Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've gotten on due to school and family reasons.
Anyways~ Due to me not being able to get on that much in the future, I was thinking that I should probably have someone to help manage this group. So, I thought about having people just send me why they would want to be an admin in I essay-like form. (Not really an essay but like describing why you would want to be an admin)

In order to apply for being an admin for this group, you MUST send me a message.

In the message you must include/have the following:

Why you think you should be an admin
Whether or not you will be able to get on (like days and times you could get on)
Proper spelling (please include periods and try to have proper grammar)

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Do not comment in this thread.

I wish you all a good night (since it's night time where I am and I'm really not suppose to be up)

I shall pick up to three admins just in case some can not get online.

Also, if you want, you could request some other things and suggest certain things for the group.