Hi, my name is
Nyurion Airnight

I'm a

I am a

I'm 16 years old.

People say that, in a nutshell, I'm
far too curious about things. Both in the forest, outside the forest, and of the other creatures I encounter. I love to learn and can be a bit naive. I'm told it's because I am so young but I don't know. I can be skiddish though at times when I"m around those I don't know, even fellow centaurs But I am very proud. I also won't deny I have a bit of temper.

My background story is
simple enough for one so young. I live in a heard in northern France. Together with several of my friends I often explored our land without a care in the world. When I was very young I once saw a group of strangers in the forest. I couldn't figure out what they were doing. It wasn't till my brother came along and told me that it's called dancing. Since then I've always referred to humans as dancers. Don't make fun of me for that.

A few years ago our land was threatened by a group of dancers. My tribe fought them as much as we could. My brother was killed and I ended up badly injured. I wear my scar with pride though. It wasn't looking good until a lone woman came to us. She said she had purchased the land and would protect it for us. Our tribe was skeptic for a while but the chief agreed for a while. She seems to be very close with the chieftains son. I rather like Ms. Evernight. She came to see me while I was still healing from the attack.

Recently I decided I wanted to go visit her. After all she is away for so long and I can't help but wonder what she does. Do not ask me how I got to England and therefore the Forbidden Forest. After all we centaur's have a lot of secrets.

I enjoy
-Sugar cubs
-Being in the forest. Its so different from my own
-Leaning new things

I despise
-Being startled
-Getting my tail tangled
-Being around large groups of dancers
-Older Stallions, they're so damn grumpy.

I look like this young stallion

Oh yes, there's something else I need to tell you!
I am a very good shot with my bow. Be careful should you cross me. I will not hesitant to shot you.