Nailah was busy preening herself at the oasis edge. My she had grown into such a pretty lioness. She took a paw and pushed her hair away from her blueish eyes. She liked looking into her own eyes. And her tail, well that was just as pretty. She seamed to be the only one in her family with such rich stripes. Not that she was full of herself of anything- even if she was. She didn’t want to admit it to anyone. She just hated feeling vain sometimes, like it made her feel guilty that she had gotten some gift that the rest of her siblings didn’t. She shook her head. ‘Oh my those were just horrible thoughts’. Then her eyes went right back to her reflection like glue. SHE couldn’t help it if she was pretty.


    Ani padded along quickly, legs working as her heart pounded with nerves--she loved Nailah, she was her sister, but...sometimes they didn't see eye-to-eye. And okay, maybe she was worried about Nai hitting on her newfound...crush. She eyed Kaume and cleared her throat. "Um, just warning you. My sister's a little odd," she said with a nervous smile, butterflies in her stomach. "She should be up here..." And there she was. Ani spotted the black, white and red lioness with ease. "Hello, Nailah," she said softly, her voice gentle.


Kaume nodded and with a low whisper, “I’m beginning to see that everyone in your family is a bit odd.” He hoped that she knew that he was implying that she was the only normal one.

Nailah picked herself up from the side of the pool and with very flirtatious movements swished her body towards the pair. “Oh my what a lovely toy you have brought back from the desert my dear sister!” She seamed to be overjoyed with the look of Kaume and did circles around him flicking her tail tip all over his body. “He’s quite handsome.” She didn’t understand that Anippe had brought him home for ANIPPE to date and not Nailah. Not that she didn’t think her sister couldn’t get a fine catch- but she was full of herself. And Kaume was a spectacular prize for one such as her. As she finished her circle she gave Anippe a warm greeting. She loved her sister as much as she seamed to talk about herself. She then whispered low, ‘Does he do any tricks?’ She giggled at her ever amused with the handsome boy toy.


    Ani smiled shyly at Kaume, pushing against him a little. "They are, I'm afraid," she grinned. "But hey, you don't know: I could still be an assassin," she teased gently, nipping his cheek before turning to Nailah. She didn't flinch at the 'dear' sister thing...but her ears did flick back, tail twitching as her sister looked up Kaume like he was prey. She felt a low growl rumble up her throat. "No, he doesn't do tricks," she said a little peevishly, stepping forwards when Nailah got too close, pushing into her sister. "Behave. This is Kaume. He is my..." She'd told Daddy he was a friend, but if she said that to Nailah, Nai would assume he was free game. "Suitor," she finished. "Kau, my little sister, Nailah." She glanced between them a little nervously.


The sides of his mouth slunk to the sides as the rest of her body. She was disappointed to say the least that she couldn’t have found him first. “Well…” She choked out. “Suitor?” Her stripped tail wrapped firmly around her legs. “So that means you have more? Or is he the only one?” She tried to see next to Kaume then behind him. At least she would be able to catch the overflow if there was more then one of them. That’s what suitor meant to her anyway, a man that MIGHT potentially become her mate. It still meant she had a chance with him- he wasn’t MARRIED to him after all. He just had to get him alone…and he was done. Her mind then spun about- wait this is your sister your talking about…let HER be happy with HER man. She frowned again. “To be honest love…if you weren’t related I would steal him right out from under you…but I love you too much…” She was confident she could do it too.

    Anippe paused, pulling her ears back as she watched Kaume for signs of disguntlement. "No. He's the only one, Nai," she said softly, feeling her sister's downright diappointment, her anger ebbing away. She counted the stripes on Nailah's tail then, her beautiful tail...a tail that Ani definitely envied. Then she eyed Kaume's stripes... Would their cubs have striped tails? Nailah's voice jerked her back out of her reverie, and her eyes narrowed. "Well...I'm glad that you love me, sister," she said with a small smile, tempted to put a paw in Nai's perfect mane. "But I's Kaume's choice. Who he wants to end up with." That hurt to say. Ouch. Stung deep...strangely, she already considered the big pink male hers.


Nailah’s ears flashed forward again as she looked up at her sister feeling her long hair. “It is pretty isn’t it?” She seamed to move her body and sashayed her hips once again. She was right it was his choice who he was with. Again he was only a suitor. She looked at her sister- she really didn’t want to disappoint her, but LORD the boy was handsome. She crept up as close as her sister would allow and thrush out her chest making it quite noticeable to him. “Dear boy- I’m so glad your going to make my sister ever so happy.”


Kaume’s eyelid twitched ever so slightly. He was loyal he was true. He was not going to look at her sister as much as she was trying to get her too. “And I am too.” He chirped out like a mute speaking his first words. He tried to take a step back so that he could hide behind Anippe. She never mentioned her family was mentally and certifiably insane. ‘Note to self…make sure house is far away from family.’ “I’m sure you’ll find a nice mate Nailah…you are a pretty girl after all.”


    Ani nearly groaned at the way her sister tried to throw herself at Kaume. And poor Kaume... She almost laughed at the absurdity of the situation. Nai needed to find a boy who would pamper her senseless and not care that she was a vain lunatic. She grinned as Kaume spoke. Oh, she loved him right then and there. "I think Kau's right, Nai. You'll find your Prince Charming," she smiled, then turned to Kaume. Her tail flicked down his side as she sidestepped towards him. "You...wanna break from meeting anyone else?" The night was nearly upon them... "I could show you where we could sleep? And then, in the morning, I can show you my favorite Spot where I sing and greet the dawn?"


“As long as nobody else from the family is there I am more then up for it.” He laughed just out of earshot of Nailah who was still trying to make herself all the more attractive to Kaume. “I’m kinda worried what your sister would do IF she did get a mate…I mean sure she’s pretty…but he better tell her every moment of the day or he’s bound to loose something or someTHINGS. That makes me more the glad I’m YOUR mate and not HERS. Then again I‘m slowly believing you about that assassin thing seeing your family.” He seamed to tighten his back legs at the thought of an angry Nailah. “Lets go enjoy the peace while we have it. I just have this feeling come dawn everyone related to you is going to be at our door asking when the cubs are coming.” He took another few large pawsteps back from Nailah. That woman was crazy too.


    Anippe swatted at him playfully, ears folding back. "Aw, you're so mean," she grinned, though she kindof agreed. Nai...would need a very special mate. "I don't think she would actually hurt anyone...physically. Emotionally she could cripple." She winced, then shook her head, bangs falling into her eyes. "Alright," she smiled, leading the way. At his words, she laughed. "Aww, don't sound so down, Kau. I told Daddy...he'll take it slow." I hope. "So we're free to be as lazy in love as we wanna be. We won't have cubs until we're both ready. Okay?" She tipped her head to the side. They reached a small pad of ground right under the billowing moon. Slowly, she lay down, then touched the spot beside her shyly. "I'm not asking for anything but your...companionship in sleep."


He giggled, “Well I could have been worse…I could have played into her fantasy then broke her heart telling her you’re the only woman for me. Which is true. You’re the only one that I want.” He plopped himself on the ground. Lounging was one of his favorite pastimes- and presentimes. “Now tell me Anippe…how LARGE is your family? I’d like to prepare for tomorrow.” He gave a solemn chuckle and plopped his head down on his large forpaws.


    She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Well I'm glad you didn't," she said softly, meeting his eyes before he sprawled next to her, though they didn't touch. She lay there, tail flicking idly as he lay his head down. "Pretty big?" She grinned a little sheepishly. "Um... A few of my siblings don't live here among this pride. But most do. I've got..." She tried, and then failed, to count them. She blushed. "Alot. Too many for you to ever remember. Heck, I barely remember them... But tomorrow we'll meet Shani--don't give me that look, she's sane!--and her cubs. I adore them, they're sooo cute." She wiggled closer until she could feel his warmth.