Even full-grown, the lioness was small. Fine-boned with a sleek coat of rust and white, Anippe's mane cascaded into soft, teal eyes that took in the surrounding area with a cub's curiosity. Her tail swished, the tip fanning the ground as she walked. Her pawsteps were fairly silent, slow but not cautious; Ani was merely taking her time. She liked days like this, when she was allowed to just...wander aimlessly. She wasn't looking for adventure, but she wasn't against meeting a new face. Still, she wouldn't leave the pride for long: her heart stayed with her family, to her loving but strict mother and the father she adored (so maybe she was a daddy's girl!). And to her sister, Shani's newborn cubs... Oh how she loved them.


Kaume was lounging in the middle of the sandy desert. He was on his back with his paws outstretched towards the sun above. He didn’t think he was going to interrupted so he didn’t care what he looked like. He butted his head against a rock quelling an itch throwing sand over himself. Oh this was the life of a bachelor. No cubs, no responsibility, his only duty was to himself. He reached out a claw towards the sun stretching his strong muscle bound limbs out. Sure he was lazy, but he kept himself in peak condition among the lounging.


    Anippe weaved back and forth, wandering, following the path that Fate took her down. And Fate...Fate must've wanted her to come this way. Sprawled lopsided and in a very...questionable position was a lion... A pink lion. Ani nearly giggled out of surprise; boys weren't pink! But this guy...he was pink. With zebra stripes. She crept a little closer, turning to a huntress on the prowl, keeping downwind of the sunbathing lion. It didn't cross her mind he might've been...well...aggressive.


His ears flicked back towards the sounds coming from the other direction. He quickly barrel rolled and found himself on all four paws. Could be something to eat. He licked his lips and lifted up his nose. He couldn’t smell her. She was moving in the other direction of the wind. That worried him. Prey animals were stupid and didn’t think of such fine details. “I know your there. Show yourself.” He said non-chalantly. He wasn’t really afraid of a fight. He was fit and up to snuff. “I have no intentions of harming you, unless you harm me.” He took his mane and shook it back and forth trying to get the grizzled sand out of his hair.


    Ani jerked to attention, muscles tensing as he lunged to his feet with the grace of a well-trained warrior. Oh my gawd, he was so big...so... She blushed. Handsome. Very handsome, even if he WAS pink. Dropping her head so her tuft of hair would cover her eyes, she crept closer. "I'm no fighter," she murmured, her voice a light, airy tune that flitted like a musical instrument. She pulled her ears back, then peered through her bangs through soulful, innocent eyes. "How'd you know I was coming?"


“Well-” he was about to lecture whomever it was on proper hunting techniques. That was until he laid eyes on her. He almost wished he hadn’t been so covered in sand at the moment. “Well…” His voice softened and he took a more brother-like tone. “I could hear you coming for one.” He took a free paw and started frantically trying to neaten himself up. Oh this was hopeless. Why of all the days he decided to take a nap in the middle of the dunes was the day he was going to get ambushed by a pretty female. “Don’t you worry. I’m not a fighter either. And I certainly don’t hurt ladies.” He smiled at her charmingly.

    She giggled softly, raising a paw to hide her blush this time at being called a lady. She shot him an ornery look. "How d'ya know I'm a lady, huh? I may be some sort of...deadly assassin..." Yeah, lame, that was the best she could come up with. With a smile, she plopped her rear gracefully down in the sand while she watched him neaten up his sandy fur. She let her eyes roam to his black-tipped paws, to the claws sheated there. "You look fine, pal. Really," she assured him with a wink. How did you even talk to a cute guy, anyway?


What a way for a guy to go if she was an assassin. Of course it was obvious she wasn’t but dying at the hands of a pretty female wasn’t a bad idea. “Well I don’t know about deadly if you are an assassin…I don’t think they are supposed to give away there position…or fraternize with the enemy.” He laughed with a low rumble from his stomach to his nape. “Then again I wonder why there is an assassin after me anyway?” He chuckled playing with her noticing her discomfort with the whole situation. He wasn’t feeling any easier about talking to her either. “I guess you foiled my plan to take over the world.” Smooth, real smooth. Flirting was just not natural to the pink oaf.


    Curling her tail around her paws, she made a deal of licking the tuft of fur for a moment, feeling strange indeed. Her eyes met his dark ones, held the gaze, pricking her ears forwards. "Well, probably not. But maybe I'm not the typical, I'm-Gonna-Kill-You-Dead assassin, hmmm?" She nearly purred, leaping nimbly to her paws, then making a circle around him, feeling her oats. "Maybe I'm here to steal your heart..." This was paired with a small girlish smirk that showed a little fang. For kicks, she tapped her tail against his muzzle and laughed.


He stopped in mid breath and his muscled froze. Oh my she had him pegged down to the roots with her touch. “Well now that your doing very well miss.” He took another long breath as his eyes stayed on her as she walked. His brain had gone numb almost as if he was an alcoholic right before they were about to pass out. He couldn’t defend that he WASN’T attracted to her. No use to beat around the bush. “Well I’ll take ye up on that offer miss…provided you promise not to break it…that and you tell me your name? I know it’s not customary for assassins to be. But I’d like to know whos running away with my heart.” He flicked his tail onto her side as she came around the back of him.