Achal lay in the sun by the lake. it was his favorite spot in the pride where one could relax or be social. Today Achal was laid relaxing in the shade of a tree, watching the cubs of the pride play whilst their mother's chatted amongst themselves. A male or two was scattered about, but many had afternoon duties to attend to.

Achal quickly spotted one of his own in the bunch. He was off to the side of a group of others, all of them facing him. Achal frowned slightly noticing his son seemed to be a little on guard. He could tell something was not right and rose stretching quickly before heading over.

As he came closer he could hear the words of a few pesars float his way. "Go away. Leave these little banu alone. You are eunuch and no one wants to play with you."

Achal frowned deeply at the cubs words, but smiled seeing that his son seemed to hold his own, even if he did not speak to defend himself. Achal cleared his throat as he came upon the cubs immediately catching their attention.

"That is no way for one to speak to another member of the pride. He is a brother to you, as are his brothers and nephews. How would you feel if you were in his position, teased for being half lion and half leopard."

The cubs looked away shamefaced but none make a move to apologize. However, it was then Ladarius chose to speak his voice quivering slightly.

"It's okay Papa," said Ladarius so softly it was as though he had not spoken.

Achal gave the cob a very confused look, but he did not speak instead he waited for his cub to speak again.

Ladarius came forward looking at the little pesar and banus smiling in a calm and polite manner. "I know that I am infertile and it means that I can not bring more life into the pride, but I can be of use in other ways."

Ladarius looked up to Achal positively beaming, "Isn't that right Papa."

Achal could not help but be very proud of his son. It was true the males of the pride had more duties than just keeping after there harems. Achal nodded to his son smiling brightly at the boy.

"Yes Ladarius, that is correct, but do you know what those other ways are," questioned Achal watching his son with a soft curious look.

Ladarius sat back on his haunches thinking deeply. He thought he knew what those other things were but he did not want to be wrong especially with the other cubs gaping at him.

Ladarius nodded slowly looking to his Papa wondering if the lion wanted to hear them.

Achal watched his son's face, a look of uncertainty clear on the little male's face. Achal hoped that Ladarius really knew that his words were true, but the boy looked so uncertain.

Achal nearly sighed in relief as his son nodded albeit slowly and nodded for Ladarius to continue.

Ladarius looked at the other cubs and tried very hard to put on a brave face. "Well, I would do duties like you Papa. I would patrol the borders for new members and... and treats. I could help new pads joining the pride adjust to their new roles and help new members learn the pride's rules. I could do lots of things, just like my Papa does."

Ladarius' brave face was gone replaced instead with a happy proud look as the young banu smiled to him.

Ahal watched his son, his heart nearling bursting with prides at the little one's bravery and intelligence. It made him sad for a moment that it was such a pity the little male would be unable to pass on his genes. Achal sorely hoped that is did not mean he would be unable to raise cubs.

He watched his son smile clearly proud of himself and he really hoped his next statement wouldn't burt the cub's bubble.

"You forgot the one thing that you would probably be best at," he said softly.

Ladarius looked to his papa when he spoke. Confustion was written all over his face. He had no idea what he would be best at, he was only still a cub.

Cautiously he asked, "What did I forget Papa?"

Achal leaned down and nuzzled his cub, "You are not the only hybrid in this pride my son. Another duty you will be very good at is helping others like you find a true place among us and to be their friend. Don't you think so?"

Ladarius enjoyed his father's nuzzle giving a happy laugh. He nodded enthusiastically at his father, his smile back in place and his cautions resided.

"I can do that Papa. It will be a lot of fun and maybe I will be so good at it Sultan Aali will notice," he said with some pride before giving a small smirk.

"Maybe," said Achal laughing lightly. He wasn't entirely sure but he did know Ladarius' effort and sprit would be much appreciated.

"However," Achal said laughing, "I think today would be the perfect day for you to learn about patrolling." Though it was not Achal's time to patrol, knowing that others were taking their turns at guarding Achal knew it would be a good time to bond with his son.

Ladarius jumped up excitedly very happy to hear his papa's words. He looked to the other Pesars and grinned, for they looked quite jealous thinking the other male too young for such things.

Ladarius however surprised them with his next words, "Want to come?"

Ladarious looked up anxiously at his papa just as the others were doing as well. They all really wanted to go though the little Banu thought it better to disperse with polite goodbyes.

Achal nearly laughed at the little males pleading eyes and even though he wanted time to bond with his son he folded. "Go ask your parents," he said barely getting the words out before the cubs were off. He looked down to his son.

"Thank you Papa," Said Ladarius rubbing against his father's leg.

"Anything for you my son," said Achal giving his son a quick nuzzle.