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Ming had just sent Zhong away so she could spend the day with Lin; ever since she was a cub he was her friend, well if you would call it that it was more like a voice in her head that she couldnt get rid of. It has been a long time since it was just her and Lin together. Today was going to be a day were it was just them and Ming was going to do what her sister did which Ming really never understood but today she was going to learn. She went in search of her sister she knew where she could find her she always spent her day in the same area. Thats where she would look first... the grassland.

Yue, was her morning and night.. Ever since they met, they were always together.. Playing and hunting. Always returning back to her home where Yue was always welcomed. When she talked to the plants it didnt make him run away..Things were happy. She also met a Goddess, of the greens! So today, she set out to her favorite place to gather planets to start in the path the goddess had told her. Telling Yue that she would probably be out most of the day because of it and like he always was. Never phased. Happily picking with a bright sunny day and the breeze just right. "Hmmhmmhmm" Humming away a special tune.

Ming was always so hyper and her sister so relaxed, sometimes others wondered how they were related but they were two peas in a pod. Ming ran towards the grass land with one thing in mind. It was there day together no zhong and no yue. Just sisters like the old days. Ming quickly approached the grassland. Now the challenge would be finding her sister, her colors blended in so well; howere Ming her a faint tune, she trotted to it, she knew it could only be one person. "Lin is that you~~~?"

She trotted along the sides and picked only what she thought the goddess had described to her. Healing plants, and some for cooking. Things that would make Yue happy and daddy too. The whole family was on her mind. Ears panned back as she smelled. "Aww and how are you misses lovely liliac.. wheres your daughter? is she well-"
Til she heard and was interupted by the voice of her sister. Heightining her head. With a bright smile. "Hiii Ming! Yep its me! Oh and the flowers!" She chirped and picked a liliac that was just about ready. "Mmmm sister- I haven't seen you in a while~!" Dropping her plants with a softness before walking over slowly.. But in her mind she was going fast and right up to her but that really didn't happen. It was all in her mind.

Ming was and and nuzzled her sisters neck. "I wanted to play with you today" She was always in the mood to play with anyone. But she loved playing with her siblings the most. Lin was by far the most... interesting, she always was into nature that why ming knew she could always find her here in the grassland. But only recently has she gotten more odd. She talked to the plants sometimes it worried her but Lin always seemed fine so it was alright with Ming. "What do you wanna play today, I wanna do what you wanna do" Ming's voice was bubbly and she was bouncing around with energy.

Her head bobbed up and down trying to catch up but she didn't go fast, she went ubber slow but she thought she did. "Well.." Then she turned to the plants. "Well.. I was gathering stuff for Yue so we could stuff it in his kill to make it taste better... so we can feed everyone. But... my favorite is smelling the flowers! They give off such good scents that its wonderful.." A delightful sigh with a huge smile on her face as her eyes went half lidded.. So comfortable with the idea as she took a step back. "Here.. you see. Smell these, they are white petals..their pretty." Leaning as she used all her energy to sniff it in. "Ahhhhh~~~" With a happy tone in her voice, "You try."

Ming just stared at her sister for a moment. What kind of playing was this. It wasnt fun, ming waqnted to run around and holled, but like usual her sister was the odd ball. "i...guess...i could..." Ming said as she slowly moved toward the flower. She took one look at her sister before deeply inhailing the scent of the flowers. Her sister was right the did smell delightful the aroma filled her with chill but it weas calming. "They smell wonderful" Ming said her tone was playful and chipper. A small giggle escaped her, "Is this all you do?" Ming was still hoping for some running around but she knew it probably wasnt going to happen.

"Well.. I smell them. Then the pretty ones I eat. Oh oh! And then.. I roll.. I like to roll.. then look up at the clouds." A soft smile as she giggled lightly. "But I like chasing rabbits too.. but I like smelling flowers more. And picking them and making a big bundle for pappa." Nodding happily.

Ming stared at her sister, She wasnt at all into flowers she would much rfather chase the rabbit and keep chasing it. How could her and her sister be so different. "I...I guess i can try it..." MIng said light heartedly. "How do i do it?" She was unsure what to do, would she just smell or eat the flowers and the do it or would the flowers make her do it.

Lin's ears propped up. 'How do you do it!? Smell the flowers!?' Well; she didn't want to make her sister uncomfortable so she slowly perked her head up. "It's not here." Her voice sounding slightly out of tune. "Come, on~ follow me." Then quickly she when right through a path in the garden of flowers then down in to a small little cliff dip. It was a singled out plant.. with other little picked ones around it. Lin's doing of course. "See.. if you smell that one.. then roll down the hill... The flowers will talk to you. Its a gateway! To a new world!"

Ming followed her sister, where was she going? Why was her sister being so weird. Ming felt an awkward feeling but if this is what her sister disd then she would do it too. "So all i have to do is smell it?" Ming said as she made her way to the singled out flower. She glanced at her sister before enhaling the aroma of the flower. She felt her head spin but she kept smelling till she had to take a breath. She opened her eyes and looked at her sister. She felt... Light.... Ming felt happy but in the same sense weird.

"Did yea smell it! Go on- go on!" Her tail up in the air as she wagged it.. It was the gateway to wonderland! As her sister looked as though she smelt it, she slowly came up beside her to then softly nudge her along. "See- " Then she turned around, looking up in to the gardens.. The flowers were singing now.. and oh the beautiful breeze.. Enough to knock her off her feet from leaning back so much. Thats what started her roll, and she chirped. "ROLL~ SIS ROLL~" Her voice sly as she laughed the whole way down hill.. Yes this activity others would deem funny.. or odd but she loved it. This place she called wonderland..

Ming felt relaxed and giddy, she made her way to Lin but before she could get to her Lin was rolling down the hill egging Ming on. Ming watched her sister roll. She walked to the top of the hill. She felt the air around her get lighter and she felt free. She didnt understand this sensation, she heard a noise and spun in a circle before becoming more dizzy and falling over. But she shook it off and stood looking down at her sister stepping into her rolling spot, but her paw it a slick spot and she fell and began rolling. "AHHHHHHH!" She was so lost and onfused and dizzy but she still felt free. Occasionally she heard a faint voices cheering for her calling her. Was it the flowers or Lin? She plopped need to her sister at the end of her tumble her head still spinning but she was laughing she felt all tingly.

It wasn't soon after that her sister joined her in their free-rolling actibity and when the stopped promptly at the dip of the hill below.. she smiled widely.. Funny like and looked up til her sister bumped in to her that is then pushed her lightly. "You like eeeiiitt~" She said in a slurr. Though she started to stray from these ways.. since Yue didn't like it so much but she really liked talking to the plants and trees. It was her thing. So she laid looking up at the clouds. "Wow...." Her voice was soft..

Ming flopped over onto her back and looked up at her sister, she was just a blur of tan and green. "I like it~~~" her voice was giddy and chill. Ming giggled and looked at the clouds, she felt her body shut downa and she didnt have the urge to run or play she just wanted to watch clouds.

She saw a butterfly flutter pass and she was hypnotized and watched it as it fluttered back and forth around her. She didnt even notice her sister was right next to her. She was so lost in her own mind, she began pawing at the air as she saw more butterflies flutter around her, she giggled. However there was only one butterfly ming saw so many around her. So to her sister it must look like Ming was just a retard at the moment. But perhaps this wasnt so bad maybe ming should do it once in a while for fun. it was quite relaxing she smiled and layed with his sister as she looked up at the clouds. Maybe today wasnt a bad day after all, she thought as she relaxed for once in her life.