Amu was the only one who was free and had no plans.

"I guess it's me." She sighed when they were outside of his classroom and they all exited through the main gates of the school. They were all silent until Kairi rubbed at the bridge of his nose. "You know Amu, this is just a suggestion but…I think you should try to be a little discreet about this. His kids or wife might see you and you'll be responsible for separating a happy family."

"You mean his girlfriend with the newborn baby," Yaya correctly stubbornly.

"Or, he might notice you while he's drinking coffee and correcting papers." Nagihiko stated.

"Whatever, either way be sure you're hidden." Kairi reminded.

Utau laughed. "How is she supposed to be hidden? She has pinkhair and that is very uncommon."

"Oh, shut up you guys. I am well aware of my hair color and I will have no problem staying out of sight. Goodbye, now." And with that she stiffly turned away and marched down bumpy hills which lead to the path of her house.


Yeah, that isn't the whole thing, but all of it will be posted on iMightBeYourDad in eleven days. [August Twenty First Twenty Eleven]

Eh, I'm done. Hit me up with a message if you want to talk(: Thanks for your time, goodbye! xD
