Shinies. Only one thing on his mind, and that was it. He was on a mission to find a bit of treasure that he could steal,
and so far it was becoming annoyingly difficult. Usually it wasnt nearly this hard, but due to the clouds overhead, everyone was
hiding out within their dens. He didnt feel like it would rain though, He would have put a bet on the idea of it -not- raining.
Though the lands could have used the rain, it was completely inconvenient for him. Lions and predators were hiding out in their dens,
and the prey animals who never really had any shinies anyway, were usually trying to keep under the shade of trees.

He had been meeting a few femaleslately, and each one had interested him in some way. Though none were of any real importance other than
the ideas that he had had with them. He was a pirate, and though he tried not to be overly sexual with his thoughts half the time, he couldnt
help himself.

Usiko had found the most utterly amazing thing -- a huge pockmarked piece of sea glass in the most brilliant blue she'd ever seen. It had been on her mind all morning. Usually she would be fast asleep by now, but she kept turning the glass over in her paw, running a velvety pawpad over the scratched surface of the thick piece of glass. Usually Usiko wasn't very attracted to pretty, shiny things, but this had drawn her. She wasn't a vain girl, hell, she never worried about her outward appearance, but idly Usiko had to wonder what kind of pretty jewelry she could make from this (or have someone else make, as she wasn't entirely skilled as a crafter).

Hearing a sound, Usiko hunched protectively over her little shard of glass. No, this was HERS, and she would be damned if anyone would take it from her.

The light of the sun sparkled off the surface of the glass. He had caught the shine instantly, as that was the type of thing he looked for. This, was why he liked the sun, even if he did enjoy the rain and water. The sun brought hidden things to light.
He approached without a care, thinking maybe the piece had merely been glimmering from the grasses. But upon a closer inspection, he realized it was in the pink paw of a female. She was gorgeous, and he couldnt help but be reminded of a seashell. As soon as
his mind thought of her like a shell, he grinned. Oh yes, maybe she would be the shiny he would get today. He purred a little, and paused, looking at her with curiousity and..something else in his eyes. Though that something else was a combination of lust and

"Yo! Over there!" He called, and kept coming closer. The male had absolutely no idea what personal space was, other than sometimes he enjoyed having it.. When it came to others, they usually didnt get such a luxury from him. Usually he was right up close, close enough
for you to smell the fruit that tainted his breath (and his mind!).

"Ye be having something I want." He said, looking at the shiny, and her. He would be okay with one or the other... But that meant she'd have to give in to one or the other.
"And whichever it be, I want it back." He purred.

Ears instantly pinned back as Usiko watched the male with narrowed purple eyes. She'd come across his kind before and it had never ended well. She was a large female but slow on her feet and when she put up a fight to protect something she had in her posession (such as a nice meaty gazelle) Usiko usually got her a** handed to her. This was why she preferred to be active at night - not as many bodies out and about.

As it was, the sun was gaining height in the sky and Usiko was tired from her long night of hunting and idle traveling. Lips curled in a slight snarl as she almost doubled over her paws, hiding that precious piece of glass beneath herself.

"Well," she hissed, tail lashing in distress, "it's mine and you can't have it." Well, unless he beat her a**. That made Usiko sad. They always beat her a**.

Now Pirato wasnt a mean fellow, usually. He had a streak in him that could get there if pushed, but usually he was too drunk to care.
Well.. Being drunk now only helped fuel his desire for either the piece of glass, or herself. He was okay with either, really, so long as
he had something shiny. Even if she didnt come with him, he didnt care. Thats not what he wanted her for. He wanted no mate, he just liked

Watching her hide the piece of glass underneath herself, he approached a bit closer, his steps well thought out. He'd either have to find a
way to steal it, or make a deal with her. One or the other. But he wasnt leaving until he got something he could brag about later. He grinned,
a deviant, greedy grin that usually spread across only one side of his mouth, though today it was ear to ear.

"Aye. Well. I be taking it regardless. Best be thinking about what is more precious to ye." He nodded, and his ruby eyes met hers once more.
"C'mon. Ye could use a bit of fun, right?"

Well... sure, she could use some fun. But right now she didn't really want fun, Usiko just wanted to be left alone with her pretty glass so that she could fall asleep gently clutching it in her paws. She snorted; obviously that wasn't going to happen now, not with HIM here trying to steal her pretty glass. He did have that leering look about him, the kind that usually made Usiko want to shove a fisted paw so far down a male's throat that it came out the OTHER END but she had a feeling she could bargain with the male.

Besides, he wasn't THAT ugly.

"Well," she hedged, weeble-wobbling on the decisive edge, "I don't want to give you this piece of glass. I found it and it's mine. Maybe you can take something else." She would let him decide what he wanted. She dug around in her nest (yes, a nest made from grass and twigs -- what a weirdo) and produced a strange rock-looking thing. It was ugly and brown. "What about this?"

He merely paused, looking at her when she offered up the ugliest brown rock the male had ever seen. Seriously? She was offering him THAT? What kind of stupid lioness was this?
He comes for sparkly glass, and he was not about to leave for a brown, dull, dirt crusted rock. He shook his head as if dissappointed. He really hadnt expected -that-..
"Ye be a bit mad for offering me that, lass." He said, looking at her once more in disbelief. His eyes went to the rock, then back to her, and then the glass. No. No that just wouldnt
work. Maybe he could convince her for favors, that would have him happy and leaving her with the glass she so wanted. (He couldnt blame her! He liked the glass!)

"Ye best be giving me a better offer, before I be taking that lovely little trinket from yer paws, miss." He said with a little grin. He approached her, just a little closer. He wasnt
afraid of any females, and if a battle broke out, hed fight! (Well.. he'd steal the glass and flee but he would tell everyone he fought!)

"What else could ye do for me, pretty one?" He asked, eyeing her, though his eyes were very suggestive, especially followed by the wink he gave.

Oh, he thought it was a rock? "No, no," she stammered, flinging the brown thing in his direction, "It's giraffe poop. It's supposed to have some kind of healing properties or something, very valuable," she babbled, her eyes looking sideways. She could probably outrun him -- she could smell the berries on his breath. But still, something about this male, his persistance, it was something that she could appreciate. Even if he was a sleazebomb, that was okay. It wasn't like she would ever have to see him again after today, right?

Besides, she could keep her glass if she offered him some tail. THAT was a fair bargain in and of itself, right? Usiko thought so. Well, time to turn on the charm.

Awkwardly batting her eyes she gazed at him demurely (looking like a half-wit in the process). "Well... do you see something else --- BESIDES THE GLASS --- that you desire?"

He wanted to dodge the poop. He thought about dodging the poop. However dodging it was far harder than it had seemed. He got smacked with it in the chest, and he groaned. Looking at her and shaking his head. He wasnt sure why she had just done that, but it wasnt really the most pleasing of scents to add to his already somewhat insulting one.

"I be uninterested in your poop! I be wanting somewthing of value. Something mayhaps in the way of a.. good time."
He said with a grin, and a purr. Otherwise, he would have to take the glass, and she would just ahve to deal with it.

Usiko grunted and frowned at the dung that effortlessly bounced off of his chest. He didn't get it, that poop was rare and hard to come by. She turned her gaze back to him, eyeing him with interest. She did very much like a good time. This fellow was somewhat stinky (not in a good way) and he seemed lecherous -- just her type. She wasn't interested in a relationship -- too complicated -- and she figured she better make that clear as she could before she took one step further.

"If all you want is a good time, we can make that happen but I have to warn you, I don't want to be in a relationship with you. I'm.. I'm a love 'em and leave 'em type of girl," she purred softly, still hunched over that piece of glass. "And you can't have this glass, even after our 'good time' -- you have to promise that." She scowled. If he didn't promise, well, the deal would be off.

He nodded with a grin. He didnt want her to be mated to him, that was just stupid. He ddint want one female the rest of his life, and he never would. He chuckled, but stepped closer, ignoring the comment about the dung. He didnt want dung, he could find that on his own.

"Give me a good time, lovely, and you can keep your shiny trinket. I promise ye."
He nodded, and felt himself almost begin to drool at the thought of that little seashell being his for even just a moment.

Usiko grunted as she made room in her nest. The sun would soon set and she was interested in seeing just where the evening would take them. Not only that, but she would be able to keep her shiny and he would then leave her alone. A toss in the nest AND she got to keep her shiny? Well, that was just a perfect deal, now wasn't it? Usiko thought so. Of course, that's as far as Usiko thought. There was no worry about her future, no visions of chubby cubs waddling around. No, the connection just wasn't there for the lioness. She never was one for thinking that far ahead.

"Well, get in here," she mumbled, eyes glowing. Yes, it would be interesting to see what happened. Usiko would show him a good time, enjoy herself in the process, and keep her pretty sea glass. Where could she possibly come out the loser?