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[PRP] I... uh... reallyreallyloveyou [Quetza and Dunia]

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:31 pm
[Quetza was looking for Dunia again, it was something normal by now.

He was actually waiting in their meeting spot, not too far away from a nice tree, plenty of holes where they had dug over time, the grass was covered in dirt. Over the years there had been many, many times where they both dug and hung out and spent time together here. Quetza loved it, but that wasn't the only thing he loved.

He had realized that over the long amount of time that he had spent with Dunia he was starting to love her, not like her, she wasn't just a friend anymore, he was starting to love her. Really starting to love her, he asked his mother what the feeling was that he felt with her and his mother could only describe it as love and Quetza knew it had to be true. He knew it would be best to tell her, she at least deserved to know that was for sure. She could at least tell him, yeah that sounded like a good idea.

Why he picked today he wasn't sure, he woke up and rushed over here, he didn't even grab a pretty rock to show her.

He was nervous, really nervous it could probably be seen. Oh, he really hoped he got here faster. He flicked his tail behind him a few times and looked around curiously. Where could she be, what was taking her so long? He was early but he still couldn't help but to feel impatient. He wanted to tell her really bad but he was hoping that she would take it well and not get upset with him, he had a feeling she might get upset with him. that would really suck if she did.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:00 pm

Dunia was covered in dirt as she padded along to their usual spot, a little bit earlier than usual as she had woken up and gotten all her digging done quicker than she'd thought, so she had time to spare. She hadn't found any pretty stones, but that wasn't really why she dug. It wasn't about rewards or anything, she was just having fun. Plus, dirt was just so fun to play with and get dirty and dusty in.

She probably should have stopped to wash off the dust, but she knew that Quetza didn't mind. She couldn't count the amount of times he'd seen her covered in mud or dust. He'd been digging with her too, and knew her messy methods of searching for things, so he wouldn't really be surprised at her showing up more brown than green.

Thinking of her best friend made her heart beat a little faster than usual, and her steps became wider as she hurried a little quicker towards their spot. It wasn't a special day, and she didn't even know if they had anything planned, but she still wanted to see him. He was her best friend, of course she'd want to see him!

Her smile was already firmly in place when she moved closer to their spot and saw a familiar figure. He was there early too! She beamed.

Quetza!” she called out to him brightly, breaking into a light jog to reach him sooner. Arriving at his side, she bumped her nose against his cheek in greeting. “You're early!” She teased, although she was early as well.


Velveteen Angel


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:39 pm
Quetza could feel his legs start to get weak as she got closer, he was happy to see her, really excited he really couldn't explain how he felt about hanging out with her today, he wasn't sure if he had even been this excited or for that matter but he knew he was going to have to tell her soon. He smiled as she got closer to him he knew it was too late yo leave, he leaned closer to her and nuzzled her sweetly trying to hide his nervousness the best he could.

"Dunia!" He called back with a chuckle, her happiness to see him made him feel a little bit at ease, but was it because he was really just a good friend? Or did she really like him? Of the nervousness was back but he knew if he acted on it it would make her think something was wrong and he didn't want to do that he calmed himself down as quickly as he possibly could.

"Oh yes!" He stumbled for his words at first because laughing again shaking his head. "Well, you see I was out and I was thinking of you and... I just felt like hanging out here." He nodded again and then chuckled slightly. "What brings you out early?"
PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:31 pm

Dunia purred at the nuzzle he gave to her in response, giggling at the call of his name. He was there early too! Did that mean that he had gotten his jobs done earlier too? She wasn't really sure what jobs he would have...or maybe he didn't have anything to do and had just come along early.

She smiled at him, an odd warmth in her chest appearing when she heard that he had been thinking about her, her ears twitching in pleased embarrassment. That warm feeling was growing more and more common around him, and she was really unsure of what it meant. It was nice though. “I finished my digging early,” she explained to him, nodding and adding, “and I missed you, so I came to see if you were around early, and you were!” She continued to tease him a bit, nudging his shoulder affectionately.

Do you have anything planned for today?” She asked. She had never really needed a plan though. She enjoyed just wandering around with him, or laying in their spot and talking.


Velveteen Angel


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:23 pm
Quetza looked at the female with the grin growing on his face even more. He was so excited to see her and he guessed it was good that he was here early. He didn't like it when she was here before him and he basically kept her waiting. It made him pretty bad and because of that he didn't like to be the one who was making her wait he felt it wasn't right and he had to be the one who was waiting, he would really rather be the one who was here first and not here.

He paused for a moment and then he leaned forward and nudged her. "I sssssee that." He chuckled with a grin on his face. He had grown to adore the look of her marching up with her paws all caked with mud and dirt.He thought that she was seriously cute and it made him happy, very happy. Then again these thoughts of how cute she was and how much he liked her wasn't helping him want to tell her that he loved her. He bit his tongue for a moment before attempting to speak but he was caught off garud by her question.

"Oh! Well hanging out with you." He grinned at her he was goig to say something else but he wasnt that sure of what to say and he knew it wasn't a good idea to procrastinate more of. He took a deep breath in before speaking to her quickly he was really hoping that what he was about to say didn't scare her away. He bit his lip before then rambling.

"Well you see... I..." He took another breath in before speaking. "I wanna tell you something Dunia and i don't want to scare you away." He huffed and then flicked his hair out of his eyes and then shook his head. "You might either like thissss and make me a verrrry happy male or you are going to get upssset and never want to see me again." He shook his head it was true but he was hoping that she was going to stay with him he was really, really hoping for that.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:28 pm

Dunia beamed at him. Ooh, she liked those days. When it was just them, hanging out with nothing planned. It might even be better than when he'd planned something for them, this way was more spontaneous and fun - and she didn't have to over-think things. It was just them. It was nice, she decided, and nudged him playfully, just before he began to ramble.

She looked worried as he rambled, confused as to why he was saying this. Oh no, she thought, eyes widening. What if he had another girlfriend? Ohno. She really hoped he didn't. Her chest felt tight at the very thought, and she felt faintly sick. Please, don't be another girlfriend, she pleaded inwardly, before forcing a smile on her face.

She put her paw over his on the ground. "Breath, Quetza!" she teased lightly, before giving him an earnest look. "Nothing you could say to me could scare me away, or make me never want to see you agai," she told him. "I care about you far too much for that." Even when he had a girlfriend, she had still missed him a lot. She'd just been upset, not angry. "Tell me," she encouraged, smiling at him, somewhat nervously.

Please, please, please don't be another girlfriend, she begged inwardly.


Velveteen Angel


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:39 pm
Quezta looked at the lioness he was seriously concerted with what she was going to say to what he was going to tell her. He was curious he wanted to know but he didn't want to say it and he knew it wasn't going to work if he didn't tell her, it really wouldn't work, he had to tell her. But what if she hated him after he told her that.

He paused and then smiled at her. She didn't want him to go anywhere that was good, and she wasn't going to go anywhere his heart was still racing he couldn't put if off and he couldn't pretend that everything was okay. if he didn't tell her she would get upset so now he was going to have to tell him. "Well..." Her started before taking a deep breath in and out before then he sat up more and then decided it would be best to try to get it out in one breath. "Well... Dunia Ireallyreallylikeyouwell..." He paused again before letting out a nervous laugh and then speaking. "ImeanIloveyou." He sighed and then looked down at his paws.

He was hoping that she would be okay with that. He wasn't sure if she was going to love him back he hoped so but he didn't want things to become awkward that was another fear of his. He really didn't want the lioness to hate him.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:41 pm

Dunia stared back at him, keeping a warm smile on her face to hopefully calm his nerves or at least make him realise that she wasn't going to yell at him about this - unless it was another girlfriend, but then she'd want to cry more than yell and she still wasn't sure exactly why that was.

Her eyes went wide as he spoke quickly, her brain taking a little while to come to understand what he'd said. He really liked her? She felt her cheeks flush beneath her fur, as her brain tried to figure out what he'd said next, before her eyes went wide as the words processed. Oh...OH! She stared at him with her mouth openly slightly.

He..he loved her? Like...love loved her? Oh...well...she paused. So he was trying to get another girlfriend...but this time...the girlfriend was her? The thought brought a grin to her face and her heart pounded twice as fast as normally. She felt like it might burst from her chest, and her eyes felt kinda damp, even if she wasn't upset about any of this.

She ducked under his chin, tucking her head beneath it and cuddling close to him. "Ireallylikeyoutoo," she said quickly into his neck, grinning. Ha, let him figure out what she'd said, like she had to with his words. For a moment, she was quiet, trying to think. She'd hated him having another girlfirned, or anything that took him away from her, and she'd wanted to cry at the idea of him getting a new one...did she? "IthinkIloveyoutoo," she blurted out, sounding nervous. This was love, wasn't it? Like...love love? She didn't know what it felt like, but she did know she didn't want to feel love for anyone who wasn't Quetza.


Velveteen Angel


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:03 pm
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in as he waited for her to answer him. But he was pleasantly surprised when he felt her cuddling against his chest. Yet he braced himself for rejection just in case it was a hidden meaning behind it. He was about to say something until he heard her way it. She liked it too? WAIT! No she loved him! This was amazing and really not what he expected. He also felt as if his heart was going to pound out of his chest. What was he supposed to do he wasn't even too sure. He paused once again before he smiled and then sat back and looked at her.

"I don't want to sssspend my life with anyone elsssse. When I was with some one else it didn't feel right." He felt like he was rambling but yet he felt like he was saying at least something right. "I really do love you Dunia." He flicked his tail behind him a few times before speaking again. "You really have my heart and I never knew of sssssome one could do that." He chuckled some before looking at her again he was glad and realived to know that he loved her back, now what though?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:08 pm
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in as he waited for her to answer him. But he was pleasantly surprised when he felt her cuddling against his chest. Yet he braced himself for rejection just in case it was a hidden meaning behind it. He was about to say something until he heard her way it. She liked it too? WAIT! No she loved him! This was amazing and really not what he expected. He also felt as if his heart was going to pound out of his chest. What was he supposed to do he wasn't even too sure. He paused once again before he smiled and then sat back and looked at her.

"I don't want to sssspend my life with anyone elsssse. When I was with some one else it didn't feel right." He felt like he was rambling but yet he felt like he was saying at least something right. "I really do love you Dunia." He flicked his tail behind him a few times before speaking again. "You really have my heart and I never knew of sssssome one could do that." He chuckled some before looking at her again he was glad and realived to know that he loved her back, now what though?


Mega Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:44 pm

Dunia felt her cheeks heat at his words, staring into his eyes with a shy smile on her face, her heart feeling like it was ready to beat straight out of her chest.

"I was so angry when you got a girlfriend, Quetza," she admitted, "I hated that I was angry at you, but...most of it was hurt, I think." She stared down at her paws. "I was hurt at the idea that someone else would be the most important person to you in your life, when you were the most important person in my life." She peered up at him. "You're still the most important person in my life, and I...don't want to be without you again."

She gave him a lopsided smile, unsure of where they stood now. Before she knew they were best friends, and that they'd always would be, but what now? "If I have your heart, and you have mine-" she looked embarrassed, but pleased to have admitted that, "- does that mean we can't live apart anymore?" It was said playfully, but she was serious. Would they still just meet up occasionally, or would they get a den? She didn't want to move in with her mum or anything, that'd be weird. The idea of them having a den, that was theirs made her excited, but she tried not to get too carried away, at least not until he had said something.

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:29 pm
Quetza looked at her and then sighed and looked down at her paws before chuckling a little, "I can't explain to you how sorry I am about that." He then laughed a little bit as he looked at her and then nodded at her. "I was starting to realize that I really liked you then and I couldn't help but to think it was wrong, I don't know it felt funny but I can say... I now want to spend forever with you." He nodded at her, it was pretty true. He moved closer to her again and then nuzzled against her and purred quietly he couldn't help it he then sat back and looked at her in the face. "You really are the most important person in my life." He said as he stared her in the eye and then grinned.

"You'll always have mine." He laughed then then pushed himself against her and purred some happy to be doing that a grin grew eve more on his face. He then nodded. "I can move in when ever you're ready or the other way around. My den isn't that big." He laughed some shaking out his mane, it was pretty true it was big enough to fit him but that was really it. He stretched his toes out and grinned once again. "This is so exciting." He purred again and moved by her side leaning into him.


Mega Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 6:51 pm

Dunia, although this was all so new, was still smiling warmly at Quetza, her...best friend and now her...mate? Maybe? She didn't know what she'd label them as but she liked the sound of Quetza being her something, just so long as he was hers. Her eyes turned a little teary, and she absently blamed the dust from the ground even though there wasn't that much around. She nuzzled into him affectionately. "I'm so glad to hear that," she told him, honestly. She had been so afraid of losing him, but now she never would. She couldn't help but grin.

She purred as he brushed against her again, and she rested against him comfortably. He was the perfect size for her, she decided, because she could rest against him comfortably without worrying about pushing him over. "I think...maybe your den?" She suggested shyly. She had never really left where her mother was, and she liked hte idea of starting a new with Quetza. "We could stay in your den, and then maybe find one of our own?"

She beamed at him, pleased that he thought so to. "Yes! It's so exciting. I can't wait." She cast him a loving look.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:29 pm
Quetza felt like everything was off of his shoulders now. He did what he had planned for a while. He did it and he was happy and he knew that he was going to be happy for the rest of his life as long as he had her. She was his best friend and his mate and he was glad to have her in his life. He leaned back into her and then chuckled once more. He then looked at her as she started to talk.

"If you would like to stay at my den until we can find our den that is just fine." He looked at her and then chuckled some. Home. He was going to find a home with her and that was just as amazing as her being his mate. They spent the night with each other before. To know that they were going to spend the night with each other every night was more than amazing. He looked at her and rubbed against her purring contemptly before speaking. "Whatever you wish to do beautiful." He chuckled and then looked toward where he came from. "You know where it is. Lead the way." He chuckled some winking at her.


Mega Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:22 pm

Dunia felt suddenly shy. Sure, she had spent the night before, but this was going to be forever - right? At least until they found a new place to sleep. She nudged him, lovingly licking his cheek before ducking her head shyly. She felt nervous, but happy. Like her heart was going to jump from her chest and she didn't care if she did, because she knew Quetza would be there to catch it.

She giggled at her sappy thoughts and looked up at him. "Let's lead the way together instead," she encouraged, pressing up against his side, prepared to walk in unison with him. She liked the idea that they started out their journey to their new home together, side-by-side, instead of one leading the other. Seemed more fair to her and it meant she didn't have to worry that he'd leave her again, because he'd by right beside her.
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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